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王兵  王丽 《南方经济》2010,28(11):3-19
本文运用方向性距离函数和曼奎斯特-卢恩伯格指数方法测算了环境约束下中国1998--2007年各地区工业技术效率、全要素生产率指数和环境规制成本,并对影响技术效率和全要素生产率增长的因素进行了实证分析。结果显示:环境技术效率呈现东、中、西依次递减,并且技术效率越高的地区,环境管制成本越低;考虑环境因素后,中国各地区工业全要素生产率指数降低,主要是由技术进步推动;环境约束下工业全要素生产率东部最高,西部次之,中部最低;人均GRP、FDI、工业结构、能源结构、人口密度对技术效率和全要素生产率有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   
In conventional social productive efficiency measurements that consider the production of undesirable outputs such as CO2, a DEA-based non-parametric method of production possibility frontier (PPF) identification coupled with the directional distance-function approach a-la Luenberger (1992) is typically employed. This paper shows that the discrepancy between parametric and non-parametric methods of PPF identification in social inefficiency measures can be non-negligibly large when the number of observations is small or the data are not well-scattered. By using the same data as Ha et al. (2011), who used non-parametric PPF identification to measure the social efficiency of Japan's inter-city transport services with lifecycle CO2 as the undesirable output, this paper demonstrates that adopting parametric PPF identification instead can result in considerably higher inefficiency measures for decision making units (DMUs) with relatively large undesirable outputs.  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of oil price dynamics on quarterly earnings and their predictability with a sample of 30 airlines for 1994–2017. First, we document a significantly positive impact of demand-driven oil shocks on airline earnings, suggesting that the revenue effect from shifting air travel demands dominates the cost effect of aviation fuels. Regarding earnings predictability, we find evidence of deterioration in oil-volatile quarters as indicated by both the earnings variability based on common benchmarks and the quality of analyst forecasts issued early in the quarter. We further show that supply-driven oil shocks have a more detrimental impact on earning predictability than demand-driven oil shocks. Finally, we do not find supporting evidence for the possible moderating effect of hedging.  相似文献   
The martingale hypothesis is tested for 15 European emerging stock markets located in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey and the Ukraine. For comparative purposes, the developed stock markets in Greece, Portugal and the UK are also included. Rolling window variance ratio tests based on returns and signs and with wild bootstrapped p-values are used with daily data over the period beginning in February 2000 and ending in December 2009. The fixed-length rolling sub-period window captures changes in efficiency and is used to identify events which coincide with departures from weak-form efficiency and to rank markets by relative efficiency. Overall, return predictability varies widely. The most efficient are the Turkish, UK, Hungarian and Polish markets; the least efficient are the Ukrainian, Maltese and Estonian stock markets. The global financial market crisis of 2007–2008 coincides with return predictability in the Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovakian and UK stock markets. However, not all markets were affected: the crisis had little effect on weak-form efficiency in stock markets located in Greece, Latvia, Romania, Russia and Turkey.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes predictive regressions in a panel data setting. The standard fixed effects estimator suffers from a small sample bias, which is the analogue of the Stambaugh bias in time-series predictive regressions. Monte Carlo evidence shows that the bias and resulting size distortions can be severe. A new bias-corrected estimator is proposed, which is shown to work well in finite samples and to lead to approximately normally distributed t-statistics. Overall, the results show that the econometric issues associated with predictive regressions when using time-series data to a large extent also carry over to the panel case. The results are illustrated with an application to predictability in international stock indices.  相似文献   
This paper shows that the surplus consumption ratio, specified by Campbell and Cochrane [1999. Journal of Political Economy 107, 205–251], is a good predictor of excess returns at long horizons. We also provide empirical evidence that this variable captures a component of expected returns, not explained by the proxies for the consumption to wealth ratio, cay and cdy, proposed by Lettau and Ludvigson [2001a. Journal of Finance 56, 815–849; 2001b. Journal of Political Economy 109, 1238–1286; 2005. Journal of Financial Economics 76, 583–626]. Moreover, used as a conditioning information for the Consumption based Asset Pricing Model (C)CAPM, the resulting linear model helps to explain for the variation in average returns across the Fama–French (25) portfolios sorted by size and book-to-market characteristics.  相似文献   
Market prices are traditionally sampled in fixed time intervals to form time series. Directional change (DC) is an alternative approach to record price movements. Instead of sampling at fixed intervals, DC is data driven: price changes dictate when a price is recorded. DC provides us with a complementary way to extract information from data. It allows us to observe features that may not be recognized in time series. The argument is that time series and DC-based analysis complement each other. With data sampled at irregular time intervals in DC, however, some of the time series indicators cannot be used in DC-based analysis. For example, returns must be time adjusted and volatility must be amended accordingly. A major objective of this paper is to introduce indicators for profiling markets under DC. We analyse empirical high-frequency data on major equities traded on the UK stock market, and through DC profiling extract information complementary to features observed through time series profiling.  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests that all asset returns are predictable to some extent with excess returns on real estate relatively easier to forecast. This raises the issue of whether we can successfully exploit this level of predictability using various market timing strategies to realize superior performance over a buy-and-hold strategy. We find that the level of predicability associated with real estate leads to moderate success in market timing, although this is not necessarily the case for the other asset classes examined in general. Besides this, real estate stocks typically have higher trading profits and higher mean risk-adjusted excess returns when compared to small stocks as well as large stocks and bonds even though most real estate stocks are small stocks.  相似文献   
本文运用SBM方向性距离函数和Luenberger生产率指标测度了2003~2009年中国11家上市商业银行不良贷款约束下的效率和全要素生产率增长,并对影响效率和全要素生产率的宏观因素进行了实证分析。研究结果发现:股份制商业银行的效率优于大型商业银行,非利息收入和不良贷款是银行无效率的主要来源;中国银行业的全要素生产率是增长的,股份制商业银行的全要素生产率高于大型商业银行,主要体现在规模效率变化和技术规模变化;外资银行的进入和M_2的供给增长对中国银行业的发展起到推动作用。  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of international predictors from liquid markets on the predictability of excess returns in the New Zealand stock market using data from May 1992 to February 2011. We find that US stock market return and VIX contribute significantly to the out‐of‐sample forecasts at short horizons even after controlling for the effect of local predictors, while the contribution by Australian stock market return is not significant. We further demonstrate that the predictability of New Zealand stock market returns using US market predictors could be explained by the information diffusion between these two countries.  相似文献   
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