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无论是创新驱动战略实施还是科技创新能力提升都离不开R&D,通过R&D研究演化发现热点主题,可为后续研究提供参考借鉴。通过对我国1998-2018年以R&D为主题的文献进行梳理,借助文献计量学方法,运用信息可视化分析工具,对文献的关键词共现密度、关键词共现聚类和突变词等信息进行可视化图谱分析,研究R&D文献演化过程及热点主题。研究发现,20年来我国以R&D为主题的文献研究沿着“宏观面—微观面—宏观面”演化推进,并且政府补贴、融资约束、战略性新兴产业及创新效率与R&D的关系分析成为当前研究热点。  相似文献   
The distribution of shocks to GDP growth rates is found to be exponential rather than normal. Their standard deviation scales with GDPβ where β=−0.15±0.03. These macroeconomic results place restrictions on the microeconomic structure of interactions between agents.  相似文献   
张孝岩  沈中华 《投资研究》2011,(10):112-122
本文利用沪深300股指期货的高频数据,研究了股指期货推出对中国股票市场波动性的影响。结果表明:在股指期货合约交割日,总体上不存在到期日效应;在中长期,股指期货推出则确实增加了现货市场的波动,但随着时间的推移,这种影响在减小。另外,股指期货对现货市场波动起到引导作用,其冲击持续的时间更长、强度更大。本文政策含义在于,随着时间的推移,股指期货开始平稳有效运行,对现货市场起到重要引导和价格发现的作用,但由于股指期货的高投机性,加强对其监管仍然十分必要。  相似文献   
ARCH and GARCH models assume either i.i.d. or ‘white noise’ as is usual in regression analysis, while also assuming memory in a conditional mean square fluctuation with stationary increments. We will show that ARCH/GARCH is inconsistent with uncorrelated increments, violating the i.i.d. and ‘white’ assumptions, and violating finance data and the efficient market hypothesis as well.  相似文献   
根据区段内各区间的车流分布规律,在对各区间的通过总重进行有序聚类的基础上,将区段划分为若干段,在不同段开行不同种类的管内列车。提出一种确定区段管内摘挂列车、小运转列车和重点摘挂列车的开行区间与开行数量的新方法,并结合算例分析,验证了方法的可行性。  相似文献   
汇率改革以来,政府实施了一系列金融市场改革,促使金融市场一体化程度显著提高,增强了金融市场间联系。本文采用四元VAR(6)-GARCH(1,1)-BEKK模型分析了我国主要金融市场(股票市场、债券市场、外汇市场以及货币市场)的溢出关系。研究发现,上述市场有很强的波动集聚性和持续性,大多数金融市场间存在显著的双向均值溢出,所有市场间均存在显著的双向波动溢出,还发现市场间溢出可能主要来自于市场传染效应。据此,本文认为政府应该采取合理有效的监管框架,监控金融市场参与者的资本金状况,防止金融市场大幅波动,降低风险累积程度,并在执行货币政策时,兼顾金融市场价格变化对货币政策执行效力的影响。  相似文献   
As a major global exchange, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) only requires semi-annual reporting whereas other major exchanges including the ones in Chinese mainland require quarterly reporting. We argue against the traditional view that higher reporting frequency is necessarily more beneficial. The decision on reporting frequency depends on how the information is being processed by the recipient traders and the results are not obvious. Using a sample of Chinese companies duallisted in both China A share market and SEHK (AH shares) as the experimental group and mainland’s companies listed on SEHK (H shares) only as the control group, we apply the difference-in-difference (DID) method to investigate the impacts of reporting frequency on stock information quality. The results suggest that after China A share market require quarterly financial reporting for all listed companies in 2002, the information asymmetry of the H tranche of AH stocks increases. Different from prior studies, the results suggest a negative association between stock information quality and financial reporting frequency. We argue that the increased information asymmetry in the H tranche is caused by the noise spilled over from the A tranche. We conduct multivariable GARCH tests and find evidence supporting this conjecture.  相似文献   
Interdependence between first and second moments of producer and consumer wheat prices in Slovenia is assessed, in light of the recent major historical events that the country has undergone, as well as the recent rumours of cartel agreements between millers causing a decline in farm-gate prices, while leaving consumer prices untouched. A threshold vector error correction and multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with exogenous variables is applied. Results indicate that price-level adjustments mainly favour retailers by increasing their marketing margins. Important second-moment interactions are also identified. Increases in international wheat stocks reduce producer prices, while higher interest rates increase their instability.  相似文献   
通过搜集创意大赛公告文本,运用语义聚类方法提炼创意评价指标,构建了由5个一级指标、13个二级指标构成的创意价值评估指标体系,该体系分别从新颖性、表观性、功能性、环保性、可行性5大方面测算创意综合价值。该创意价值评估指标体系在经过算式化后,特别适用于创意爆炸时代对海量创意价值的快速评估,进而有助于从中快速发现和筛选高价值创意。  相似文献   
This paper examines the congressional effect between the pre- and post-democratization on the stock market by the asymmetric Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heterosce desticity (GARCH) model in the period 1984–2004. The results found that the congressional effect is negative effect on stock returns but volatility is not significant. However, the democratic effect on stock returns is negative and increased of volatility. Moreover, the congressional effect on stock market returns following democratization significantly exceeds that before democratization, but have no significant effect for the volatility in the same circumstances. These results provide evidences consistent with the contention of liberalization (Hayek, Am. Econ. Rev. 35, 519–530, Individualism and Economic order, The university of Chicago press, Chicago, London, 1945, 1948; Popper, The open society and its Enemies, Princeton university, NJ, 1950).  相似文献   
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