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近年来,我国并购市场如火如荼,越来越多的企业选择通过并购来实现自己的战略目标,迅速占据市场地位,进入新兴行业。在并购交易热潮下,高溢价似乎也成为并购重组的"标配",高溢价并购屡见不鲜。可是企业支付高溢价换来的是否为优质资产,其是否能给企业带来价值的提升,这些都是值得研究的议题。因此,文章基于我国并购交易市场,研究了国内上市公司并购溢价的绩效反应。运用相关性分析、多元回归分析等研究方法探讨了并购支付溢价对并购绩效的影响。最后,根据实证研究结果阐述本文的结论,给出相应的建议。研究结果表明:并购溢价在一定程度上代表了并购后协同效应的大小,支付的溢价越高表明预期达成的协同效应越大,企业后期的绩效表现会越好。  相似文献   
本文从国企混改进入全方位深化的现实背景出发,对格力电器自上市以来混合所有制改革进行深入研究,分析了公司混改方案及对应的股权结构的变化。通过EVA分析得到混改导致公司财务业绩大幅上升,并从股权激励的视角分析了格力电器市盈率长期低于美的集团的现象。随着格力电器新一轮混改的完成,可以预见其将为相关各方创造更大价值。格力电器混改的模式对国有企业混改特别是竞争性国企混改具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
农地流转对土地使用权分配的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用2006年中国综合社会调查问卷中的农户数据分析了农地流转对土地使用权分配的影响。通过计算农地流转前后的土地分配基尼系数,测度了农地流转影响土地使用权分配的结果,研究显示:农地流转促进了土地使用权的集中,但集中的速度并不快,各区域之间存在差异。在市场化农地流转中,土地较少而又贫穷的农民缺乏能力和优势转入土地,导致土地使用权集中。农地流转难以解决公平问题,农民获取土地仍然主要依靠村组集体的初次分配和二次调整。在符合农民认同、规则明确稳定的条件下,村组内部的土地调整能做到公平与效率相容。因此,村庄集体需要积极培育民主、发展农民自治组织;基层政府需要抑制自己调整土地的冲动,同时在一定程度上认同、支持和监督村组内部的土地调整。  相似文献   
私募股权投资不仅是企业筹集股权资金的一种融资方式,还能优化企业法人治理结构,对经理人实施激励约束作用,进而增加企业价值,改善企业经营绩效。本文选取深交所中小企业板块的233户上市公司为研究样本,实证研究发现:在控制了公司规模和财务杠杆度后,私募股权投资与公司价值和公司经营绩效呈显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   
In recent debates on environmental problems and policies, the strategy of “degrowth” has appeared as an alternative to the paradigm of economic growth. This new notion is critically evaluated by considering five common interpretations of it. One conclusion is that these multiple interpretations make it an ambiguous and rather confusing concept. Another is that degrowth may not be an effective, let alone an efficient strategy to reduce environmental pressure. It is subsequently argued that “a-growth,” i.e. being indifferent about growth, is a more logical social aim to substitute for the current goal of economic growth, given that GDP (per capita) is a very imperfect indicator of social welfare. In addition, focusing ex ante on public policy is considered to be a strategy which ultimately is more likely to obtain the necessary democratic-political support than an ex ante, explicit degrowth strategy. In line with this, a policy package is proposed which consists of six elements, some of which relate to concerns raised by degrowth supporters.  相似文献   
Trust is frequently a requirement for economic exchanges and the management of natural resources. Providing public information on past actions can promote trust through the formation of reputations. We developed an economic experiment to test whether a formal reputation mechanism could facilitate trusting relationships in the tradable grazing rights markets. Providing information to create formal public reputations for market participants did not increase the overall efficiency of the market. However, it did result in greater equality of income between partners, suggesting that participants showed more concern for their partners when they knew they would be rated. Even with public reputation information, bilateral relationships remained central to the market. Market failures in existing grazing rights markets may be better addressed by measures to increase communication between partners rather than simply relying on a formal reputation mechanism.  相似文献   
公允价值模式有关问题研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国新颁布的会计准则公允价值的应用是新准则的创新。基于决策有用观,人们对公允价值计量的偏爱主要来自于它能提高会计信息的相关性。由于公允价值是以市场定价为基础的,所以其决策价值要明显优于历史成本。但在我国现阶段运用公允价值存在一些现实问题,针对这些问题本文进行了探讨并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   
引进境外战略投资者是我国金融服务业进入全面开放后,国有商业银行改革的重要策略.其中的股权定价问题是这一改革过程中关注和讨论的重要问题,形成了多种不同的观点.在境外战略投资者与国有商业银行进行股权议价的过程中,存在着影响溢价和折价的多种因素,最终价格的确定正是双方通过多种因素博弈的结果.  相似文献   
中小投资者法律保护与公司权益资本成本   总被引:62,自引:3,他引:62  
本文以1993年至2001年之间我国证券市场进行股权再融资的上市公司为样本,采用时间序列分析方法深入考察我国证券市场不同历史阶段里中小投资者法律保护与公司权益资本成本关系的变化。研究结果表明,在我国证券市场发展的历史实践中,随着中小投资者法律保护措施的加强,上市公司的权益资本成本出现一个逐步递减的过程现象;在控制公司特征和宏观经济变量的情况下,中小投资者法律保护程度与上市公司的权益资本成本呈显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   
Abstract. Income redistribution in Germany is the result of a combination of several redistribution instruments: there is a complex income tax law, different obligatory social insurances and supplementary benefits. This paper estimates income redistribution by quantile regression, using German EVS data. Two results are obtained: income after redistribution does not always increase in line with income before redistribution, i.e. for people with a low income before redistribution, it does not make sense to increase their efforts, since more work means less earnings. Further, an increasing redistribution rate for higher incomes is not always observable from the data.  相似文献   
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