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贺璐 《改革与开放》2011,(12):156+158
大学教师教学能力是指大学教师为了能够顺利完成教学活动所必需具备的能力,并且这种能力能够直接影响到教学活动质量和教学效率。本文试图从深入分析大学教师的教学能力的定义内涵及性质入手,从多个角度诠释了大学教师的教学能力及大学教师教学能力的特征。  相似文献   
本文从音乐与文化之间的关系着手,并联系到本地区文化产业的发展上,通过音乐对文化产业的重要作用的论述,对未来商丘高校音乐教育的发展提出了一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   
声乐与其它的艺术形式存在着明显的区别,由于难以形象地对声乐的乐理、思想等进行表达,因此在声乐教学的过程中如何有效地让学生更好地理解声乐知识,更好地掌握发声技巧等一直是广大声乐教师关注的重点。鉴于此,文章主要就声乐教学中的因材施教进行研究,通过努力在声乐教学中推动因材施教,学生才能对此会产生更浓厚的兴趣,更好地用声乐来表达内心的思想与情感。  相似文献   
The Value of a Utilitarian Curriculum: The Case of Technological Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The position taken in this paper is that narrow conceptions of human development and the purposes of schooling have tended to displace rather than situate subjects like technology in the curriculum. Arguments which support this position, however, are only possible when the paradigm through which schooling is operationalized, is inverted. Viewing classic school subjects as abstractions which perpetuate narrow conceptions of pedagogy is a contentious position to take. But taking it and understanding how a utilitarian curriculum spawns real human development and learning gives a whole new perspective to curriculum theory and practice.  相似文献   
徐科昕 《价值工程》2011,30(11):295-295
音乐教师作为美的课堂的组织者需要有美的语言来为课堂增添魅力。音乐教师的课堂语言应该准确地表达音乐作品的创作意图,要生动、形象、富有感染力。除这些,还要有美的文学语言,有恰到好处的形体语言,注重语言简练、美。  相似文献   
李淑华 《价值工程》2010,29(33):181-182
新课程改革对教师提出了更高的要求,要求教师在教学过程中与学生分享彼此的思考、见解和知识,交流彼此的情感和观念;这就要求教师不仅要适应教育形势的变化,还要更新观念、转变角色。  相似文献   
在现代学习型社会,教师必须要成为学习型教师,在继承传统师道的同时,树立崇高理想,追求人生培养,教书育人,为人师表。  相似文献   
音乐素质教育是实施全面素质教育的重要组成,对提高人才素质具有不可替代的作用。工科院校开展音乐素质教育应开设相关音乐课程,加强师资队伍建设,开展丰富的课外艺术活动,同时,联合专业演出团体,坚持高雅艺术进校园。  相似文献   
通过梳理在线音乐与青少年孤独感的关系,分析了在线音乐是如何影响到青少年孤独感的本质和实质,从而导出作为音乐工作者又是如何积极、正确的引导在线音乐对青少年健全人格和品格的塑造与培养。  相似文献   
This thesis mainly studies the relationship between intellectual property rights protection and recorded music sales by use of 26 OECD countries panel data from 2000 to 2007. Following Png and Wang (2006), the production equation of recorded music is developed. Meanwhile, the author introduces other independent variables such as per capita GDP, employment rate and R&D, population and economic openness. The econometric methods consist of two way fixed effects method, Arellano-Bond dynamic panel-data estimation and dynamic panel-data estimation, one-step difference GMM (generalized method of moments) by use of Stata 10.0. The findings are as followings: Intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection exerts positive effect on recorded music sales, and the influencing coefficient is at the range of 0.815 to 0.915. Meanwhile, economic openness also has positive influence. The studying results suggest that IPRs protection can reinforce the sale of recorded music, and it is very urgent to enhance IPRs protection.  相似文献   
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