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中国改革开放从特区建设到“一带一路”的实施推进,经历了设立经济特区、进一步开放沿海城市、沿江沿边和内陆省份开放、加入WTO和“一带一路”五个阶段,并表现出鲜明的特点。我国对外开放战略,具有渐进性、阶段性和互利性,对“一带一路”战略的有效实施有着重要的作用。  相似文献   
基于2001年至2009年A股市场的数据,本文检验了Peress(2010)提出的产品市场势力降低股票市场异质信念水平的推断,并分析了Miller(1977)提出的影响股票市场异质信念的因素。我们发现产品市场势力不仅不能降低反而可能会提高股票市场异质信念的水平。在将异质信念分解为异质先验导致的异质信念,渐进信息流动、有限注意导致的异质信念后,这种提高主要表现在对后者的提高上。该结果意味着产品市场势力可能因为提高了异质信念水平而促进了股票市场的交易,从而为交易异象的解释提供了新的思路。此外,实证结果显示上市公司的业务集中度、机构持股可以降低异质信念水平,而上市公司的已上市时间、市场中股票数量对于异质信念的影响与已有的理论分析并不完全一致。  相似文献   
根据风电间歇性特点,分析不同的并网成本分摊方式对风电供给函数的影响。基于并网成本是可再生能源投资的一个重要组成部分,研究风电生产商和电网运营商的成本分配责任界限,和不同的并网成本分摊方式对分配机制的影响。结果证明:若并网成本由电网运营商来承担,则会产生较低的生产者剩余并且致使电力消费者获得较少的转移成本。  相似文献   
产生渠道冲突的非常重要的原因是渠道成员所拥有的不同的渠道权力来源和使用方式。渠道权力是成员间依赖性的反映,它既来源干强制性权力,也来源于非强制性权力,使用不同的权力引起的后果不同。本文发现,生产商的权力无论来源于强制性权力还是非强制性权力,都对经销商拥有更大的权力,从而牢牢控制着渠道;无论强制性权力还是非强制性权力,都可以引发渠道冲突;生产商对经销商较大的权力和渠道冲突并无必然联系,但对渠道绩效却有显著的正面效应。  相似文献   
Forced to compete with private and public sector providers, charities experience tensions as the quest for a more commercially-oriented position may conflict with their social imperative. Little attention has been given to understanding the experiences of local charities as service providers. This paper captures the reactions of those working on the charity front line.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to argue that the implementation of the accrual-based IPSASs in European-influenced developing and transition economy countries is not an appropriate reform unless preceded or accompanied by other, essentially managerial, reforms. The nature and extent of these prior reforms depend upon the political and cultural context and, not least, upon the power relationships within and between public institutions. The advocates of the application of the IPSASs appear not to recognize that for the reform to be effective it cannot be treated as simply a technical accounting reform, yet this is what is occurring. The issues identified in this paper are based upon the author’s practical experiences of working in many of these countries.  相似文献   
党的十八大对坚持和完善人民代表大会制度提出了新的更高要求,十八届三中全会作出的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,特别明确了人大重大事项决定权。鉴于目前地方人大及其常委会的决定权基本虚置的状况,本文探讨了地方人大重大事项决定权的涵义及工作机制,以期健全人大讨论、决定重大事项制度,推进人民代表大会制度理论和实践创新。  相似文献   
Suppose legislators represent districts of varying population, and their assembly's voting rule is intended to implement the principle of one person, one vote. How should legislators' voting weights appropriately reflect these population differences? An analysis requires an understanding of the relationship between voting weight and some measure of the influence that each legislator has over collective decisions. We provide three new characterizations of weighted voting that embody this relationship. Each is based on the intuition that winning coalitions should be close to one another. The locally minimal and tightly packed characterizations use a weighted Hamming metric. Ellipsoidal separability employs the Euclidean metric: a separating hyper-ellipsoid contains all winning coalitions, and omits losing ones. The ellipsoid's proportions, and the Hamming weights, reflect the ratio of voting weight to influence, measured as Penrose–Banzhaf voting power. In particular, the spherically separable rules are those for which voting powers can serve as voting weights.  相似文献   
中国在现代化进程中面临着一些现代性问题的困扰,其中,贫富分化成为社会矛盾的焦点之一。改革开放以来,中国居民生活水平得到整体提升,但也出现了结构上的分化。造成贫富差距的原因是复杂多重的。其中,城乡二元体制造成了城乡资源分配不公和收入差距,垄断行业的存在则使得资源在少部分群体中集聚,加深了贫富之间的鸿沟。此外,中国的社会保障制度没能充分发挥其调节作用,使得部分底层群体无法解决温饱问题,造成"极贫"群体的出现。值得关注的是,单位体制下的既得利益者,在住房制度改革后又获得福利性住房,住房不公平由此产生财产不公平。国家对于不断拉大的收入差距主要采取宏观政策加以调控,改革财税制度和完善社会保障同时进行,但这并不能因此改变由城乡二元体制和垄断等所带来的必然结果,因而只能起到局部调节收入差距的效果,不能实现真正的社会公正。  相似文献   
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