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Summary. We combine and strengthen optimality and robustness theorems for the overlapping-generations model of money. Roughly, we find a Pareto-optimal monetary equilibrium of a generic stationary economy that is near an optimal monetary equilibrium of each nearby non-stationary economy. Since the nearby equilibria are monetary, the general problem of macroeconomic stabilization reduces to maintaining the money supply. And since the nearby equilibria are optimal, stabilization is socially desirable. Received: October 27, 1997; revised version: March 25, 1998  相似文献   
This paper defines regular and weakly regular equilibria for monotone Bayesian games with one-dimensional actions and types. It analyzes the robustness of equilibria with respect to perturbations. It also proves an index theorem and provides applications to uniqueness of equilibrium.  相似文献   
本文在传统EBA方法的基础上,将其引入到时间序列中,构建以预测为导向的AEBA模型选择方法。AEBA在模型选择上更注重于模型的预测能力,在稳健性检验上细分为模型稳健性检验与参数稳健性检验两部分,提出了基于时间序列预测能力的检验方法。最后实证示例用AEBA方法对影响石油股票指数收益率的因素进行了研究,表明该方法选择的模型的预测能力,特别是短期预测能力要显著强于CAPM、三因子模型、ARMA以及VAR。  相似文献   
The increase of air travel puts tremendous burden on airline companies. A time saving boarding strategy is required to improve the utilization of airplane boarding time and explore flexible time management strategies. Firstly, an improved boarding strategy is introduced by assigning individual passengers to seats based on the number of luggage they carry. Passengers with the most luggage board onto the plane first. To test the behavior of boarding strategies under different conditions, a sophisticated simulation environment based on cellular automata model is designed. Simulation results indicate that the improved boarding strategy shows an excellent efficiency and robustness comparing with other strategies.  相似文献   
The rise of neoliberalism in the context of urban development has encouraged cooperation between public and private parties. This cooperation is structured by contracts, generally called Urban Development Agreements (UDAs). Being part of the urban regeneration strategies, UDAs aim at achieving durable improvements of abandoned areas, namely brownfields, according to the sustainability principles. Thus, within the negotiation between private developers and public administrations, multiple and conflicting instances have to be faced case by case. Despite the uniqueness of each UDA, it is possible to define a set of pertinent characteristics that play a crucial role in determining the fairness and appropriateness of the public-private partnership. Given this context, we propose a novel variant of the Dominance Rough Set Approach (DRSA) for i) exploring the relationship between condition attributes or criteria and effects of urban development processes and for ii) supporting negotiations according to the detection of a set of relevant features. Specifically, DRSA is applied on a sample of UDAs recently concluded in the Lombardy Region (Northern Italy), and then tested on a sample of other UDAs under the negotiation phase. The analysis involves five dimensions represented by attributes and criteria related to urban, institutional, negotiation, development and economic contexts. The inferred decision rules provide useful knowledge for supporting complex decision processes such as the allocation of costs and benefits within UDAs.  相似文献   
王龑 《浙江金融》2020,(1):70-80,27
本文检验了地方政府行为对地方银行经营绩效的影响,发现:(1)\"地方保护\"具有\"保护之手\"作用,\"行政干预\"具有\"良性引导\"作用,二者有利于降低地方银行的盈利波动性、提升地方银行的运营稳健性。(2)对于资产规模较小的银行、未设立省外分行的银行,\"地方保护\"和\"行政干预\"的积极影响较大;对于高技术产业投资比较活跃的地区,\"地方保护\"和\"行政干预\"的积极影响较大。(3)当省内经济增长率领先于全国水平时,\"地方保护\"和\"行政干预\"依然发挥积极作用;然而,当省内经济增长率落后于全国水平时,\"地方保护\"会产生\"约束之手\"作用,\"行政干预\"会产生\"恶性引导\"作用,二者反而会加剧地方银行的盈利波动性、降低地方银行的运营稳健性。  相似文献   
General dynamic factor models have demonstrated their capacity to circumvent the curse of dimensionality in the analysis of high-dimensional time series and have been successfully considered in many economic and financial applications. As second-order models, however, they are sensitive to the presence of outliers—an issue that has not been analyzed so far in the general case of dynamic factors with possibly infinite-dimensional factor spaces (Forni et al. 2000, 2015, 2017). In this paper, we consider this robustness issue and study the impact of additive outliers on the identification, estimation, and forecasting performance of general dynamic factor models. Based on our findings, we propose robust versions of identification, estimation, and forecasting procedures. The finite-sample performance of our methods is evaluated via Monte Carlo experiments and successfully applied to a classical data set of 115 US macroeconomic and financial time series.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the long‐run event‐study debate by outlining the strengths and weakness of the most commonly used alternative techniques. The fist part of the discussion highlights that prior literature has failed to provide a single risk‐adjusted model of long‐run abnormal returns with no biases. Subsequently, the paper provides guidance on how one can choose among pertinent alternative techniques. As a conclusion, researchers ought to choose among alternative techniques after considering issues such as (i) the nature of dataset and market of interest, (ii) the event type (regulatory or corporate), (iii) returns’ time‐interval, (iv) association of the event with accounting data, (v) sample characteristics and prior evidence regarding similar events, as well as (vi) risk changes following the event. Robustness tests are essential, while the road for further research regarding the appropriate technique(s) is open.  相似文献   
Small sample corrections for LTS and MCD   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G. Pison  S. Van Aelst  G. Willems 《Metrika》2002,55(1-2):111-123
The least trimmed squares estimator and the minimum covariance determinant estimator [6] are frequently used robust estimators of regression and of location and scatter. Consistency factors can be computed for both methods to make the estimators consistent at the normal model. However, for small data sets these factors do not make the estimator unbiased. Based on simulation studies we therefore construct formulas which allow us to compute small sample correction factors for all sample sizes and dimensions without having to carry out any new simulations. We give some examples to illustrate the effect of the correction factor.  相似文献   
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