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Turki Abalala 《Applied economics》2013,45(58):6317-6330
The vast majority of empirical research on calendar anomalies has studied financial markets in countries where the Western calendar is used. This article investigates day of the week effects in Saudi Arabia’s stock market, where an Islamic calendar is used and where Saturday is the first working day of the week over the sample period considered. The Saudi stock market is the largest in the Gulf region, and we consider both total market data (the TASI index) and data for 15 sector indices. Our investigation reveals the existence of a positive Saturday effect, which contrasts with the results on first day of the week effects that are typically obtained for Western calendar markets.  相似文献   
Does when a child was born relative to his or her siblings affect whether the child attends school or participates in child labour? We investigate this question by estimating the causal effect of birth order on the probabilities of school attendance and child labour participation. To address the potential endogeneity of family size, we use instrumental variable approach where the proportion of boys in the family is used to instrument family size. Using a longitudinal household survey data from Ethiopia, we estimate unobserved effects bivariate probit instrumental variable model of school attendance and child labour choices. The results suggest that the probability of child labour participation decreases with birth order, but we find no evidence that suggests birth order affects the probability of school attendance. However, among children who are going to school, hours spent studying increases with birth order. Results from complementary time-use analysis reveal that there is no birth order effect on hours spent on household chore. However, hours spent on school increases with birth order, where the increase in hours spent on school seems to come from a decrease in hours spent on market work.  相似文献   
Preexisting distortions in factor markets complicate the estimation of the social welfare effects of regulatory interventions. The existence of these tax interaction effects (TIEs) suggests that general equilibrium (GE) approaches should be used to evaluate regulatory policies. However, formal GE analysis is not always feasible for the numerous environmental regulations proposed by federal, state, and local agencies. The question addressed in this paper is whether an empirically based rule of thumb upward adjustment factor is appropriate to properly scale social cost estimates in environmental policy. We argue that such rule of thumb adjustments are significantly less reliable than estimates based on a detailed general equilibrium analysis because of the uncertainty about both the magnitude and sign of the social cost distortion. In addition to addressing this question, the paper gives an overview of TIEs and their relevance to environmental policy.  相似文献   
以增加农民收入从而支撑具有产业、区域特征的市场一体化为视角,对财政政策不同的支农方式和支农工具所产生的不同的农业市场一体化效应进行了分析,认为直接收入补贴明显好于价格支持;间接支农优于直接支农;而且不同的支农项目对市场一体化的促进作用差异显著。为此,提出了逐步减少价格支持,增加直接收入补贴,增加财政间接支农力度,引导农业生产要素多渠道利用,促进农业系统内外部合作,重视三农无形资产,建立适当监督机制等政策建议。  相似文献   
都市圈经济辐射效应的协方差分析——以上海都市圈为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于县级市数据,通过协方差分析等统计方法,研究了上海都市圈内中心城市对周边城市的经济辐射效应以及对相关市场的带动效应。结论表明,上海对其都市圈内的城市有显著的经济辐射效应,对相关市场的带动效应明显。  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of trade on Cuban growth during different commercial policy regimes spanning the period from 1960 up to 2004, encompassing two essential economic structural transformations: the Cuban revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall. For this purpose, the Granger causality is used by means of the modified Wald test for augmented‐level vector autoregressive model with integrated and cointegrated processes introduced by Toda and Yamamoto (1995) and Dolado and Lutekepohl (1996) . We show an import‐led growth hypothesis during the Soviet‐oriented pattern that is rejected after 1990, when exports are not only responsive to growth expansion but also to imports’ behaviour.  相似文献   
This paper studies the psychological effects of academic labeling. Exploiting the class tracking policy in a Chinese university, we identify the psychological impacts of the academic labels associated with class tracks on the students via a regression discontinuity design in the track assignment rule. We establish causal evidence of positive effects of a better academic label on the academic self-concept and self-expectation of students as well as their academic interest. Our setup ensures that the identified effects of the labels are through the mechanism of student responses, not teachers and schools, suggesting that previous literature focusing on the mechanism of teachers and schools may have neglected an important channel through which academic labels may impact students.  相似文献   
This study examines the effects of firm performance and corporate governance on chief executive officer (CEO) compensation in an emerging market, Pakistan. Using a more robust Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation approach for a sample of non-financial firms listed at Karachi Stock Exchange over the period 2005–2012, we find that both current- and previous-year accounting performances has positive influence on CEO compensation. However, stock market performance does not appear to have a positive impact on executive compensation. We further find that ownership concentration is positively related with CEO compensation, indicating some kind of collusion between management and largest shareholder to get personal benefits. Inconsistent with agency theory, CEO duality appears to have a negative influence, while board size and board independence have no convincing relationship with CEO compensation, indicating board ineffectiveness in reducing CEO entrenchment. The results of dynamic GMM model suggest that CEO pay is highly persistent and takes time to adjust to long-run equilibrium.  相似文献   
This paper aims to specify factors promoting the 3G mobile in Japan. The factors are represented by value-added services such as FeliCa, which enables e-payment, data roaming services, and full music downloads. Panel data from the three main carriers, which occupy over 90% of the Japanese mobile market, is utilized. In order to control network effects as well as the endogeneity of variables, the Arellano–Bond dynamic panel estimation is adopted. As a result, the launch of the iPhone 3G, FeliCa, data roaming, full music downloads, and the flat rate are revealed to have affected the diffusion of the 3G mobile in Japan. The results, reflecting the importance of value-added services, can be applied not only to the next generation mobile development, but also to the promotion of 3G networks in other countries.  相似文献   
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