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区域高技术产业高质量发展需要创新要素有效供给。基于PSR(压力—状态—响应)模型构建高技术产业创新要素供给评价指标体系,采用全局熵法对我国创新要素有效供给现状进行评价,并度量创新要素供给协调度,从创新要素供给综合指数和子系统协调度两个方面评价创新要素有效供给水平。在此基础上将我国区域创新要素供给分为5个梯度,并运用障碍因素诊断模型,分析影响各梯度省域高技术产业创新要素有效供给实现的主要障碍因素。研究发现,影响有效供给的主要障碍层从2009年的压力层与状态层转变为2018年的响应层与状态层,高技术产业发展水平等成为主要障碍因素。各省域应依据自身要素供给主要障碍层和障碍因子,结合自身创新要素供给所处梯度,采取针对性措施,通过强链、补链、固链相结合,实现区域高技术产业创新要素有效供给。  相似文献   
This paper is about stability and change in the policy-making discourse of a traditional neoclassical policy area, the area of car taxation. Stability is here related to the unquestioned continuation of a traditional neoclassical economics perspective in policy-making, whereas change is related to the introduction and impact of environmental concerns. The aim of the paper is to investigate, what makes green discourses matter in traditional policy-making. It is based on an in-depth study of policy-making processes related to car taxation in two environmental front-runner countries, Sweden and Denmark.Making green discourses matter in policy-making is an important contemporary environmental challenge. Therefore, as Tian Shi argues, we need more research into the institutional setting of the policy-making process. Ecological economics as a policy science has to have a broad understanding of the political economic nature of the policy process. Taking this standpoint as the point of departure, the paper seeks to uncover questions such as, what is the policy-making reality in which Swedish and Danish green discourses have to make a difference? How do existing neoclassical regimes react, when green actors attempt to influence policy-making from an environmental point of view? And to what extent can green discourses actually have an impact on the policy world within the area of car taxation?The paper concludes that the traditional neoclassical economic discourse is particularly robust and resistant against alternative green discourses. Stability rather than change is the dominating picture. This does not imply that environmental concerns will not be taken into account in the future. Rather it implies that only the changes, which keep up the existing order, or enhance the narrow power-related interests of the dominating actors, will materialise more or less easily. The rest is a power struggle in which timing, coalition-building, persistence and thorough knowledge about the field in question is of importance. In this struggle change agents will also benefit from the ability to rethink dominating ways of thinking and doing in an environmentally benign way. A rethinking that is based on environmental values while at the same time holding positive visions that are ‘compatible’ with the existing dominating discourse.  相似文献   
从上海国际化工城看绿色集群的创新模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国在发展化工产业时应当站在“绿色化工”的基础上集群式发展.避免走先污染、再治理的老路。本文以上海市国际化工城集群式发展绿色化工产业为例,在重点分析国外化工产业集群发展和金山绿色化工产业集群特点的基础上.进一步提炼了“绿色集群”的内涵及其创新意义。  相似文献   
海洋是全球生命支持系统的重要组成部分,是人类社会可持续发展的宝贵财富,也是实现国家政治、经济和军事战略的重要舞台。我国是世界上人口最多的沿海国家,也是海洋大国之一,中华民族的可持续发展与兴盛必然越来越多地依赖海洋。开发海洋资源、发展海洋经济、建设海洋经济强国是一项具有战略意义的历史任务。我国具有开发利用海洋的优越条件和战略性需要,应该把海洋开发作为跨世纪治国兴邦的国家发展战略。我国具有方便地进入海洋的区位优势和环境条件,应该成为亲海民族,陆地人均自然资源占有量少,客观上需要把海洋作为后备资源基地,世界历史经验证明,疏远海洋的民族必然落后。积极开发海洋资源,制定蓝色工程计划,发展海洋产业群;开发蓝色国主,建设海洋经济带,用20~30年时间把我国建成海洋经济强国。本文纵横论证了建设海洋经济强国的标准、条件、指导方针和目标、主要任务以及保障措施等,提出了加强海洋意识教育、实施科教兴海战略、建立海洋综合管理体制、实行“依法治海”、建立海洋综合管理的财政保证机制、加强海洋公用基础设施建设、提高公益性服务能力和加强国际合诈等多项具体建议措施,多元化推动我国的海洋经济强国建设。  相似文献   
While historians have for a long time recognized the importance of the First World War to the general flow of history, business economists do not fully appreciate the impact of the war on commercial relationships. The First World War transformed the political, economic, and social context, in which business was done, forcing companies to develop new strategies and activities, some of which were almost unimaginable before August 1914. This article focuses on one aspect of doing business: foreign exchange management. It argues that Schering AG and its parent, like many German companies after the First World War, were obliged to refocus their activities around their foreign exchange exposures and that the management of foreign exchange issues contributed to a much tighter relationship between businesses, government, and business associations than had existed before the war and for which some aspects of Germany's system of corporate control were not well adapted to handle.  相似文献   
世界银行卡产业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济的复苏和银行卡受理环境的改善,近年来世界银行卡产业保持着迅捷的增长势头,银行卡作为支付手段对现金和支票的替代作用也日益明显。本文从总量指标和人均指标两方面对当前世界主要国家和地区银行卡产业的交易状况进行了实证研究,分析了全球银行卡市场在区域和品牌上的分布结构,并对该产业近年来的发展趋势进行了总结与探讨。  相似文献   
This paper examines takeover and divestiture activity at the industry level for the population of UK firms over the period 1986–2000. Consistent with US research, takeovers in the UK cluster both across industries and over time. The evidence for divestitures indicates clustering across industries only. The paper further investigates whether broad and specific industry shocks (e.g., growth, free cash flow, concentration, deregulation, foreign competition, technology, stock market performance) explain takeover and divestiture clustering at the industry level. The results suggest that broad shocks increase (decrease) the likelihood of takeovers (divestitures), although not significantly for takeovers. Specific industry shocks that increase the likelihood of takeover activity include low growth, the threat of foreign competition and high stock market performance. For divestitures, high industry concentration and deregulation increase activity. Little evidence is found for deregulation as a significant factor in explaining takeover activity.  相似文献   
本文基于我国金融资本超额回报率的事实,在市场套利分析框架下实证检验了实 体企业金融化是抑制还是加剧了尾部金融风险溢出。数值模拟结果表明:从杠杆率来看,实体 企业金融化对杠杆率具有“双刃剑”效应,然而,实证结果发现,从长期经济后果来看,实体 企业金融化却显著提高了杠杆率,基于Altman-Z值的风险分析进一步发现企业破产风险显著 上升,从而加剧了尾部金融风险溢出。文章的研究结论有利于全面观察实体企业金融化带来的 的实际效果,也揭示了金融行业对实体行业的风险传导过程中的一个风险源,对于实体经济和 金融领域关于企业金融化效应的研究具有参考价值。  相似文献   
在界定中国保险业范围经济内涵的理论基础上,本文引入广义超越对数成本函数构建了我国保险业范围经济的模型,首次对中国主要保险机构在1999~2004年间范围经济的情况进行了实证分析。研究结果显示,财险业整体范围经济并不明显,个体差异较大,与资产规模呈较强的正相关关系;寿险业总体呈现较为明显的范围经济现象,但随着时间推移而逐步减弱;中国保险机构需根据自己的要素禀赋结构和市场有效需求,不断推出新产品和新业务,开发出新的利润增长点。  相似文献   
风险是未来致损事件的不确定性,风险没有过去和存量概念,具有类似时间的一维性。因此,一定的社会政治经济、法律制度和文化习俗环境下,一定时间和地域空间内的具体风险载体可能存在的可保风险是有限的,是不可再生的耗竭性社会经济资源。通过某一社会经济系统在某时刻的保险产业资源投入、保险单份数和保险赔偿金的数理模型构造,考察相关政策变量的变动,分析了在保险资源不可再生约束下的保险业可持续发展的最优增长规律。研究表明在不可再生保险资源约束下,单位保单保费收入增长的充要条件是客观存在的,通过相关可控政策变量的调整,保险业是可实现最优增长的。另外,各国保险增长路径模式的差异只不过是保险经济活动专业化分工在一定制度文化背景下的演化适应与市场博弈而形成的路径不同而已。如果缺乏保险发展所需要的制度激励机制和文化背景,想要通过保险增长的优化达到促进经济增长则是很难的。  相似文献   
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