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重叠滤波多音(O-FMT)是针对滤波多音(FMT)系统频谱利用率低的缺点而根据超奈奎斯特(FTN)概念引入子载波重叠得到的方案。鉴于O-FMT系统在频偏环境下的性能缺陷,理论分析了频偏对系统信号各部分的影响,比较了O-FMT与正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的抗频偏性能。针对频偏性能优化问题,提出了基于最佳线性无偏估计(BLUE)的改进盲估计算法,设计了基于频域滤波器系数的内嵌结构进行频偏补偿。仿真实验表明,O-FMT相比OFDM具有更好的抗频偏能力,改进的盲估计算法估计值精度更高,抗干扰、抗衰落能力更强,设计的频偏补偿结构可以使系统获得更好的性能。  相似文献   
由于大规模多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)信道衰落参数的维度较高,导致最优估计算法计算量大且需要的导频数较多而影响到频谱效率。为降低计算复杂度并减少导频开销,提出了两种基于期望最大化(Expectation Maximization,EM)估计的半盲迭代改进算法。利用少量正交导频序列估计出信道初值,通过用户与基站间信道的大尺度衰落系数把用户分簇,根据这些系数按比例地分配接收噪声,再利用数据的统计特性推导出信道衰落参数的均值和方差。仿真结果表明,当导频数远少于待估计参数的个数时,半盲估计算法的均方误差(Mean Square Error,MSE)优于导频估计的极大似然(Maximum likelihood,ML)算法。  相似文献   
随着人口老龄化的不断加重,养老金缺口也越来越大,同时养老金的14连调也显示出了我国经济增长速度与养老金水平的不协调。因此,本文对区域经济增长与养老金支出水平的相关关系进行探究,发现经济增长对养老金的支出具有一定的促进作用;且进一步细化区域经济增长水平,从有效性、协调性、稳定性、创新性四个维度对养老金的影响进行了具体分析,发现区域经济协调性对养老金的促进作用最为明显,并据此提出重视经济增长的协调性、充分认识经济增长与养老金增长的协同等对策建议。  相似文献   
针对Radon-ambiguity变换(RAT)在估计多相码信号(Frank码、P1、P2、P3、P4码)调制参数时受噪声影响严重的问题,提出了基于平滑Radon变换的多相码信号参数估计方法。首先理论上分析了噪声影响多相码信号RAT估计性能的原因,进而通过二次平滑估计出信号RAT的噪声基底包络,最后在去除噪声基底的RAT平面中完成多相码信号调制参数的估计。仿真实验表明,该方法调频率和码元宽度估计的信噪比门限相比传统RAT方法分别降低了1 dB和4 dB。  相似文献   
随机混沌具有真随机性、对初值敏感、易于产生和控制等特点,频率步进信号易于工程实现和处理,结合两者的优势,提出了一种载频随机步进的随机混沌信号(RSCFSCS)模型,用于高速目标的速度估计和距离维高分辨成像。首先,通过非周期函数激励非线性系统,产生不可预测的随机混沌信号(SCS),经频率调制后用作基带子脉冲。同时,将SCS通过映射变换得到跳频编码(FHC),用来决定调频脉冲串的载频步进。RSCFSCS 速度估计包括粗搜索和精搜索,粗搜索采用固定步长,保证速度偏差小于速度分辨单元,而精搜索采用黄金分割搜索算法可得到精确的速度估计。最后,子脉冲经相干合成形成宽带信号,实现高分辨距离成像。数值仿真表明提出的信号模型和处理算法性能良好。  相似文献   
Finding a suitable representation of multivariate data is fundamental in many scientific disciplines. Projection pursuit ( PP) aims to extract interesting ‘non-Gaussian’ features from multivariate data, and tends to be computationally intensive even when applied to data of low dimension. In high-dimensional settings, a recent work (Bickel et al., 2018) on PP addresses asymptotic characterization and conjectures of the feasible projections as the dimension grows with sample size. To gain practical utility of and learn theoretical insights into PP in an integral way, data analytic tools needed to evaluate the behaviour of PP in high dimensions become increasingly desirable but are less explored in the literature. This paper focuses on developing computationally fast and effective approaches central to finite sample studies for (i) visualizing the feasibility of PP in extracting features from high-dimensional data, as compared with alternative methods like PCA and ICA, and (ii) assessing the plausibility of PP in cases where asymptotic studies are lacking or unavailable, with the goal of better understanding the practicality, limitation and challenge of PP in the analysis of large data sets.  相似文献   
Contaminated or corrupted data typically require strong assumptions to identify parameters of interest. However, weaker assumptions often identify bounds on these parameters. This paper addresses when covariate data—variables in addition to the one of interest—tighten these bounds. First, we construct the identification region for the distribution of the variable of interest. This region demonstrates that covariate data are useless without knowledge about the distribution of erroneous data conditional on the covariates. Then, we develop bounds both on probabilities and on parameters of this distribution that respect stochastic dominance.  相似文献   
基于完全计划经济的市场化程度为0%,完全市场经济的市场化程度为100%的假定,文章以四川宜宾为例,从所有制结构多元化、产品市场化、要素市场化、价格体制市场化等方面对工业部门市场化程度进行了测度,结论认为四川丘陵工业部门市场化程度为40%~50%.  相似文献   
This study examines the major determinant of cross-border credit flows through global banks across 70 countries. Employing a Bayesian dynamic latent factor model, we decompose volatilities of banking flows into the contribution of a global common factor, regional common factor, and country-specific factor. The results indicate that the global and regional common factor explains about 40–50 percent of volatility in overall cross-border banking flows. In particular, the contribution of the global common factor increased in the 2000s. Simultaneously, main determinants are largely heterogeneous across countries: this implies that the desirable policy response to credit inflows may differ for each host country.  相似文献   
利用我国1997~2009年的工业省级面板数据和动态面板GMM估计方法,考察了相对宽松的环境政策是否是吸引FDI的主要原因。研究发现,环境政策较宽松的地区能够吸引更多的外资流入,但这种影响并不大,所以,以降低环境标准、牺牲环境为代价来吸引FDI不是明智之举;与东、中部地区相比,西部在吸引FDI上处于明显劣势,这在一定程度上加剧了我国经济结构的失衡。  相似文献   
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