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The trade dispute of agricultural products has become one of the hot issues that international community has paid close attention to for three years. This paper analyzes the current dispute situation, the characters and the causes in international export trade. It also points out how the government, enterprises and employer's organizations deal with the trade dispute of agricultural products.  相似文献   
Bargaining Outcomes with Double-Offer Arbitration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasingly, arbitration is becoming used to resolve bargaining disputes in a variety of settings. Reducing dispute rates is often listed as a main goal in designing arbitration mechanisms. Conventional arbitration and final-offer arbitration are two commonly used procedures, but theoretical examinations of these arbitration procedures show that disputants’ final bargaining positions do not converge and disagreement is likely. This article contains results from a set of experiments designed to compare bargaining outcomes under the two commonly used arbitration procedures with outcomes under an innovative procedure called “double-offer” arbitration (Zeng et al., 1996). This procedure requires that disputants make two final offers at impasse: a primary and a secondary offer. The arbitrator evaluates the pairs of offers using a linear criterion function, and theory suggests the secondary offers converge to the median of the arbitrator’s preferred settlement distribution. Because the procedure’s rules are that convergence of offers generates a settlement at those offers, this theoretical convergence result implies that arbitration is not needed in the end. Experimental results indicate that dispute rates in double-offer arbitration are, on average, about the same as dispute rates in conventional arbitration. However, other results show reason to favor double-offer arbitration. Specifically, in repeated bargaining, there is concern over whether use of an arbitration procedure becomes addictive and makes bargainers more likely to use the procedure in the future-a “narcotic effect.” The data show that double-offer arbitration is non-addictive, whereas both conventional and final-offer arbitration are.  相似文献   
Effective conflict resolution procedures serve to minimize dysfunctional effects of conflict and maximize functional effects. In the literature on conflict resolution procedures, the effectiveness of procedures has been evaluated primarily from the perspective of the individual. This article suggests that a system-level analysis of the pattern of outcomes resulting from different conflict resolution procedures is a necessary component in formulating a comprehensive framework for the design and evaluation of conflict resolution systems in organizations. The analytic questions addressed by this study concern associations between resolution procedures and outcome patterns in a system created specifically for conflict resolution within organizations: the grievance system. The pattern of outcomes was found to vary with the conflict resolution procedure. It is suggested that this has important implications for effective conflict resolution systems.  相似文献   
对民事与行政争议交叉案件的审理,各地人民法院司法实务上处理不一,方式多种多样,其原因可归结为立法规定的缺失与理论研究的不足两个方面;各自为政的处理方式,带来了诸多弊端.为了公正、高效地处理好这类案件,既要借鉴他国的处理经验,同时又要构建符合中国法文化传统的交叉案件的处理机制.  相似文献   
美国201钢铁贸易保护争端对我国的影响与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国在国内经济增长衰退,钢铁产业不断衰落的背景下,根据国内法律《l974年贸易法》第201条款出台了钢铁保障措施,实行以损害他国经济利益为条件而谋求本国利益最大化的保护主义,从而导致全球性的贸易争端。中国作为世界钢铁生产和消费大国,受到美国201钢铁保障措施及其引发的贸易保护主义的直接损害。中国在遵守WTO有关规则和不断调适外贸政策经济目标的同时,采取相应的对策措施,以维护正当贸易利益和保护本国钢铁产业的健康发展。  相似文献   
贺燕 《税务研究》2020,(4):82-88
行政复议前置的制度功能之一是保障税法确定性,这是税收治理现代化的内在要求。在税务法院全面设立以前,在专业机构完成税收争议的初次处理能够保障税法的统一解释与适用,提升税法的确定性。行政复议前置不仅可以将事实认定功能留给行政机关,让法院(无论是否设立税务法庭)能专事法律问题,而且在税制改革的背景下,能发挥过滤争议数量和争议焦点的作用,提高税收救济制度的效率。这种立场,并不损害纳税人的权利,相反保护了抽象和整体意义上的纳税人权利。  相似文献   
随着户籍制度改革步伐的加快与城市化进程的不断推进,由资源分配不均、利益驱动等多种原因引起的户口迁移及相关行政争议案件逐渐增多。户口迁移类行政案件具有地域性、政策相关性、影响广泛性等诸多特点,在审判中反映出一些问题,如户口迁移法律规范效力层次低,户口的工具性价值和利益性特征明显,行政机关在户口迁移审批过程中执法程序不严格等。通过提升立法层次、完善执法程序以及注重协调化解在行政审判中的侧重适用是解决户口迁移行政争议的有效路径。  相似文献   
和谐劳动关系是社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,但我国目前的劳动关系构建尚有许多问题,国有企业改制,非公企业的发展,进城务工的农民工都给和谐劳动关系的构建提出了问题,本文分析了社会主义劳动关系中存在的问题及背后的原因,并且有针对性地提出了构建社会主义和谐劳动关系的对策及方法。  相似文献   
反补贴已经成为我国近年来贸易摩擦的新热点。我国在连续13年成为全球遭遇反倾销调查最多的国家后,2007年和2008年又成为全球反补贴的最大目标国。本文首先从单边和多边两个层面总结了2004年以来截至2009年3月底我国遭遇反补贴的最新态势及其特征;然后结合国际宏观经济环境和反补贴的连锁效应分析了对华反补贴的未来趋势,认为,在今后几年中对华反补贴仍将在高位运行,但将逐步回落;最后从政府和企业两个层面提出了应对反补贴的对策建议。  相似文献   
A general theory of cross-subsidization due to inframarginal support is developed. Two sources of output distortion are identified: exit deterrence and extramarginal output. Some firms would not be in business without the subsidy. Cost savings due to declining average costs are always greater than the losses incurred where price equals marginal cost. Moreover, it is theoretically possible for inframarginal subsidies to expand output more than equivalent fully coupled subsidies. Empirical analysis of U.S. dairy subsidies isolates these components of cross-subsidization and finds distortions from inframarginal support to be substantial, with implications for trade negotiations, dispute settlement, and policy formulation.  相似文献   
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