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房地产市场过度繁荣带来的房价过快上涨会影响要素流动和企业行为,进而加剧资源错配,不利于地区产业结构优化。征收房产税可以有效抑制房价过快上涨,通过地区相对房价的下降减轻资源错配程度,并从影响产业转移和推动企业创新两条路径促进地区产业结构优化。运用合成控制法对上海和重庆房产税改革试点的政策效应进行评估,结果表明:重庆的房产税政策有效抑制了房价过快上涨,促进了先进产业的转入和创新水平的提高,进而显著提高了地区产业结构合理化和高级化水平,地区产业结构优化效应明显;上海的房产税政策对房价上涨的抑制作用不明显,高房价阻碍了高技能人才的流入,导致其产业高级化水平的提高更多依赖于低端服务业的发展,不利于地区产业结构合理化,总体上并未能有效促进地区产业结构优化。上海与重庆房产税政策效应的差异不仅源于其政策力度的不同,还由于两地经济发展水平和产业结构的不同。房产税政策必须有效抑制房价上涨,并应结合本地经济发展实际因地制宜,才能更好地促进地区产业结构优化。  相似文献   
在我国保障房建设面临局势紧迫、任务繁重、资金缺口大的形势下,国家允许地方政府投融资平台介入保障房的建设,这对保障房的建设无疑开启了新的纪元.文章在回顾了我国保障房建设历史的基础上,分析其建设过程中遇到的融资困境,探讨在地方政府投融资平台维度下通过发行保障性房债、开发性金融贷款、保障房信托基金(REITs)三种方式解决保障房建设资金短板问题的适宜性和可行性,并阐述了各种方法在实行过程中的或有风险及其防范.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to examine valuer judgement behaviour, by exploring the manifestation of task complexity in Dutch commercial valuation practice. For this purpose, we adopted a grounded theory approach and undertook 18 in-depth interviews with senior valuation professionals across the Netherlands. Our findings indicate a strong presence of situational task complexity in commercial valuation practice, as professionals operating in large valuation teams perceive different elements of task complexity throughout commercial valuation practice in comparison to peers working in small valuation teams or self-employed valuers. Further, coping strategies used to deal with task complexity vary substantially by type of valuer as well. From our data, we deducted three types of task environment constructs in which valuers operate, which basically represent the various levels of professional standards required by clients as well as organisational settings composed to meet client standards. As such, we found that task environment settings strongly coincide with perceptions of task complexity. The presence of situational task complexity in commercial real estate valuation practice points to the need for customisation of professional valuer’s development programs to facilitate valuers to deal with task complexity in different stages of valuation practice and hence contribute to advancing valuer judgement skills.  相似文献   
研究目的:分析农民住房财产权抵押(简称农房抵押)贷款困境的主要原因以及抵押物处置对农房抵押贷款行为的影响机理。研究方法:演化博弈论。研究结果:农房抵押贷款发展面临困境的关键在于金融机构惜贷,而抵押物处置难是激发金融机构惜贷的重要原因,但是降低抵押物处置难度只是推动农房抵押贷款发展的必要而非充分条件。研究结论:要促进农房抵押贷款发展,除了必须降低抵押物处置难度外,还需要构建完善的农房抵押贷款制度体系。  相似文献   
This paper examines the causal relationship between the housing prices (HP) and the international capital flows (ICF) in China. With structural changes existing, we find that long-run relationship using full-sample data is unstable, suggesting that traditional Granger causality test is not reliable. However, we further find an unstable short-run relationship between ICF and HP when assessing the stability of the parameters and there are bidirectional causal relationships between ICF and HP for several sub-periods. Additionally, our findings indicate both positive and negative bidirectional causal relations between the series. Based on the arbitrage of ICF, the results suggest that the rise of Chinese HP is the underlying force for the inflows of international capital. Meanwhile, a surge in capital inflows may be accompanied by a rise in the price of housing. This confirms the theoretical analysis that there is an interconnected transmission mechanism between the ICF and the HP, which is diverse and depends both on the flow of ICF and on other factors.  相似文献   
研究目的:为国家试点政策"农民住房财产权抵押贷款"的抵押登记落实,解决理论和操作困难,探索可行的操作路径。研究方法:实证分析、历史分析、法律解释。研究结果:(1)以户为单位的宅基地使用权决定着农民住房财产权的归属,家庭户成员对住房财产权享有共有权利;(2)抵押登记是表意行政行为,以形式审查为主。抵押期限、反担保主债权数额、超额抵押等问题属于民事意思自治,行政权不应越界干涉。研究结论:住房财产权抵押登记的诸多困难,需要综合考虑理论与实际,以寻求现实中可操作的方法。  相似文献   
中国信用风险缓释工具创新试点最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用风险缓释工具(CRM)是2010年我国债券市场最重要的信用风险管理创新工具,它将短期融资券、中期票据等信用类债券的信用风险剥离定价,并转移给愿意承担风险的投资者。本文通过对CRM试点过程中存在的投资主体单一、市场机制不完善及外部环境建设滞后等问题进行了深度剖析,并有针对性地从投资者培育、信用评级与定价、做市商机制、交易信息披露、信用事件处理、以及监管会计税收法律制度建设等方面提出政策建议,以利于CRM市场的可持续发展。  相似文献   
This study attempts to explain the influence of personal and hotel factors on the expectation level of hotel hospitality as well as to propose a scale to measure commercial hospitality for hotel services. A total of 101 local and international hotel guests were involved in the study. The results revealed that the expectations of hotel hospitality are influenced by personal factors such as gender, purpose of stay, nationality, and private domain of hospitality. The hotel's star rating is the only hotel factor that might have strong association with hotel hospitality.  相似文献   
福费廷业务具有独特的风险防范和融资功能,可以解决出口企业应收账款问题,使银行稳定客户、增加收益。在我国,福费廷业务还属于新兴业务种类,发展不够完善。但是随着市场需求的进一步增加和竞争压力,福费廷业务必然有广阔的前景,我国的商业银行要正视业务发展中存在的主要问题并认真加以解决,利用本土化优势扩展市场份额,提高国际竞争力。  相似文献   
吴聪 《特区经济》2013,(10):57-61
本文采用MalmquistTFP指数法,对国内主要商业银行1995—2008年全要素生产率(TFP)进行测算和分解,考察国内银行业改革发展过程中技术进步、规模效应与银行效率变化之间的关系。经验结果显示,1996—2002年期间国内商业银行垒要素生产率呈现衰退状况,其中技术变动指数和规模效率变动指数总体下降,可能在于这段时期内宏观经济环境及调控政策的变动。2003—2008年期间全要素生产率呈现总体好转,主要来源于技术进步及规模效率改善,国有银行股份制改造、加入WTO开放银行业等一系列制度变革举措产生了重要的促进作用;股份制银行的金要素生产率变化指数总体高于国有银行,主要得益于其技术进步的作用。国有银行的规模效率变化指数相对较高,因而在技术效率改进方面表现更佳,充分体现其规模优势。  相似文献   
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