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征信法规建设的滞后使得中国人民银行分支机构征信工作缺乏法律依据,一定程度上制约了征信执法效能的发挥。为提高征信执法效能,应进一步完善《征信管理条例》并使之尽早出台,加快制定企业征信方面相关办法、《个人信用信息基础数据库管理办法》实施细则和信用评级方面相关办法等。  相似文献   
马斯洛倾其毕生精力为人本主义心理学奠定的人性理论基础,内容十分丰富,涉及的问题十分庞杂,是对人性问题的十分广泛和比较深入的研究与探索。我国20世纪80年代开始关注、介绍、研究马斯洛的理论,一度出现"马斯洛热"。十七大把人的问题提到了一个新的理论和实践的发展高度,人的全面发展和社会的全面进步紧密结合在一起,在新的时代背景下,有必要对马斯洛的人性理论进行再认识,运用马克思主义立场、观点和方法,客观地、实事求是地评价马斯洛的人性论,对准确理解马斯洛人性理论的内涵,整体把握马斯洛人性理论的内容,充分估计马斯洛人性理论的理论意义和应用价值具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
Corruption includes rent‐seeking behavior by public officials (e.g., lavish in‐kind benefits and monetary kickbacks for contracts/permits/regulatory leniency, improper political contributions/support, etc.) that can negatively affect firm valuations, performances, and strategic choices. Shielding strategies are used to diminish rent‐seeking attractiveness of firms. Acquisitions provide a better channel than cash or leverage for assessing the wealth effects of shielding strategies. We find that the mean 3‐day announcement returns for acquirers for a large sample of U.S. domestic acquisitions between 1990 and 2014 is significantly lower for firms headquartered in relatively higher corruption states. Our results survive an array of robustness tests.  相似文献   
Agricultural commodity markets in developing countries often operate in a constrained environment of prohibitive transaction costs. Consequently, smallholder farmers are only partly integrated into these markets, a situation that keeps them in a lower level of development equilibrium (poverty trap). Although cooperative institutional alternatives such as Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) may reduce transaction costs and revitalize agricultural production and commercialization, they rarely have been successful in fully delivering on these promises. Against this backdrop, the World Food Programmed (WFP) has recently implemented a multi-year and multi-country pilot to increase smallholder participation in commodity markets. The projects involved investing in physical and human capacities of Farmer Organizations (FOs) to aggregate commodities and add value, as well as locally purchasing food aid from the same. The combination of interventions was expected to increase the relative price of agricultural products, particularly staple crops. In this study, using Ethiopian panel survey data, we estimated the causal income and investment effects of the Ethiopian P4P intervention among smallholders. Using an entropy balancing (EB) model and semi-parametric difference-in-difference (DID) model, we show that the P4P intervention has increased per capita consumption by smallholders. Our additional analysis confirms that this effect is heterogeneous owing to elite capture within Farmer Organizations. We also find evidence of increased food consumption scores, increased investments in child schooling, and increased asset holding among program-participating smallholders relative to comparison farmers. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper assesses how the competition between China and the EU in export markets has affected the trade performance of European countries. It first draws on a comparison between Germany and France before turning to discuss the economic and social impact of China's internationalization on Europe's economies. The results suggest that even in the recent years when China has gained prominence, it should not be blamed for more than half of the measured effects for emerging countries.  相似文献   
我国现行立法与实务将村民资格纠纷视为附随于土地承包经营权等纠纷的从诉进行处理,这不利于纠纷的及时解决。《农村土地承包经营纠纷调解仲裁法》将"因确认农村土地承包经营权发生的纠纷"纳入仲裁与诉讼管辖范围,由此可理解为村民资格的确认纠纷也被纳入了仲裁与诉讼管辖范围。确认村民资格应就村民基本生活保障的目的、户籍、住所地、村民权利义务等标准并结合特殊情形综合进行认定,认定机构以村民会议自治为基础,以农业主管部门或基层乡镇人民政府、农村土地承包仲裁委员会或人民法院三种方式作为并列的救济途径。  相似文献   
一直以来,理论界将"诗言志"与"诗缘情"对立起来,从而形成文论发展的两个不同流派,似乎两者之间存在着某种不可互渗互补的矛盾性。事实上,理论界长期流行的这种"矛盾"说法有失偏颇。在中国文论发展史上,这两种说法不仅在文本来源上造就了一种虚假的矛盾性,而且在以"情"为本体的观念上也分化了两者的交叠重合,而"诗言志"与"诗缘情"矛盾的真正根源在于儒道观念的差异。  相似文献   
Lixiong Yang 《Applied economics》2017,49(54):5558-5569
This article examines the quality of China’s preliminary announcements of the quarterly GDP. We modify the tests for unbiasedness and efficiency by incorporating the Fourier approximation to capture the effect of the state of the economy, and employing the Kiefer, Vogelsang and Bunzel (KVB) approach, developed by KVB in 2000 to reconstruct the tests to improve the finite sample properties. The results show that: (1) there is no enough evidence to support that the preliminary and first revised data are unbiased and efficient; (2) there exist systematic errors related to the state of the economy, and hence information about the state of the economy was not incorporated into the GDP data. Furthermore, we find that there is a possibility that these systematic errors associated with the stages of the business cycle may offset each other, and there is also a possibility that there exist offsetting errors in the underlying components of GDP.  相似文献   
Diverse instruments have been used to encourage developing agriculture. In the process, billions of dollars have been spent on providing incentives to peasants. Given scarce resources, an important concern has been the issue of what policy instruments to emphasize. In this regard, useful policy information can be gleaned from the role of expected profits (revenue and input prices), assets (irrigation and infrastructure), and relevant risks, in evoking peasant response. Using panel data for the period 1967/1968 to 1999/2000 pertaining to seven major Indian cash crops cultivated across 14 major states, we find strong evidence of a differential producer response in the post‐liberalization phase, although the important variables per se are much the same. Our results suggest that the preferred policy ought to emphasize availability of irrigation, affordable fertilizer, and rural infrastructure, rather than incessant increases in output prices.  相似文献   
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