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Wolfgang Buchholz Swapan Dasgupta Tapan Mitra 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2005,107(3):547-561
In a standard exhaustible resource model, it is known that if, along a competitive path, investment in the augmentable capital good equals the rents on the exhaustible resource (known as Hartwick's rule), then the path is equitable in the sense that the consumption level is constant over time. In this paper, we show the converse of this result: if a competitive path is equitable, then it must satisfy Hartwick's rule. 相似文献
An analysis of the performance of GDP, employment, and other labor market variables following the troughs in postwar U.S. business cycles points to much slower recoveries in the three most recent episodes, but does not reveal any significant change over time in the relation between GDP and employment. This leads us to characterize the last three episodes as slow recoveries, as opposed to jobless recoveries. We use the estimated New Keynesian model in Galí, Smets, and Wouters (2011) to provide a structural interpretation for the slower recoveries since the early nineties. 相似文献
王振华 《经济理论与经济管理》2014,34(6):102-112
产业结构升级是经济增长的源泉之一。本文基于中国1 820个县的面板数据,采用Translog生产函数估计要素弹性,进而测度县域经济增长中的结构红利,同时构建空间误差计量模型对结构红利的影响因素进行检验。研究结果表明2002-2010年间,结构红利占县域GDP总值的444%,对县域GDP增长的贡献达到了2435%。劳均资本、劳均土地等变量对结构红利有显著影响,本文还发现,在东部、中部、西部三个地区,财政支出占GDP的比重对结构红利都有显著的负向影响。 相似文献
Peter Bartelmus 《Review of Income and Wealth》2014,60(4):887-904
The 1992 Earth Summit and its message of sustainable development drove the launching of a System for integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting, the SEEA. Since then, sustainable development and the SEEA have given way to green growth and green economy indicators in the latest 2012 Summit. A lengthy revision process has now produced a curtailed “SEEA central framework.” The new framework focuses on expenditures for environmental protection and resource management, and stocks and flows of “economic” resources; both are covered by the conventional national accounts. Environmental degradation, notably from pollution, is left to “experimental” ecosystem accounts. Further revision of the SEEA should reverse this retrenchment from integrative environmental–economic accounting. A comprehensive satellite system, rather than a limited statistical standard, might put the SEEA back on the policy agenda. 相似文献
文章根据江西省提出的建设"鄱阳湖生态经济区"的战略构想,结合鄱阳湖生态经济区的区位、资源、产业等优势,对所依托的可持续理论、系统工程理论、增长极理论、创新理论、产业群理论进行深入分析,以期凸显科学理论的指导作用,为推动鄱阳湖生态经济区的规划、建设提供有力的决策参考。 相似文献
中国宏观经济形势与政策:2009—2010年 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
中国人民大学经济学研究所 《经济理论与经济管理》2010,(1):5
本文依据中国经济增长与价格形成理论模型以及CMAFM计量模型,分析与预测2009—2010年间中国经济在积极财政政策和适度宽松货币政策支持下的复苏过程。本文认为,中国需求管理应该继续采取扩张性政策取向,完成中国经济景气从萧条到繁荣的周期形态转换,并且与中国经济发展的高储蓄—高投资—高增长模式相适应,形成以促进国内投资需求为轴心的政策架构。 相似文献
Graham Spinardi 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2013,25(3):239-251
The semiconductor industry is known for its use of ‘road-maps’ to guide innovation strategies, especially as regards the application of Moore's Law to silicon. However, the history of gallium arsenide highlights a limitation of such an approach. Road-mapping works best for technologies in which technical progress is incremental, and for which applications are predictable. However, gallium arsenide's development did not follow a predictable path. Often touted as the semiconductor of the future because of its potential for high speed computing, gallium arsenide remained a niche technology for many years until a number of consumer applications were developed. If, as occurred with gallium arsenide, the key commercial applications (such as mobile phones, satellite TV, and CD and DVD players) could not be predicted, then a road-map could provide little guidance for investment. 相似文献
This paper tests experimentally, in a common value setting, the equivalence between the Japanese English auction (or clock auction) and an oral outcry auction where bidders are allowed to call their own bids. We find that (i) bidding behaviour is different in each type of auction, but also that (ii) this difference in bidding behaviour does not affect significantly the auction prices. This lends some support to the equivalence between these two types of auction. The winner's curse is present: overbidding led to higher than expected prices (under Nash bidding strategies) in both types of auction. Although interesting and encouraging, the results clearly indicate that further research is necessary, particularly with a modified experimental design. 相似文献
企业研发网络的特征和结构模式分析 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
企业研发网络成为企业获取研发资源、缩短技术开发时间、减少研发投资费用与分散风险的有效组织形式。本文在界定企业研发网络概念内涵的基础上,分析了企业研发网络的开放性、多元化、广泛性、协同性、动态性、平等性等特征,构建了企业研发网络的基本结构框架图,进而分析了构成企业研发网络的各结点的功能。 相似文献