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税收激励主要通过收益调节、现金流量的可获性和风险分担这三种方式发挥其作用。我国目前的税收激励的主要不足在于,缺乏一种系统的、一以贯之的政策取向。从知识经济的大背景看,完善我国的税收激励制度应紧紧围绕促进科技创新这一主线来进行。  相似文献   
Abstract This paper examines the circumstances in which financial reporting exists. Jensen and Meckling (1995 ) observe that where there are high knowledge transfer costs, then decentralisation is necessary; and that where decentralisation occurs there is a control problem, which can be addressed by providing a control system. I predict that where there are high knowledge transfer costs there will be a control system; if the control system uses financial reports, these will occur for activities with high knowledge transfer costs. The ability to decentralise is reduced where dependence makes it potentially costly to allow a subordinate to make decisions about the activity. The paper predicts that high dependence will be negatively associated with the existence of financial reports. The results confirm the predictions that financial reports are positively associated with knowledge transfer costs and negatively associated with dependence.  相似文献   
This paper examines the dynamic behavior of the stock return volatility for Canada, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The evidence indicates that international stock return volatility is mainly influenced by the U.S. stock return volatility and the exchange rate volatility, supporting the international capital market integration hypothesis. There seems to be some correlation between stock return volatility and macroeconomic volatility, but the effect is relatively weaker. In addition to the economic fundamentals, the noise component is found to be time varying, confirming the AR(MA)CH specifications in the stock return models.  相似文献   
基于忠诚度的知识型员工流失预警管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
员工忠诚是员工对企业的行为忠诚与态度忠诚的有机统一.基于忠诚度的知识型员工流失预警指标包括社会环境、员工个人特性、企业状况、领导的影响力、报酬制度、员工在企业的状况等.根据这六个指标确定的指标权重建立的评价集,可计算出员工的忠诚度,从而对员工流失进行预警管理.  相似文献   
What happens when educational ideas cross national and cultural borders? How do teachers respond to ideas originating in a different school system and a different national culture? This article reports on an empirical study investigating the transfer of ideas from Design &; Technology as a subject in England and Wales into Norwegian schools. A sample of teachers participating in a specific project on technology teaching inspired by this subject has been studied by means of interviews and classroom observation. Results of the study show that while some elements of Design &; Technology are adopted by the teachers, essential ideas of the subject are significantly transformed. Drawing on Barnes, (1992, Teachers and Teaching: From Classrooms to Reflection (pp. 9–32), The Falmer press, London) concept of teachers' professional frames for teaching, it is shown how specific aspects of the national and educational culture have had a considerable effect on?the teachers' interpretation of the nature of technology as a subject of teaching and its place in the curriculum. The study illustrates the importance of the cultural context in how educational ideas are interpreted, reshaped and realized in schools.  相似文献   
我国现行融资制度功能的理论及实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内生于经济增长的融资制度应具备筹资功能、降低交易成本功能、价格发现功能、流动性功能和风险转移功能等五方面的功能.我国现行融资制度基本能够有效地进行储蓄动员,但在向资本转化方面存在着一定的障碍;作为公共资源的政府融资仍然发挥着相当重要的作用,但金融市场对经济的促进作用有进一步弱化的趋势;在地区间和企业间存在着资源的逆配置现象,总体上资本的运用效率较低,而非正规金融发挥了不可或缺的作用;严格的利率管制使中介的价格发现功能几乎没有,而市场的价格发现功能一直较弱;此外,存在较高的交易成本,流动性水平整体较低,风险转移功能也相对缺乏.  相似文献   
We present three conditions for a demography-driven middle-income trap and show that many economies in East, South, and Southeast Asia satisfy all of them. The conditions involve (1) the support ratio of workers to consumers has an impact on economic growth, (2) economic development accompanies more investment in human capital and lower fertility due to the quantity–quality trade-off, and (3) a current low level of fertility corresponds to very low support ratios for keeping up with frontier economies in the long run. Panel analysis for 178 countries shows that (1) and (2) are satisfied for Asia with higher elasticity than others. As for (3), we set up a dynamic model for simulations, showing that approximately two-third of Asia’s developing countries have an unsustainable level of support ratios, implying possibility of a middle-income trap due to future demographic headwinds.  相似文献   
在2020年暴发的新冠肺炎疫情中,中美本应借机缓和前期的贸易冲突危机,但美国不仅没有缓和与中国的关系,反而从医疗产品进口、供应链转移、舆论战等方面,加大与中国的分歧,这背后的原因包括:美国对中国的战略打压、借机转移国内矛盾、中美发展模式之争,以及科技竞争加剧等。为此,本文建议中美之间增进相互信任,中国应谨防陷入美国的话语陷阱,专注于解决自身国内问题,以及加强底线思维,做好最坏打算。  相似文献   
国际转让价格的制定历来是跨国公司经营战略的一大难题。影响国际转让价格制定的因素有所得税差别、关税壁垒、竞争、通货膨胀、外汇管制、政治风险等。制定国际转让价格的方法分为以成本和以市价为基础两种,两种方法各有优劣。在实务中,跨国公司应联系自身的经营目标、组织结构、生产规模、定价策略以及各国经济、文化背景等因素加以选择。  相似文献   
[目的]基于安徽省蚌埠市的调研数据,实证研究土地流转补贴政策对土地转出的影响,分析土地流转补贴政策效用。[方法]文章根据国内外相关研究成果,结合调研地区的具体环境因素,提出研究假设,选取农户的家庭人口特征、社会经济特征和土地资源禀赋等变量,构建回归模型,运用SPSS统计软件分析农户土地转出的影响因素及土地流转补贴政策的效用。[结果]直接影响农户土地转出的因素包括非农就业、非农收入、农民离乡进城务工条件和土地资源禀赋等,农民获得的土地流转补贴占家庭总收入的比重非常小,对农户转出土地的意愿起不到显著促进作用。[结论]因此,促进土地有序流转必须把土地流转补贴等财政扶持资金转移到基本生产设施的建设上,改善农业生产经营条件,增强新型农业经营主体的土地转入积极性;通过创造非农就业机会,增加非农收入,完善农村社会保障服务体系,促进农民工市民化等措施,弱化农民对土地的依赖,从而增强农民转出土地的积极性。  相似文献   
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