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文章从队伍专业化、服务社会化、管理信息化和建设标准化等四个方面对社区窗口服务工作问题进行分析。期待能对社区窗口服务工作的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   
美国《社区再投资法案》的颁布实施以及修正案的实施,鼓励了商业银行尤其是那些准备或正在进行并购的商业银行对低收入群体和少数民族居户抵押贷款的增长.该法案对于改善中低收入社区融资困难的状况起到了不可小视的作用.但CRA并不能有效解决市场失败和信贷歧视,其成本大于收益,且加重了市场扭曲.因此,CRA在理论界有所争议.我国正在推进信用社区建设,《社区再投资法案》对我国社会信用体系建设具有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
The importance of foreign capital in the domestic economy cannot be underestimated as it bridges the gap between domestic capital demand and supply. Given this background the paper studies the relationship between the different types of foreign capital flows in the Southern Africa Development Region (SADC) region – foreign direct investment (FDI), remittances, cross border bank flows (CBF), overseas development assistance (ODA) – and domestic savings and investment, employing the panel cointegration test and the dynamic ordinary least squares method (DOLS). The empirical results reveal that there is a strong positive relationship between domestic investment and domestic savings, FDI and remittances. These findings indicate that FDI remittances help in overcoming the limits on the domestic capital formation in the SADC region through permitting a rate of investment which is in excess of that which can be generated by domestic savings. Important policy implications on attracting foreign capital flows are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
We use techniques from network science to study correlations in the foreign exchange (FX) market during the period 1991–2008. We consider an FX market network in which each node represents an exchange rate and each weighted edge represents a time-dependent correlation between the rates. To provide insights into the clustering of the exchange-rate time series, we investigate dynamic communities in the network. We show that there is a relationship between an exchange rate's functional role within the market and its position within its community and use a node-centric community analysis to track the temporal dynamics of such roles. This reveals which exchange rates dominate the market at particular times and also identifies exchange rates that experienced significant changes in market role. We also use the community dynamics to uncover major structural changes that occurred in the FX market. Our techniques are general and will be similarly useful for investigating correlations in other markets.  相似文献   
Based on the idea that healthcare needs to be managed by individuals and that basic health services should be provided by the community, this paper examines the factors that impact urban outpatients' preferences for particular community health service centers (CHSCs) and hospitals. Rational consumption of healthcare is influenced by a patient's beliefs, beyond simple demographics and social structure. Ignorance of basic health issues leads to non-rational patient behavior, which also explains the confusion in Chinese health reform regarding people's mistrust of CHSCs. Health education in the form of self-managed care may increase personal health knowledge and encourage individuals to make use of the basic health services that are supplied by CHSCs.  相似文献   
金融腐败与被监管者自我报告制度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
南旭光   《华东经济管理》2009,23(5):30-35
金融腐败与金融监管有着重要联系,而且在金融监管及惩处的执法过程中会存在着监管腐败问题。文章在金融监管执法活动中构建了一个具有腐败倾向特征的监管执法者对金融机构或其从业人员的违法行为监督执法的模型,指出一个福利最大化的政府可以通过实施适当的激励政策以防范监管者和被监管者之间合谋腐败的发生,同时证明了如果允许金融活动参与者在违法行为发生后可以实施具有恰当的惩罚激励措施的自我报告制度,政府就能够通过降低官僚作风、保持较少的监督执法官员、降低监管寻租以增加社会福利,并通过自我报告制度消除金融腐败而进一步为社会谋福祉。  相似文献   
社区参与是旅游景区发展的一个不可忽略的重要动力,特别是对经济社会发展水平欠发达的地区尤为重要。本文试图以社区参与理论为指导,研究梵净山旅游景区生态可持续发展问题,为梵净山生态文明规划和发展提供可操作性较强的建议。  相似文献   
近年来,网络不正当竞争案件频繁发生。与传统不正当竞争相比,网络不正当竞争的负面影响更严重,而我国却缺少对其进行规制的相关法律,因此,制定网络经济专门法,建设独立的执法队伍,完善公益诉讼制度在网络不正当竞争中的应用,将对规制网络不正当竞争起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
以2011~2018年中国A股上市公司为样本,以税务稽查系统改革"金税工程三期"为准自然实验,探讨税收执法的公司治理效应,采用双重差分模型,实证检验了金税工程三期改革对企业财务报告质量的影响。研究发现:金税工程三期改革显著提升了企业财务报告质量。金税工程三期改革的公司治理效应在治理环境较弱、信息透明度更低、融资需求更高的公司表现得更为显著。从作用机制来看,金税工程三期改革显著增强了税收执法力度,减少了企业的避税行为。  相似文献   
金融反腐败的机制设计应该从金融监管政策入手,因为在金融监管及执法过程中存在着监管腐败问题。在金融监管执法活动中,构建具有腐败倾向特征的监管执法者对金融机构或其从业人员的违法行为监督执法的这样一个模型:在实施具有恰当的惩罚激励措施的自认制度时,一个福利最大化的政府可以防范监管者和被监管者之间合谋腐败的发生,可以通过降低官僚作风、保持较少的监督执法官员、降低监管寻租以增加社会福利,为弱化或消除金融腐败带来良好的治理效应。  相似文献   
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