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本文以投资者在东方财富网股吧针对创业板上市公司发表的90多万条帖子为研究对象,通过IP地址识别,构建本地关注指标;并利用计算机文本挖掘技术,提取网络发帖所体现的情绪倾向,构建投资者情绪指标。实证结果显示,本地关注对股票收益率的影响取决于投资者情绪,当投资者持积极情绪时,本地关注对股票收益率有显著的正向影响;当投资者持消极情绪时,该影响显著为负。在积极情绪和消极情绪下本地关注对股票交易量都有显著正向影响,但积极情绪下的影响程度比消极情绪下更大。此外,本地关注与投资者情绪的交叉效应在上市公司样本数量较多的北京、广东、江苏、上海、浙江这五个区域都存在,并与整体样本的特征基本一致,但在样本数量较少的其他区域并不完全一致。 相似文献
基于2005年全国1%人口调查、2010和2012年“北京大学中国家庭和个人跟踪调查”(CFPS)数据,本文以姓氏集中度代理宗族文化强度,研究并购双方所在地区宗族文化差异对企业并购收益的影响,发现宗族文化差异越大企业并购收益越高.进一步研究表明宗族文化不会显著影响地区内个体的思维方式或价值观念,但宗族的排外性使强宗族文化地区企业掌握了独有的社会关系网络和社会资本,收购强宗族文化地区企业有助于外地企业进入地方社会网络,吸收地方社会资本,增加市场竞争优势.基于这一现象构建投资策略,收益远超市场表现.本文研究结果对构建投资策略、企业并购决策具有价值. 相似文献
中印地方税制度比较分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国和印度的地方税①制存在明显的差异。印度的地方税制具有较强的法制性、完整性和自主性。本文认为,我国的地方税制改革可以借鉴印度的一些先进经验,把重点放在加速税收基本法的建设、增强地方政府征税的合法性、扩大地方税的覆盖范围、完善地方税税种体系和税制结构以及提高地方税收入占整个地方政府税收收入的比重上。 相似文献
This paper examines the effects of the foreign exchange market interventions by the Bank of Japan on the ex ante correlations between the JPY/USD, EUR/USD, and GBP/USD exchange rates. The correlation estimates used in the analysis are derived from the market prices of OTC currency options. The results show that central bank interventions significantly affect the market expectations about future exchange rate co-movements. In particular, we find that interventions tend to temporarily increase the ex ante correlations among the major exchange rates. However, our results also suggest that intervention episodes are associated with lower-than-average levels of exchange rate correlations. 相似文献
本文通过建立农村金融发展与经济增长的灰色关联度分析模型,对农村金融发展与农村经济增长之间的关系进行分析。结果表明,农村金融发展对农村经济增长起着积极的促进作用,但对乡镇企业的支持却严重不足。具体说来,农村金融发展效率的提高对农村经济增长的作用尤为明显,而农村金融发展规模和结构指标与农村经济增长之间的相关性则较弱。 相似文献
This study provides new evidence on emerging stock market contagion during the Global Financial crisis (GFC) and the Euro zone Sovereign Debt Crisis (ESDC). Focusing on the three emerging Baltic markets and developed European markets, proxied by the EUROSTOXX50 stock index, we explore asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation dynamics across stable and crisis periods. Empirical evidence indicates a diverse contagion pattern for the Baltic region across the two crises. Latvia and Lithuania were contagious during the GFC, while they were insulated from the adverse effects of the ESDC. On the other hand, Estonia decoupled from the negative consequences during the global turmoil period, but recoupled during the ESDC. The results could be attributed to financial and macroeconomic characteristics of the Baltic countries before and after the turmoil periods and the introduction time of the Euro as a national currency. 相似文献
This study uncovers the static and dynamic network of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) across 17 developed and emerging economies. We build a centrality network using the minimal spanning tree (MST) as well as a dependency network using partial correlations. Results from the MST show that EPU exhibits some degree of geographical connections with EPUs in seven countries in the sample directly linked to the US EPU. Evidence from dynamic time-varying MST reveals that the nature and dominance of the EPU network have changed significantly over time. Further, the US and German EPUs dominate a close-knit global policy uncertainty network with the highest net (To and From) transmitter of information flow in the dependency network. Greece, Russia, and Brazil are the top three net receivers of information in the global network of EPU. The policy implication of these results relates to the renewed and ongoing international debate on policy coordination. 相似文献
本文以2003-2013年中国A股上市公司的财务数据和31个省市自治区地方官员的变动数据为样本,采用地方官员变动率作为地方政策不确定性的代理变量,研究了政策不确定性对企业投融资的影响。研究发现,政策不确定性显著降低企业的债权融资,但是对股权融资影响不显著。政策不确定性对企业投资的影响存在两种渠道,一是通过降低企业融资来影响投资,二是通过企业资本运作降低融资对投资的影响系数,即政策不确定性越高,企业债权和股权融资对投资的正向作用会越小,这种作用机制在国有企业、大企业等与政策联系紧密的企业中作用更为显著。融资可获得性是政策不确定性影响投资的重要前提之一,融资可获得性较小时,政策不确定性显著降低了企业投资;在融资可获得性较大时,政策不确定性影响不显著。加强长期制度建设,降低政策不确定性,对于稳增长具有重要意义。 相似文献
当前,我国正处于利率市场化改革的关键时期。利率市场化改革要求中央银行有完善的价格调控手段,并体现在基准利率体系的完善和利率传导机制的畅通上。本文对我国主要利率品种之间的关系进行实证研究发现,我国货币市场利率、央票利率、贷款利率等相关性不断增强。据此,本文对我国进一步推进利率市场化改革提出了政策建议。 相似文献