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产业集群升级的研究正逐步从通过外部拉动转向从集群内部挖掘升级潜力。但目前对内部升级途径的研究往往从某个角度出发,分析影响升级的几个因素,缺乏对集群内各动力要素及其作用机制完整的阐述和论证。在此背景下,文章首先研究了产业集群升级的四个内在动力要素及要素之间相互作用构成的知识网络;接着分析了集群动力要素间互动以促进集群升级的知识更新机制;进而构建了知识网络中四个动力要素在知识更新中发挥作用的“四力”模型及作用机制;最后,以浙江余姚灯具产业集群为例对模型作了应用分析。研究表明,核心企业、大学和科研院所、生产型服务机构及政府机构等集群知识网络要素的作用发挥及其匹配是集群顺利升级的关键。 相似文献
近年来,滨海新区高新技术产业发展迅速,形成了装备制造、电子信息、航空航天等七大高新技术产业,有力的支撑和带动了天津经济的发展。滨海新区高新技术产业的发展方向和举措是:着力提升高新技术产业自主创新能力;着力吸引高端项目集聚;着力打造国家级特色产业基地;着力壮大内资企业实力。 相似文献
查贵勇 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2013,(2):38-46
近年,我国陶瓷产业频繁遭遇国外反倾销措施,严重阻碍了该产业的可持续性发展。因此,本文在详实分析造成该状况的内在和外在深层次原因的基础上,从政府、行业、企业三个层面提出应对之策。 相似文献
邵燕 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2013,12(1):37-40
近几年,在政府的高度重视下,安徽省的文化创意产业发展势头良好。但还存在缺乏特色、资金不足、人才匮乏、知识产权创造和保护不够等问题。要想实现建设文化大省的目标,安徽省需要学习外省市的先进经验,结合自身情况,在产业特色、文化内涵等方面下功夫,加大对文化创意产业的投融资,大力培养和引进专业人才,加强科技与文化的融合。 相似文献
Carsten Fink 《Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade》2001,1(1):101-121
This study examines the role of patent protection on the behavior of transnational corporations and market structure in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The method of analysis is the calibration of a theoretical model to firm-level data from two therapeutic groups of the Indian pharmacy market, and a simulation analysis asking the hypothetical question of what the market structure would be if India granted patent protection to pharmaceutical products. The model developed for the simulation analysis explicitly accounts for the complex demand structure for pharmaceutical goods that results from the presence of therapeutic substitute drugs, and product differentiation among chemically equivalent drugs. 相似文献
调整和提升安徽产业结构的思考 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文依据产业经济学的基本原理 ,对安徽省产业结构的优劣和经济发展水平进行分析。实证显示 ,安徽省产业发展的主要问题是产业结构的不合理和产业质量偏低。造成上述状况的主要原因在于安徽过去一直把建设农业强省作为战略目标。因此 ,提升安徽产业结构的根本出路在于转变思路 ,把工业化与现代化并举作为战略目标。围绕这个目标 ,本文提出了产业结构调整战略及工作基点。 相似文献
中国电信业政府规制改革研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文认为,电信业是具有典型规模经济、范围经济和固定成本较大沉淀性的自然垄断产业,这种固有的自然垄断特征为政府实行严格的价格管制和进入管制提供了理论依据;但是,从世界范围看,电信业发生的技术革命和技术进步改变了电信业的成本结构和需求结构,从而使电信业从强自然垄断向弱自然垄断过渡,并最终出现竞争性的市场结构,自然垄断的边界发生改变,放松政府规制成为必然趋势。文章提出,目前我国经济发展与发达国家相比处于较低水平,电信市场的需求水平也相对较低,政府规制改革不仅要引入竞争政策,放松市场准入,而且要制定科学合理的用户资费政策、公平透明的互联互通政策和合理的普遍服务政策,以形成有效竞争的电信市场,推动电信产业的快速健康发展。 相似文献
在构建"产业发展水平评价"理论模型的基础上,本文从产业的竞争能力、创新能力和载体支撑能力"三力"视角设计了我国服务业发展水平的评价指标体系,实证我国服务业整体发展水平和"三力"的非均衡程度。借助"出口技术含量指数"计量我国服务贸易出口竞争力。之后,分别从整体和"三力"及部门视角实证检验两者关系。研究显示:(1)我国服务业发展水平、服务贸易出口竞争力均呈现逐年提升的发展趋势,但近年来增长幅度有所下降;(2)整体而言,我国服务业发展与服务贸易出口竞争力提升存在长期的均衡关系,前者是后者的格兰杰原因;(3)服务业"三力"中的"创新能力"对其出口竞争力的贡献度最小,这与我国服务业创新能力不强且科技成果转化成生产力效率不佳有关;不同的服务部门对服务贸易出口竞争力的影响程度存在着差异性,现代服务业相对传统服务业对服务贸易出口竞争力的作用更为明显。文章最后根据研究结论提出促进我国服务业发展和提升服务贸易出口竞争力的对策。 相似文献
This article constitutes a first attempt to systematically map the presence of women in the greatly changing Swedish advertising industry since 1930. The overarching aim of the study is to analyse how the gendered divisions of labour and business changed in relation to both business structure and the overall labour market in Sweden. While we conclude that women constituted around 40–50% of the workforce over time, we see an increase in the shares of women in higher positions and in women who were self-employed and managers. This upturn, however, stabilised during the 1990s. We argue that the changes in gendered divisions of labour and business coincided with a fast-changing business structure. First, the old cartel broke down in the mid-1960s. Then, the number of firms increased quickly during the 1970s and 1980s, and the market share for the largest firms declined. This, in turn, meant new business opportunities for women at the same time as their overall labour market participation increased. The article stresses the importance of both acknowledging women’s presence in the industry development as well as the structures constituting gender divisions. 相似文献
Joonho Shin Xavier Mendoza Matthew A. Hawkins Changbum Choi 《International Business Review》2017,26(5):867-880
This research explores the relationship between multinationality and firm performance (M-P) in the context of micro-multinational enterprises (mMNEs) within the service sector. We examine the moderating effects of industry characteristics using a data set of 1082 Spanish service mMNEs over an eight-year period. The empirical results provide statistical evidence that knowledge-intensive service mMNEs exhibit an inverted U-shaped M-P relationship, while capital-intensive service mMNEs present a U-shaped relationship. Our findings demonstrate that knowledge-intensive service mMNEs increase their performance in the initial stage of multinationality, encounter a threshold of internationalization at relatively low levels of multinationality and have a propensity to over-internationalize. By comparison, capital-intensive service mMNEs experience negative performance effects at low levels of multinationality and positive ones as they further internationalize. Given that their operations are scale-sensitive, they tend to expand internationally by concentrating their operations in few foreign markets as a means to overcome the liabilities of internationalization and smallness. We contribute to the literatures on multinationality research in the service sector and on SME internationalization by showing that the effects of multinationality on the performance of mMNEs depend on industry characteristics and that such contextual factors provide a better understanding of the M-P relationship. 相似文献