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We propose a new static parameterization of the implied volatility surface which is constructed by using polynomials of sigmoid functions combined with some other terms. This parameterization is flexible enough to fit market implied volatilities which demonstrate smile or skew. An arbitrage-free calibration algorithm is considered that constructs the implied volatility surface as a grid in the strike-expiration space and guarantees a lack of arbitrage at every node of this grid. We also demonstrate how to construct an arbitrage-free interpolation and extrapolation in time, as well as build a local volatility and implied pdf surfaces. Asymptotic behavior of this parameterization is discussed, as well as results on stability of the calibrated parameters are presented. Numerical examples show robustness of the proposed approach in building all these surfaces as well as demonstrate a better quality of the fit as compared with some known models.  相似文献   
Disruptive technologies create growth in the industries they penetrate or create entirely new industries through the introduction of products and services that are dramatically cheaper, better, and more convenient. These disruptive technologies often disrupt workforce participation by allowing technologically unsophisticated individuals to enter and become competitive in the industrial workforce. Disruptive technologies offer a revolutionary change in the conduct of processes or operations.Disruptive technologies can evolve from the confluence of seemingly diverse technologies or can be a result of an entirely new technological investigation. Existing planning processes are notoriously poor in identifying the mix of sometimes highly disparate technologies required to address the multiple performance objectives of a particular niche in the market. For a number of reasons, especially the inability to look beyond short-term profitability, and the risk/return tradeoff of longer term projects, it is suggested that current strategic planning and management processes promote sustaining technologies at the expense of disruptive technologies.We propose a systematic approach to identify disruptive technologies that is realistic and operable and takes advantage of the text mining literature. This literature-based discovery process is especially useful in identifying potential disruptive technologies that may require the input from many diverse technological and management areas. We believe that this process holds great potential for identifying projects with a higher probability of downstream success. Further, we suggest a process to take the identified potential disruptive technology from the “idea stage” through to the development of a potentially feasible product for the market. This second stage makes use of workshops and roadmapping to codify the ideas of technological and management experts, who were identified in the literature-based discovery stage. Our goal is to describe and explain the pragmatic steps suggested by our innovative and practical process.The proposed process could identify technologies whose eventual development and application to specific problems would generate innovative products. The goal is to isolate technologies that have the potential to redefine an industry, or alternatively, have the potential to create an entirely new industrial setting. Use the text-mining component of literature-based discovery to identify both the technical disciplines that are likely candidates for disruptive technological products, and experts in these critical technical and managerial disciplines. While we know that this is but one way to investigate nascent disruptive technologies we feel it is imperative that the representatives of these potentially critical technical disciplines are included in the roadmap development process, either as implementers or as consultants.Every firm is looking for “the next great thing”. Literature-based discovery offers a starting point for identifying at least a portion of the major contributory technical and managerial disciplines necessary for potential disruptive technologies and discontinuous innovations. Combining literature-based discovery with a practical workshop/roadmap process dramatically enhances the likelihood of success.  相似文献   
This paper compares model-based and reduced-form forecasts of financial volatility when high-frequency return data are available. We derived exact formulas for the forecast errors and analyzed the contribution of the “wrong” data modeling and errors in forecast inputs. The comparison is made for “feasible” forecasts, i.e., we assumed that the true data generating process, latent states and parameters are unknown. As an illustration, the same comparison is carried out empirically for spot 5 min returns of DM/USD exchange rates.It is shown that the comparison between feasible reduced-form and model-based forecasts is not always in favor of the latter in contrast to their infeasible versions. The reduced-form approach is generally better for long-horizon forecasting and for short-horizon forecasting in the presence of microstructure noise.  相似文献   
针对在海量数据中,如何有效地自动获取文摘以提高检索效率的问题,本文提出了一种自动文摘中主题区域划分的方法。该方法对文章段落向量模型进行聚类分析,得到文章的主题结构。这种方法适用于各种风格的文体,能有效解决文章主题分布自由的问题,准确地划分出文章主题区域。  相似文献   
本文首次分析了市场波动和相关的一致性与差异,并进而考察金融危机期间传染的阶段特征。研究表明,危机期间,高波动与高相关具有较高的一致性,其他时期则存在差异;几乎不会出现高波动低相关的情形,但并非总是波动性的增加引致了关联水平的上升,关联水平的上升也可能会先于波动性的增加;危机初期,市场需要对复杂的信息进行不断地识别和过滤,以至于波动机制、相关机制都存在较为频繁的转换;次贷危机、欧洲主权债务危机的传染具有系统性特征。  相似文献   
We show that the conclusions to be drawn concerning the informational efficiency of illiquid options markets depend critically on whether one carefully recognises and appropriately deals with the econometrics of the errors‐in‐variables problem. This paper examines the information content of options on the Danish KFX share index. We consider the relation between the volatility implied in an option's price and the subsequently realised index return volatility. Since these options are traded infrequently and in low volumes, the errors‐in‐variables problem is potentially large. We address the problem directly using instrumental variables techniques. We find that when measurement errors are controlled for, call option prices even in this very illiquid market contain information about future realised volatility over and above the information contained in historical volatility.  相似文献   
Trading volume and stock market volatility: The Polish case   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Relying on the mixture of distributions hypothesis (MDH), this paper investigates the relationship between daily returns and trading volume for 20 Polish stocks. Our empirical results show that in the majority of cases volatility persistence tends to disappear when trading volume is included in the conditional variance equation, which is in agreement with the findings of studies on developed stock markets. However, we cannot confirm the testable implications of the MDH in all cases, which indicates that future research on the causes and modeling of Polish stock market volatility is necessary.  相似文献   
The Black-Scholes* option pricing model is commonly applied to value a wide range of option contracts. However, the model often inconsistently prices deep in-the-money and deep out-of-the-money options. Options professionals refer to this well-known phenomenon as a volatility ‘skew’ or ‘smile’. In this paper, we examine an extension of the Black-Scholes model developed by Corrado and Su that suggests skewness and kurtosis in the option-implied distributions of stock returns as the source of volatility skews. Adapting their methodology, we estimate option-implied coefficients of skewness and kurtosis for four actively traded stock options. We find significantly nonnormal skewness and kurtosis in the option-implied distributions of stock returns.  相似文献   
利用多元随机波动率模型确定最优套期保值率:首先建立动态相关系数多元随机波动率模型(DC-MSV),再建立基于t分布的动态相关系数多元随机波动率模型(DC-t-MSV)。以沪深300股指期货数据为样本,利用以上两种模型分别结合方差最小套期保值模型计算最优套期保值率,结果表明,利用DC-t-MSV模型的套期保值效果优于DC-MSV模型。DC-t-MSV模型引入t分布,充分考虑了金融数据尖峰厚尾的特性;同时,参数估计部分采用马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗模拟方法(MCMC),克服了MSV模型参数估计困难的缺点。  相似文献   
The effects of domestic macroeconomic news releases on futures on the British Pound (BP), Canadian Dollar (CD), Deutsche Mark (DM), Japanese Yen (JY), and Swiss Franc (SF) are examined. The results show that all five futures respond to the release of macroeconomic news, especially the first set of news releases issued at 7:30 a.m. (CST). Results of tests that identify the effects of individual announcements suggest that news in the Employment Report, the Trade Deficit, Industrial Production, and Capacity Utilization affects all five futures. Other announcements do not have such widespread effects. Volatility increases following the announcements persist for some time. Such increases are not uniform across the five instruments. For instance, following the 7:30-a.m. announcements, for the JY, BP, and SF, higher variance is observed for 30 min. However, for the DM and CD, the increase is 45 and 15 min, respectively.  相似文献   
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