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农村卫生服务供给有自身的特点,在分析其影响因素的基础上,通过对样本的现况调查和回顾性分析发现,农村卫生服务供给技术结构不合理是造成有效供给严重不足和无效供给过多的根本原因,据此,优化农村卫生服务供给的根本途径是建立以适宜技术为特征面向底层的农村卫生服务供给层级体系。  相似文献   
论述了金融交易中应该注意的若干问题。认为风险控制和交易技术对成功的交易缺一不可。没有风险控制的交易,会在市场的正常波动中被颠覆。不讲求技术的交易,就无法实现可持续的发展。有效的交易管理在交易实践中同样不容忽视,它可以确保交易在预定的正常轨道上运行。没有有效的管理,再好的理念和技术都是空谈。  相似文献   
为了满足高动态无人机群自组网在网络拓扑频繁变化下快速传输高优先级业务的需求,提出一种基于TDMA协议的动态优先级时隙分配算法。根据节点优先级级别,在TDMA协议框架下提出面向不同业务需求的动态时隙分配算法,采用位向量(BOV)间接确认法实现节点时隙分配;并通过多维度调整策略,综合业务优先级、邻居节点数量、邻居节点变化率和等待时间多个维度确定节点优先级,均衡不同优先级节点对不同数量时隙的申请;最后通过仿真实验对调度策略进行了验证。结果表明,提出的动态优先级时隙分配算法(DP-TDMA)在拓扑频繁变化时可以动态申请、快速分配不同数量的业务时隙,满足对多种业务传输需求;在一定程度上降低了高动态下网络拓扑变化的影响,提高了协议的公平性与稳定性,保证了高优先级信息快速传输,提高了网络的吞吐量。所设计的DP-TDMA算法可应用在高动态无人机群自组网场景中,为网络时隙资源分配提供参考。  相似文献   
静压预应力管桩施工控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江新 《价值工程》2011,30(9):61-61
随着人类对环保意识的不断增强,静压法将逐渐取代锤击法。静压预应力管桩具有能承受较大的负荷、质量稳定、造价低等优点,近年来在国内很多地区得到广泛应用,但是在实际应用过程中,施工质量和安全问题频频出现。本文从实际工作经验出发,介绍了静压预应力管桩施工过程的控制,以确保管桩施工质量和安全。  相似文献   
周远生 《价值工程》2012,31(23):98-99
随着社会经济的发展,我国许多煤矿由于生产技术和生产设备的落后,及安全条件差而导致被关闭。所以,提高煤矿开采技术政策,使煤矿开采技术机械化以及提高生产设备,改进煤矿的开采方法和技术工艺对我国煤矿的开采起着重要意义。  相似文献   
刘银凤 《价值工程》2011,30(11):10-11
本文在介绍了3种常用的企业价值评估方法(成本法、市场法、收益法)的基础上,应用现金流量折现法对北京无忧草展有限公司进行了成长型企业的价值评估实证分析,最终得出该公司的评估价值。  相似文献   
通过分析新中国成立以来农业土地制度,经营制度,组织制度变化对农业技术变化的影响,研究了农业制度变迁与技术变化的相互关系,认定制度变迁与技术变化以促进经济增长具有重要变化。  相似文献   

The Yellow Pages are relegated to the “other media” discussion sections of traditional advertising and promotion management textbooks. The medium in total now represents approximately $10.5 billion in total sales through more than 6,000 directories which are published annually. Yellow Pages now meets the total volume of radio as a medium.

This paper develops an outline for suggested topics for either a promotion management or advertising course to investigate the Yellow Pages as a vital and necessary medium. Topics include background of the Yellow Pages, advantages and disadvantages of the medium, creative work, placement, research and future trends.

Students are generally not being exposed to the Yellow Pages in an effective manner either in textbooks or in the classroom. There exist manifold career opportunities in the field, for employment after graduation. Further, since most Yellow Pages advertising is local in scope, many graduates may find the need to work with the medium in their marketing careers.

The teaching unit, as presented, can be utilized in a skeleton format for a single class period. At the instructor's choice, the unit can also be presented in enough depth for a week of class sessions. The goal is to provide students with a working familiarity with the Yellow Pages, for career growth and educational development.  相似文献   
光能利用率(LUE)是植被光合作用的重要概念,也是研究草地生态系统不同尺度的总第一性生 产力(GPP)、净第一性生产力(NPP)估算模型的重要参数之一。该文通过地面遥感测量、暗箱—气相色 谱法(DC-GC)和涡度相关技术(EC)的方法,在2011年8月初至9月初,获取呼伦贝尔地区以贝加尔 针茅为主要优势种的草甸草原光能利用率,并动态分析光能利用率的日变化和季节变化。研究表明,光能 利用率日变化呈先降低后增加的单峰趋势,即在早晚出现较高值,中午出现较低值;光能利用率的季节变 化总体呈下降趋势。日变化研究中光合有效辐射PAR和温度都与光能利用率呈显著负相关;季节变化研究 中,温度与光能利用率呈弱正相关,叶面积指数与光能利用率呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Certain elicitation techniques exert some control on expert opinions by leading them to a consensus or to a specific choice. In the absence of such guidelines, experts rely on their own knowledge to formulate opinions. This can result in large dispersions and affects the decision maker’s judgment. In this situation, we wonder what the relevant elicitation techniques are and how we can help experts to express their knowledge. From literature review, it is hard to decide if elicitation techniques are equivalent or not, which justifies the reproducibility analysis that we carry out in this paper. In this study, multiple experts have been involved in order to predict the defect size in hydraulic turbines, according to four proposed elicitation techniques. The comparison between these techniques was performed based on a suggested algorithm using the area metric concept. Our Findings show that elicitation techniques with ‘support’ tend to limit variations between experts and might be suitable only when prior knowledge on the expected elicited variable is available. Otherwise, we can end up with a distorted opinion of the elicited variable and an erroneous risk assessment.  相似文献   
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