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《Business History》2012,54(6):728-748
In an era when financial markets were only beginning the move from personal to impersonal relations, this paper examines the role of Jewish brokers in the market for Bank of England stock at a time when their status as recent immigrants, subject to constraints due to religion and ethnicity, made them unlikely intermediaries beyond their own communities. Using formal network analysis, an examination of their activity during the first half of 1720 suggests a marginal role. However, as the Bubble began to burst a few Jewish financiers became disproportionately involved as purchasers of a stock clearly on the decline. 相似文献
风险投资长期以来被视为是一项高度本土化的行为,但是近年来越来越多的风投机构开始走出国门进行远距离的跨境投资。这一现象引起了学者们的极大兴趣,许多学者开始致力于考察跨境风险投资的动因,即为什么本土化特征如此明显的风险资本开始热衷于进行跨越国境的远距离投资。尽管相关研究近几年才刚刚开始,但已迅速成为学术研究的热点。文章从国家环境因素、社会网络和风投机构主体因素三个层次,对风险投资国际化影响因素的最新文献进行了梳理和评述,并在此基础上对未来研究进行了展望。 相似文献
东亚生产网络分工提高了我国制造业的出口竞争力吗 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在梳理东亚生产网络分工影响制造业竞争力的作用机理基础上,基于面板数据模型,验证了东亚生产网络分工对我国制造业出口竞争力的影响。实证分析结果表明:结合影响制造业行业竞争力的国内因素进行考察,东亚生产网络分工对我国制造业整体以及不同行业的出口竞争力均具有促进作用。进一步将东亚生产网络分工的作用效应进行分解,发现东亚生产网络分工主要是通过劳动生产率提升效应、技术外溢效应途径提升我国制造业整体的出口竞争力,但理论上所预期的规模经济效应并未发生促进作用。东亚生产网络分工对我国制造业出口竞争力的作用途径在制造业不同部门存在显著差异,一方面,资本、技术密集型制造业的出口竞争力的提升在很大程度上是由东亚生产网络分工所导致的劳动生产率效应所驱动,即便是此类融入东亚生产网络程度很高的制造业行业所获得的技术外溢效应并不显著。另一方面,劳动密集型制造业部门出口竞争力的提升却并非由东亚生产网络分工所导致的劳动生产率提升效应、技术外溢效应所推动。这种分工状况容易导致我国制造业比较优势的锁定效应,压缩我国制造业出口竞争力提升的空间。 相似文献
The locus of innovation has shifted from single entrepreneurial firms to groups of networked firms. Inter-organizational cooperation rather than competition to exploit the value of knowledge through new product innovation lies at the heart of the knowledge-based economy. This paper focuses on the phenomenon of network product innovation and the holistic integration of distributed knowledge across organizational boundaries to foster production innovation. A new construct, knowledge integration, is found to have a strong positive impact on new product performance. Resource complementarity, market orientation, and information sharing are three antecedents that positively affect knowledge integration across organizational boundaries. Survey data also suggest that knowledge integration serves as a mediator between the three antecedents and product innovation performance. Managerial implications and future research directions are discussed. 相似文献
近年来河南省粮食物流业发展迅速,粮食物流基础设施建设已经初具规模,粮食物流企业也发展较快。在我国一带一路经济发展战略及河南省主食产业化发展背景下,河南省的粮食物流发展又面临新的挑战,如何抓住机遇打造河南省一带一路粮食物流通道和小麦系列食品供应链以及构筑粮油食品追溯体系至关重要。 相似文献
介绍了"9·11事件"发生之后,荷兰政府所采取的港口设施保安措施,以及供应链保安的发展现状。 相似文献
Public activity in the telecommunications industry has experienced important transformations in the last decade: “reinvolvement” in infrastructure deployment, “innovative” boosting measures, and decentralisation of some decisions. Conceptually, even more important than the measures themselves is the fact that private agents often participate in their realisation and execution. This paper reviews how justifications for public action that would apply to any economic activity area have modelled the public-private relationship in the telecommunications sector. Subsequently, it focuses on the analysis of the new spaces for public-private collaboration that are currently opening up. 相似文献
Sebastián J. García‐Dastugue Ph.D. Douglas M. Lambert Ph.D. 《Journal of Business Logistics》2007,28(1):57-81
This paper presents the results of empirical research on the use of time‐based postponement in a supply chain context using data collected from two manufacturers, a distributor, and a retailer. The analysis shows that implementing postponement at the firm level can result in the supply chain carrying more inventory. In order to achieve its full potential, postponement needs to be implemented across organizations in the supply chain. 相似文献
建立和完善农村地方中小金融机构:一个适应中国农村经济发展的金融制度变迁 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业规模较小甚至以农户为单位的农村经济发展,对农村中小金融机构的建立和完善提出了强烈的需求,而以政府主导的农村金融改革却成效甚微。本文从农村经济发展引发对农村中小金融机构的诱制性制度需求与政府代表的强制性制度供给两方面的分析得出:农村地方中小金融机构制度建设,是农村经济发展的客观要求,同时也符合国家的效用函数。 相似文献
《Business History》2012,54(5):812-833
This article uses social network analysis to examine accounting records in order to establish and analyse business relationships. It applies this methodology to accounting transactions recorded at Australia's first bank, the Bank of New South Wales (BNSW) in order to establish whether a business network existed among ex-convict businesspeople in Sydney during 1817–24. Uncertainty regarding distance from suppliers and credit facilities, lack of markets and business connections plus the social stigma of ‘convictism’ meant that it was difficult but not impossible for ex-convicts to establish businesses. The network among BNSW shareholders and depositors served the purpose of pooling of resources and information and alleviating uncertainty. 相似文献