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对次贷危机爆发后中国房地产金融创新的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
房地产金融创新是房地产金融业发展的必然要求,对促进房地产业发展具有重要意义。鉴于其重要价值,房地产金融创新在许多国家受到积极支持,并遵循一定的发展规律。但是,房地产金融创新也会产生风险,次贷危机的爆发生动而深刻地展示了房地产金融创新的现实风险,引起了金融界关于加强监管的反思。本文认为:对于房地产金融创新,我们应正确认识其价值和局限,全面协调推进创新,有效防范风险。要从中国实际出发,借鉴国际房地产金融创新的经验和教训,继续推进创新,改善监管,完善风险防范体系。  相似文献   
In January 2006, federal regulators issued guidance requiring banks with specific high concentrations of commercial real estate (CRE) loans to tighten managerial controls. This paper shows that banks with concentrations in excess of the thresholds set in the guidance subsequently experienced slower growth in their CRE portfolios than can be explained by changes in bank or economic conditions. Moreover, banks above the CRE thresholds tended to have slower commercial and industrial loan growth but faster household loan growth following issuance of the guidance. The results highlight the potentially broad influence that portfolio-based macroprudential regulation might have on bank behavior.  相似文献   
Growing demand for agricultural produce, coupled with ambitious targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction present the scientific, policy and agricultural sectors with a substantial mitigation challenge. Identification and implementation of suitable mitigation measures is driven by both the measures’ effectiveness and cost of implementation. Marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) provide a simple graphical representation of the abatement potential and cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures to aid policy decision-making. Accounting for heterogeneity in farm conditions and subsequent abatement potentials in mitigation policy is problematic, and may be aided by the development of tailored MACCs. Robust MACC development is currently lacking for mitigation measures appropriate to sheep systems. This study constructed farm-specific MACCs for a lowland, upland and hill sheep farm in the UK. The stand-alone mitigation potential of six measures was modelled, against real farm baselines, according to assumed impacts on emissions and productivity. The MACCs revealed the potential for negative cost emissions’ abatement in the sheep industry. Improving ewe nutrition to increase lamb survival offered considerable abatement potential at a negative cost to the farmers across all farms while, lambing as yearlings offered negative cost abatement potential on lowland and upland farms. The results broadly advocate maximising lamb output from existing inputs on all farm categories, and highlight the importance of productivity and efficiency as influential drivers of emissions abatement in the sector. The abatement potentials and marginal costs of other measures (e.g. reducing mineral fertiliser use and selecting pasture plants bred to minimise dietary nitrogen losses) varied between farms, and this heterogeneity was more frequently attributable to differences in individual farm management than land classification. This has important implications for the high level policy sector as no two farms are likely to benefit from a generic one size fits all approach to mitigation. The construction of further case-study farm MACCs under varying farm conditions is required to define the biophysical and management conditions that each measure is most suited to, generating a more tailored set of sector-specific mitigation parameters.  相似文献   
用博弈论分析市场行为是经济学的发展方向之一,本文从实证分析国内成品油市场中国石化与中国石油两大寡头的多种博弈情形及其收益变化过程,论证了在市场需求总量基本恒定状态下,双寡头市场价格博弈的纳什均衡解为(降价、降价),(不降价、不降价),前一种均衡解是双方在势均力敌、信息反馈充分的恶性竞争结果,后一种是在满足一定收益前提下的“双赢”策略。企业只有选择有别于竞争对手的非价格歧异性策略,形成自己的特色和优势,才能占领相应的市场,获得相应的经济效益。  相似文献   
借鉴 Aivazianetal 简化投资模型建立了融资模式对投资行为影响的理论模型,基于1998~2012年的面板数据,实证研究不同产权属性和不同规模房地产上市公司融资模式对投资行为的影响。研究发现:房地产上市公司的债务融资会促使投资增长,而股权融资会减少投资,内源性融资与投资行为的相关性并不显著;国有房地产上市公司的投资行为更加积极;大规模房地产上市公司受外部融资约束更强。为此,应完善房地产上市公司治理结构、拓宽融资渠道。  相似文献   
低碳经济是当前全世界关注的话题.我国发展低碳经济也十分必要和紧迫,但同时也面临着能源结构以煤为主,技术相对落后的局面.在低碳经济引发碳金融市场迅速发展的过程中,政策性银行的作用应该得到发挥,特别是在上海建设国际金融中心的过程中,可以尝试建立地方性碳金融政策性银行.文章从建立碳金融政策性银行的理论依据入手,即碳减排产品的公共特征和外部特征,政策性银行的政策性和银行性两大特点,分析了建立地方性碳金融政策性银行在理论上有依据,政策层面上有支持,以及技术层面上的可行性.从而得出了应该抓住机遇,尝试性建立地方性碳金融政策性银行,促进我国的碳减排的结论.  相似文献   
Mobilising under-utilised low carbon (ULC) land resources for future agricultural production can help reducing pressure on high carbon stock land from agricultural expansion, particularly for deforestation hotspots like Kalimantan. However, the potential of ULC land is not yet well understood, especially at regency level which is the key authority for land-use planning in Indonesia. Therefore, this study explored ULC land resources for all regencies in Kalimantan. By analysing information from six monitoring domains, a range of indicators were derived to provide insights into the physical area of ULC land from various perspectives. It was found that these indicators show largely different values at regency level. For example, regency Pulang Pisau has a substantial area of ‘temporarily unused agricultural land’ but a very limited area of ‘low carbon land’ – this implies that not all ‘temporarily unused agricultural land’ is ready for future exploitation when assessing from different aspects. As a result of such diverging indicators, using a single indicator to quantify available ULC land resources is risky as it can either be an over- or under-estimation. Thus, ULC land resources were further explored in the present paper by taking four regencies as case studies and comparing all the indicators, supported with relevant literature and evidence collected from narrative interviews. This information was used to estimate ULC land area by possible land-use strategies. For example, Gunung Mas was found to have a large area of low carbon land which is not occupied and might be suitable for oil palm deployment. However, the major limitation is that physical estimates cannot provide a complete picture of ‘real’ land availability without considering a broader range of socio-economic factors (e.g. labour availability). Therefore, physical land area indicators from different domains must be combined with other qualitative and quantitative information especially the socio-economic factors underlying land under-utilisation to obtain better estimates.  相似文献   
The rapid urbanization in China comes with several economic, social, and environmental issues, most of which are related to land use. This study contributes to research on the land–growth–environment nexus by investigating the effect of land urbanization and land finance on carbon emissions in China from 2004 to 2013 using the Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology (STIRPAT) model. Results show that land finance and land urbanization significantly affect carbon emissions. The rate of land urbanization contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions; however, it has less impact compared with other determinants. The effect of land finance and land urbanization on carbon emissions indicates that a local government’s willingness to lease land for revenue aggravates carbon emissions. Economic growth and industrial structure also influence carbon emissions. Furthermore, the land requisition system and rural land conversion market should be enhanced through the guidance provided by the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016–2020) to promote the diversification of land transfer, fully consider regional differences, and establish a distinct policy focus that can contribute to emission reduction and land use.  相似文献   
Global trade in agriculture and food products is increasingly governed by an array of standards. In order to continue exporting, developing countries have little choice but to comply with the new requirements. This study uses a census based panel data set from the nascent floriculture industry in Ethiopia to empirically examine the determinants of firms’ adoption of international private standards in fresh horticulture produce in large‐scale estate farms. The econometric analysis shows that larger size, older, and foreign owned firms are more likely to adopt the private standards. Moreover, this study analyzes the overall industry level efforts and public–private partnership to launch and implement a national scheme GAP and build a firm's capacity to comply with the standards.  相似文献   
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