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以必胜客餐厅传菜工作站为研究对象,定义为传菜服务系统,通过对其的观察和实际数据的统计分析,确定运用排队系统进行分析,并运用了系统工程中的相关分析方法,实现该传菜服务系统总费用的最低化和系统最优的服务人员配备数,达到系统最优化。  相似文献   
李丽 《成功营销》2011,(2):25-25
优衣库在中国内地推出了与人人网独家合作的Lucky Line活动,创下两周内排队人次超过133万的奇迹,再次印证SNS社交网站的传播威力。  相似文献   
The recent economic developments in the world have shown how important it is to solve the logistics problems of machine failures in an expedite way. A model based on queues theory to solve these failures is presented. Using this model with M | G | ∞ queuing systems, customers arrive according to a Poisson process at rate A. Each of them receives, immediately after its arrival, a service whose length is a positive random variable with distribution function G(.) and mean value α. An important parameter of the system is the traffic intensity ρ =λα The service of a customer is independent of the services of the other customers and of the arrival process. The busy period of a queuing system begins when a customer arrives there, finding it empty, and ends when a customer leaves the system letting it empty. During the busy period, there is always at least one customer in the system. Therefore, in a queuing system, there is a sequence of idle and busy periods. For these systems with infinite servers the busy period length distribution is difficult to derive, except for a few exceptions. But formulae that allow the calculation of some of the busy period length parameters for the M| G | ∞ queuing system are presented. These results can be applied in logistics (Ferreira, 2002; Ferreira, 2003; Ferreira, Andrade & Filipe, 2009). For instance, they can be applied to the failures which occur in the operation of an aircraft, shipping or trucking fleet. The customers are the failures. And their service time is the time that goes from the instant at which they occur till the one at which they are completely repaired. Here a busy period is a period in which there is at least one failure waiting for reparation or being repaired. The formulae referred allow the determination of measures of the system performance.  相似文献   
近年来,江苏泗阳农商行各项业务快速增长,支农服务覆盖面不断扩大,同时服务层次也不断深化,既服务了三农又壮大了自身实力,做到了社会效益和经济效益的全面提升。但随着业务规模的不断扩大,排队难的问题也随之产生,特别是随着我行代理发放的涉农补贴种类的  相似文献   
如何才能投资成功?选择一个特色项目是关键。2010年秋季,市场上有一种小吃开始风靡,其味道特别,市场需求大,白领、学生、小孩,男女都爱吃。它就是"牵肠挂肚"。其所到之处食客排队等着吃,众多加盟商从下午六点到十一点,能卖六七百串,每个月有上万元的收入。牵肠挂肚生意为什么如此红火呢?主要在于:酱料一绝。由张海涛开发的牵肠挂肚,加上特殊的酱料,让涮鸭肠鸭肚不仅味道鲜美,香浓,而且吃起来嚼劲十足。独特的味  相似文献   
蔡宇翔 《信息与经营》2011,(9X):112-113
<正>在商业地产行业词典中,所谓的外部动线,是指车流和客流在项目建筑主体周边道路运行的轨迹;车辆和客群将沿着设计的平面或立体动线到达项目;外部动线又可进一步细分为客流动线、货流动线两类。现阶段最为常见的综合型商业项目,通常由大型超市、百货以及购物中心部分的店中店等构成,此类综合型项目的动线设计也是商业项目中最为复杂的一种,我们就以此类项目为例来对外部动线做分析。  相似文献   
超市收银台太少,会出现严重的排队现象,造成客源流失。增加收银台就意味着增加投资,收银台太多还有可能发生空闲浪费。本文将根据排队论的相关理论探讨超市收银台的管理与优化。  相似文献   
许良 《商场现代化》2007,(34):340-341
当前银行"排长队"问题在全国各地表现得林林总总,不尽相同,这些问题其实都有深层次的原因;本文从金融服务供求的总量失衡和金融服务供求的结构失衡两方面对这个问题加以分析,并给出了政策建议。  相似文献   
本文以一小型超市为实例,利用witness2003仿真系统并结合排队理论建立了超市服务系统的仿真模型,克服了排队方法的主要局限性,即引入的假设条件过强,且只能描述系统的稳态性能和平均性能。并且根据参数统计报表对该超市的现有服务系统进行了改进。  相似文献   
陈俊鸿 《商场现代化》2007,(19):177-178
随着零售行业竞争的加剧,越来越多的企业着手探索提升顾客满意度的方法。本文旨在通过对超市顾客排队时间管理的研究,找到缩短顾客排队等候时间的方法,以收提升顾客满意度之效。  相似文献   
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