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How important is the risk‐taking channel for monetary policy? To answer this question, we develop and estimate a quantitative monetary DSGE model where banks choose excessively risky investments, due to an agency problem that distorts banks' incentives. As the real interest rate declines, these distortions become more important and excessive risk taking increases, lowering the efficiency of investment. We show theoretically that this novel transmission channel generates a new monetary policy trade‐off between inflation and real interest rate stabilization, whereby the central bank may prefer to tolerate greater inflation volatility in order to lower excessive risk taking.  相似文献   
本文构建了一个充分反映中国宏观经济结构和体制特征的DSGE模型,并用贝叶斯估计方法对模型进行了估计和分析。我们发现,中国宏观经济存在非确定均衡解,自我实现的通胀预期对中国通货膨胀和产出波动有显著的影响,逆向供给冲击是近年来中国通货膨胀的主要原因。通过反事实模拟方法,我们发现近年来我国央行实施的实际货币政策基本符合最优货币政策,我们还估算中国货币增长长期目标的适度水平为18%左右,过高或过低的货币增长率都会加大消费和通货膨胀的波动,并降低社会的长期福利水平。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes a dynamic stochastic equilibrium model of an asset market based on behavioral and evolutionary principles. The core of the model is a non-traditional game-theoretic framework combining elements of stochastic dynamic games and evolutionary game theory. Its key characteristic feature is that it relies only on objectively observable market data and does not use hidden individual agents’ characteristics (such as their utilities and beliefs). A central goal of the study is to identify an investment strategy that allows an investor to survive in the market selection process, i.e., to keep with probability one a strictly positive, bounded away from zero share of market wealth over an infinite time horizon, irrespective of the strategies used by the other players. The main results show that under very general assumptions, such a strategy exists, is asymptotically unique and easily computable.  相似文献   
《Economic Systems》2020,44(1):100730
We examine Vietnam’s economy in comparison with its closest trade partners. We show that capital accumulation has been the primary growth engine since the start of its transition to the pro-market economy in 1986 – the Doi Moi. We also show that the cyclical behavior of its macro aggregates is similar to that of its ASEAN-5 peers and other developing countries. We extend the standard small open economy RBC model by considering habit persistence and government consumption, which allows a close match of the moments of the growth variables. At the business cycle frequency, transitory productivity shocks account for approximately one-half of Vietnam’s output variance, while country risk and non-transitory productivity shocks account to close to one-fifth each. Regarding the Solow residual’s volatility, we find that the trend component merely accounts for 12 % of this variance in Vietnam, while in Thailand it is only 6 %. These findings refute the “the cycle is the trend” hypothesis in Aguiar and Gopinath (2007) and align with the hypotheses in García-Cicco et al. (2010) and Rhee (2017), where the stationary component is overwhelmingly dominant. We claim that technological progress and productivity-enhancing measures are fundamental for Vietnam’s economy to sustain high growth.  相似文献   
The global financial crisis since 2008 revived the debate on whether or not and to what extent financial development contributes to economic growth. This paper reviews different theoretical schools of thought and empirical findings on this nexus, building on which we aim to develop a unified, microfounded model in a small open economy setting to accommodate various theoretical possibilities and empirical observations. The model is then calibrated to match some well-documented stylized facts. Numerical simulations show that, in the long run, the welfare-maximizing level of financial develop is lower than the growth-maximizing level. In the short run, the price channel (through world interest rate) dominates the quantity-channel (through financial productivity), suggesting a vital role of international cooperation in tackling systemic risk of the global financial system.  相似文献   
本文以实体经济低迷和房地产行业繁荣的困局为切入点,研究了困局产生的原因,并从房产税的视角探讨了如何走出这一困局。本文发现:第一,经济进入新常态后,宽松的货币政策导致增加的货币流向了房地产行业,资源的错配使投资和产出长期无法走出“L”型区间;第二,本文通过三次模拟实验证明,政府可以考虑适当地通过对代表性家庭征房产税进行宏观调控,解决资源错配问题。  相似文献   
通过构建DSGE模型,探讨包含影子银行在内的金融中介机构、资产价格和宏观经济波动之间的内在联系,以及金融中介机构自身净值变化通过资产价格和杠杆率向实体经济传播的机制.结果表明:增加金融中介净值比直接放松信贷约束对宏观经济的冲击作用更大,引入影子银行后的双中介模型对金融部门和宏观经济变量形成放大效应,对影子银行监管的严格程度也会对金融经济变量产生不同影响.因此,决策者需在限制影子银行规模、维持金融稳定和放宽对影子银行监管、促进经济增长之间进行权衡.  相似文献   
Despite the widespread belief that Japan’s “Great Stagnation” in the 1990s is due to the financial dysfunction after the collapse of asset price bubbles, Hayashi and Prescott (2002) argue that its main cause is a slowdown in total factor productivity growth, using a calibrated neoclassical growth model. The present paper aims to fill this gap by estimating a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model augmented with a financial accelerator mechanism and associated financial shocks. Our estimation results show that even in the presence of the financial shocks an adverse neutral technology shock mainly induced the Great Stagnation and that the rate of neutral technological change is strongly correlated with all enterprises’ financial position in the Tankan. Based on these findings, the paper argues that the Great Stagnation was caused by an adverse neutral technology shock that is likely to represent a tightening of firms’ financing, which induced reduction of R&D investment and misallocation of resources as indicated in previous literature.  相似文献   
本文在一个带有金融加速器的DSGE模型中讨论了我国宏观经济波动背后的信贷因素,并检验了金融加速器模型对我国宏观经济波动的解释能力。在此基础上,本文进而分析了货币政策通过信贷因素对我国宏观经济的影响。本文分析的结果表明,受信贷市场中不对称信息的影响,宏观经济变量都表现出较大的波动性,模型模拟出的产出、实际利率和投资等主要变量的相对标准差都与实际经济数据相似;同时,脉冲响应分析的结论显示,相对产出等其他变量,货币政策对于价格水平和通货膨胀有着更好的控制力。从这个意义上说,本文的研究也为我国货币政策的目标明确了方向。  相似文献   
We compare real-time density forecasts for the euro area using three DSGE models. The benchmark is the Smets and Wouters model, and its forecasts of real GDP growth and inflation are compared with those from two extensions. The first adds financial frictions and expands the observables to include a measure of the external finance premium. The second allows for the extensive labor-market margin and adds the unemployment rate to the observables. The main question that we address is whether these extensions improve the density forecasts of real GDP and inflation and their joint forecasts up to an eight-quarter horizon. We find that adding financial frictions leads to a deterioration in the forecasts, with the exception of longer-term inflation forecasts and the period around the Great Recession. The labor market extension improves the medium- to longer-term real GDP growth and shorter- to medium-term inflation forecasts weakly compared with the benchmark model.  相似文献   
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