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从考察企业组织的敏捷性与交易成本的相互关系入手,对企业组织敏捷性的影响因素进行了剖析。详细分析了信息技术(IT)对提高企业组织敏捷性的作用机理。指出IT正是通过降低企业内、外部的交易成本、缩短流程时间、提高人的认识理性、扼制机会主义、促进企业组织结构、决策方式  相似文献   
Information systems research is often criticized for its high rigor, but low relevance. One approach to overcome the low relevance issue is to employ sound qualitative methods, out of which this study focuses on the critical incident technique (CIT) that has mostly been overlooked in IS research. The primary goal of this study is to demonstrate and validate the usage of the critical incident technique in the management information systems domain. The secondary objective is to develop a number of practical recommendations for email service providers and to offer novel theoretical insights that may be employed in future research. To this end, 107 positive and 113 negative critical incidents pertaining to email usage were collected and analyzed through classical content analysis techniques. Overall, this investigation validates the usage of the CIT in the MIS field and presents practical and theoretical recommendations.  相似文献   
利比亚加特3 000套独立住宅项目建于利比亚南部地区加特市,地处撒哈拉沙漠腹地,属热带沙漠气候,昼夜温差高达25℃,季节之间温差高达40℃以上,由于该工程项目所在地区的抹灰用砂颗粒过细,因此防止抹灰后出现裂缝成为项目施工中的难题。  相似文献   
程序代码转换技术是程序代码抄袭检测技术中的一个重要部分。程序代码转换技术就是把一个程序看作一个文本串,然后再通过一定的文法分析将这个文本串转换成描述程序基本信息的标记串的过程。目前已有多个较有效的抄袭检测系统,如:Jplag,MOSS,YAP等等,但是这些系统中对如何把程序代码进行转换成串的,并没有详细的介绍。本文针对这种情况设计了一个实验系统来实现程序代码转换技术,并进行了验证。  相似文献   
We investigate the relative impact of internal Delphi process factors - including panelists' degree of confidence, expertise, majority/minority positioning - and an external factor, richness of feedback - on opinion change and subsequent accuracy of judgmental forecasts. We found that panelists who had low confidence in their judgmental forecast and/or who were in a minority were more likely to change their opinion than those who were more confident and/or in a majority. The addition of rationales, or reasons, to the numeric feedback had little impact upon panelists' final forecasts, despite the quality of panelists' rationales being significantly positively correlated with accurate forecasts and thus of potential use to aid forecast improvement over Delphi rounds. Rather, the effect of rationales was similar to that of confidence: to pull panelists towards the majority opinion regardless of its correctness. We conclude that majority opinion is the strongest influence on panelists' opinion change in both the ‘standard’ Delphi, and Delphi-with-reasons. We make some suggestions for improved variants of the Delphi-with-reasons technique that should help reduce majority influence and thereby permit reasoned arguments to exert their proper pull on opinion change, resulting in forecast accuracy improvements over Delphi rounds.  相似文献   
中国信息产业生产能力的膨胀,并不意味着其技术能力的同比例地成长。目前中国特别是长三角和珠三角地区所拥有的信息产业的巨大生产能力,大部分是由FDI企业加工贸易的贡献。为了弥补外资技术与本土技术发展之间的巨大鸿沟,中国信息技术产业除了要继续在对外合作中学习和获得技术外,应该重视中国本土企业的技术发展能力,把以OEM为主的国际关联技术升级模式逐步上升为本土企业技术创新驱动和品牌驱动的双重模式。为此中国政府应该及时调整相关的外资政策和技术发展战略。  相似文献   
数据流链接技术在军用维修物资编码系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游伟  刘建国 《物流科技》2007,30(1):61-63
本文从军用维修物资业务管理的角度,讲述了军用维修物资的分类体系;从军用维修物资信息管理的角度,讲述了军用维修物资的信息分类;从计算机数据处理的角度,讲述了数据流链接技术在军用维修物资编码系统中的应用,并给出了其应用程序流程.  相似文献   
宁夏菌草技术产业发展前景和问题的对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
宁夏是我国土地退化问题最严重的省份之一,土地退化已成为制约宁夏经济社会发展的主要因素。菌草技术既发展了产业,增加农民收入,又促进了土壤改良,带动农业循环经济的发展,实现了农民增收与土地改良的双赢,在宁夏具有良好的发展潜力。文章分析了宁夏发展菌草技术的优势,结合发展现状况分析了产业化发展前景,并对存在的问题给出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   
杨建新 《价值工程》2011,30(3):77-77
在高层建筑施工中,框架结构的节点是联系整个结构体系的枢纽,节点承受由梁端和柱端传递来的各种荷载的共同作用且受力复杂。因此,节点要求具有足够的强度,以保证整个结构体系的安全可靠。本文针对框架节点处理技术的基础理论及在施工中的应用问题进行探讨,并提出应注意的几个问题。以期通过本文的阐述对促进高层建筑施工质量,提高施工进度提供理论支持。  相似文献   
周密 《价值工程》2011,30(2):312-313
本文考虑球队间胜率、主场优势、休整时间三个因素来分析赛程对某一支球队的利弊。建立主场优势、休整时间同球队间胜率的变化量之间的多元线性回归模型:△Pij=β0+β1x1+β2x2+β3x3+β4x4+ε。通过赛程数字化方法得出某一球队的回归变量矩阵[x1、x2、x3、x4]及预测变量矩阵[△Pij],做回归分析得到回归系数并定义了数量指标评价赛程对球队的利弊,并给出了计算某一球队值的算法。  相似文献   
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