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《Journal of Accounting and Public Policy》2023,42(4):107119
This paper argues that maintaining the CPA’s reputation, along with a collegial professional environment, were the central goals of the American audit profession through most of the twentieth century. Matthews (2017) and Lee (1995) contend that economic self-interest has always been the profession’s goal. This paper, based on extensive study of primary sources largely unused by accounting historians, argues that the existing record is not consistent with an economic self-interest thesis. Magali Larson argued in The Rise of Professionalism that professionals tend to pursue social status and collegiality over profit seeking. Auditors worked to maintain the quiet, collegial profession that enhanced their self-image as professionals, not businessmen. But this proved to be unsustainable as the American economy expanded and a market-based ethic pervaded American culture and government in the last third of the twentieth century. 相似文献
GDP是各国(地区或地方)反映生产总规模的核心指标。准确核算GDP需要有完整的基础资料和完善的核算方法,前者要按《国民经济行业分类》要求设计完整的统计制度;后者要在此基础上分清GDP与实体经济、虚拟经济的关系,再在SNA要求的基础上根据各国实际设计完整的核算方法。从GDP核算看,经济交易过程交易物的有用性是实体经济。实体经济生产形成GDP。 相似文献
明洪武到弘治年间,州县官府的赋役管理从基本不依赖核算向需要且能够进行核算的状态转变。洪武、永乐时期,在官府体系内部,只有田赋被部分地纳入核算管理,其他赋役征发则完全或绝大部分无法计量,也没有计划性。宣德以降,地方官员吸收民间粮里阶层分担赋役负担的经验,在此基础上进行旨在“均平”的改革,以确保赋役的可持续征发。在探索均平之道的过程中,不同地方官员多采取量化赋役负担、预定征收计划、将派征对象标准化并进行摊派核算的方式。其中,田赋额等开始扮演摊派对象的角色。这开启了州县层面赋役征收核算体系的发展之路,也导致府、州、县与户、工等部及布政使司之间产生了赋役核算信息不对称,出现了二重会计结构。 相似文献
我国会计的法律规范是以《会计法》为核心的。从1985年1月25日第六届全国人大第九次会议审议通过的中华人民共和国第一部《会计法》颁布实施以来,至今已经二十年了。在进一步深化国企改革,大力发展混合所有制经济的今天,我国将政府会计法规体系和企业会计法规体系合二为一的立法思想、会计立法类型的选择及现行会计法律规范的权威性等问题都是值得探讨的。 相似文献
Ronald McKinnon 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2005,13(5):11-27
I. IntroductionSeldom have the pages of the financial press in Europe and America been so full of graveeditorializing on the need for a major depreciation of the dollar to correct the “unsustainable”current account and trade deficits of the United States. Much of this international moralizingdirects the high-growth East Asian countries to stop pegging their currencies to the dollar– or, in China’s case, to allow a large appreciation of the renminbi before moving to unrestrictedfloating.… 相似文献
This article examines argumentation factors which affect the truth of an audit opinion. We propose that the auditor's report be revised to replace the words 'true and fair view' with 'acceptable risk of material misstatement'. This would better align the communication of auditors with the characteristics of accounting information upon which they report. Adoption of the wording 'acceptable risk of material misstatement' will facilitate a better appreciation by users of financial statements of the accounting estimates in financial statements. 相似文献
Gerard William Stone Author vitae 《Accounting Forum》2011,35(4):247-261
This paper explores the readability of a new and non-corporate narrative area, accountants’ communications with small business. The distinctive motivations, agendas and interests of small business managers are considered. The findings are informed by rationales from Shearer's (2002) thesis on the influence of neoclassical economics on accounting discourse. The study finds low readability accentuated by potentially low reader interest with accounting documents composed according to conventional accounting's rules and statutory requirements. Higher readability and document content which informs small business managers’ interests is evident when accountants are not compelled to author documents with reference to these professional rules and legislation. 相似文献
The regulation of Swedish municipal accounting has undergone fundamental changes over recent decades. Municipal accounting became regulated by law the 1st of January, 1998 after having been merely voluntarily regulated in the past. In accordance with the legislation, a standard-setting body was formed, with responsibility for development and interpretation of generally accepted accounting principles for municipal accounting. Important aims of the legislation and reform were to suppress ‘creative’ accounting and to increase the level of harmonization and comparability. Using the lens of positive accounting theory as well as institutional theory, this paper describes and explains the impact of the legislation and standard setting in the Swedish municipal sector. We have used a triangulation approach, collecting data through a survey, documentary study and interviews. The overall results show that the reform has had a very limited impact on accounting practice. Compliance with accounting standards was in general poor. This result is in line with the assumptions of positive accounting theory. However, the study also shows that there are differences among the preparers which can be explained by institutional theory. Large municipalities produce better accounting information (i.e. more in line with generally accepted accounting principles) than the municipalities in general. Weak audit quality seems to be another important factor that explains the poor compliance with accounting standards. 相似文献