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This study investigates the capitalization effect of intergovernmental fiscal transfers from central to local governments on land prices. Using a drop in the size number of fiscal transfers following fiscal reform in the early 2000 s, this study examines the extent to which unconditional fiscal transfers to municipalities in the Tokyo metropolitan area are attributed to land prices. The result shows that the decline in the transfer has decreased the land prices in the municipalities. Furthermore, reducing one unit in the per capita grant reduced the value of housing area per capita by one or more units, even if the real discount rate was assumed to be as low as 2%. Therefore, the fiscal transfer reform more negatively affects the benefits of residing in a municipality in the area than the reduction amount in the transfer.  相似文献   
Using a sample of listed banks in the Asia-Pacific region from 2000 to 2016, this paper documents that higher market power reduces risk taking but increases loan growth and performance in banking. This highlights the "bright side" of bank market power in general. However, the positive effect of market power on bank stability is more pronounced for well-capitalized banks, although their performance tends to decline, and loan growth is unaffected by market power. Hence, bank capitalization plays an important role in strengthening financial stability due to an increase in bank market power. Moreover, banks with higher market power located in countries with a lower degree of financial freedom exhibit lower riskiness, higher loan growth, and better performance. Greater control by authorities in the financial sector is essential, not only to enhance financial stability, but also to boost financial intermediation and bank performance following an increase in bank market power.  相似文献   
湘粤桂边瑶区农户的贫困脆弱性:测度与治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湘粤桂边瑶区是我国典型的集中连片特困民族地区,当前该区域农户贫困状态正由经济性渐趋脆弱性。本文借鉴Chaudhuri的贫困脆弱性测度模型,通过对样本点590户农户的一手数据实施测算,发现该瑶区的农户脆弱性系数明显高于全国平均数,区域内也存在较大的差异。最后,结合该区域实情,提出了变更贫困识别、突出地理区域整体联动、实施资源资本化等脆弱性治理的发展思路。  相似文献   
在教育资本化的背景下,学区房成为房地产紧缩调控中的特例,政策管控效果不明显。选取沈阳市中心城区53所重点中小学所对应的321处学区房,以82处非学区房作为对照组,利用价格特征模型得出学区房教育因素起根本作用,其它房价影响因素在学区房上被弱化的基本结论。研究表明,控制其它因素,单纯教育因素所导致的学区房溢价明显,单学区溢价18%,双学区溢价44%,且教育质量与学区房溢价成正比。通过空间自相关分析单学区、双学区、全部学区、非学区价格的空间"冷点-热点",得出学区房与非学区房价格空间集聚上具有差异性和关联性,学区房与非学区房的空间偏好呈交叉影响的结论。提出学区政策与旧区改造结合,学区房投资向教育投资转变,实施动态学区划分的学区政策改善建议。  相似文献   
多视角下R&D资本化测算方法比较与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R&D资本化基本测度方法主要有三种:Goldsmith方法、Griliches方法和BEA方法,在不同的经济理念下,三种测度方法既各有特色,又有共同特征。在Goldsmith方法设定理念中,当期R&D资本存量由当期不变价R&D投资额与扣除折旧后的上一期R&D资本存量两部分构成,且当期不变价R&D投资额全部转化为当期资本存量;在Griliches方法设定理念中,当期R&D资本存量由上一期不变价R&D投资额与扣除折旧后的上一期R&D资本存量两部分构成,且上一期不变价R&D投资额全部转化为当期资本存量;而在BEA方法设定理念中,当期R&D资本存量由当期不变价R&D投资额与扣除折旧后的上一期R&D资本存量两部分构成,且当期不变价R&D投资额的一半发生折旧。在具体测算过程中,三种测度方法均要考虑R&D资本存量增长率、R&D资本折旧率、R&D支出价格指数等关键参数的设定。同时,基于三种测度方法比较研究,将其应用于中国R&D资本化估算实践。  相似文献   
借助双重差分法,利用我国高新技术行业上市公司2003-2013年平衡面板数据,以同期传统制造行业上市公司作为控制组分离研发会计处理变革以外其它同期事件的影响,研究了研发会计处理由费用化到有条件资本化变革对改善高新技术企业损益信息与资产信息在外部定价中的作用。结果发现,研发资本化能够显著改善高新行业损益信息与资产信息的价值相关性。研究结论可为政策制定者评估研发准则质量与执行效果提供直接依据,研究方法可为未来研究其它具体会计准则的变革影响提供启示。  相似文献   
随着企业自主研发活动战略地位的加强,研发支出的会计处理方式也日益引起关注。本文综合国内外有关研究成果,系统探讨了现行及建议的各种处理方式及其优缺点,以期揭示研发支出会计处理方式的发展趋势及应注意的问题。  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,广东在吸引外资方面一直走在全国的前沿,成为我国利用外资名副其实的“排头兵”。然而,随着我国加入世贸组织和广东的投资环境与国际市场日益接轨,外商对广东具体情况的了解不断加深,外商投资企业“独资化”倾向日趋严重,这给广东经济既带来了正面效应也带来了不小的负面影响。  相似文献   
Edge versus center: finding common ground in the capitalization debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A continuing debate questions whether capitalization of taxes and public services into house price occurs. The current study argues for an inverse relationship between housing supply elasticity and capitalization rates. A sample is split into houses on the interior and edge of the urban area. Capitalization of schooling and crime occurs everywhere, but it is weaker toward the edge of an urban area where housing supply elasticities and developer activity are greater. Tax results are less robust, but the capitalization rates of crime and school quality are roughly twice as strong on the interior than on the urban fringe.  相似文献   
运用共生理论的协同进化研究方法作为指导,率先从进化的角度系统分析和研究了创业者与所在产业集群的互动作用。基于此,构建了基于知识资本化的产业集群发展与创业者学习的旋转互动模型,深入探讨了创业者在创业活动中将专利技术转化为生产过程与新产品,并结合"模仿"与"创新"两种手段来实现集群整体技术效率改善与技术前沿移动的事实。论证了创业活动是影响知识资本化和推动经济增长的一个必要条件,但仅仅有科研投入和知识开发是不够的,提供知识溢出的渠道和知识商业化的途径对促进经济增长的作用同样是至关重要的。由此,在推动经济的同时应该加大对科研知识学习与开发的投入力度,鼓励大学与培训机构对知识的开发与创新,同时加强企业之间的联系,从而更好地带动知识溢出与集体学习行为。  相似文献   
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