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政府采购争议解决机制是保障政府采购制度的透明度和公正性的重要程序设置。文章从WTO《政府采购协议》(GPA)有关争议解决程序的规定出发,详细解读了美国政府采购活动中给予利益相关方的各种救济权利,包括向采购机构提出异议、向政府责任办公室提出申诉、向联邦索赔法院提起诉讼等,对我国修订《政府采购法》相关规定具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   
This study investigates how injured workers evaluate the fairness of the workers' compensation claims process and how that evaluation affects the decision to formally dispute their claim. Survey and administrative data are used to test a model where individuals are hypothesized to base their overall impression of the fairness of the process based on dimensions of procedural justice criteria. They are then hypothesized to decide whether to formally dispute the claim based on a combination of procedural fairness concerns and whether or not they returned to work with the same employer. The implications of the results for structuring the workers' compensation claims process are then discussed.  相似文献   
在产学研结合过程中通常会出现不同形式的争议不仅会影响产学研结合中主体各方的利益 ,而且会给产学研结合造成冲击 ,甚至会对科技进步和成果转化形成阻碍。为预防出现上述争议 ,产学研结合的主体各方特别是知识产权的创造方 ,应增强知识产权保护的意识和能力 ,尊重和维护主体  相似文献   
Little previous research has examined why dismissed workers view their discharge as unjust and how they respond to third-party dispute resolution interventions. This exploratory field study relied upon a justice framework to understand complainant motivations for filing unjust dismissal disputes and their reactions to a voluntary conciliation program. Analysis of archival and interview data suggested that procedural justice principles dominated both motivations for filing claims and reactions to third-party intervention. These findings were consistent with previous justice and labor relations research. Implications for future research, management practice, and third-party dispute resolution are discussed.  相似文献   
Seventy four university managers described up to six recent conflicts and reported on their intervention strategies. Findings show that managers use a range of strategies, including overlooking, as interventions for employees’ disputes, instead of favoring the use of any particular one. Choices of intervention strategies were influenced by the type of issue being disputed, the seriousness of the dispute, and managers’ self-efficacy with mediation. Specifically, managers most frequently used mediation to resolve task-related disputes, and tended to use a variety of different strategies to intervene in personality conflicts. When managers perceived conflicts to be highly serious, they most frequently used mediation, followed by arbitration, offering incentives, and lastly, overlooking. Managers with a high degree of mediation self-efficacy more frequently mediated employees’ disputes, whereas managers with a low degree of mediation self-efficacy more frequently overlooked employees’ disputes. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
钓鱼岛领土争议在中日两国引发起民族主义的惊天骇浪,两国知识界也被卷进这场国权之争,双方学者各执一词,剑拔弩张。但是,在日本,也能够听到一些有历史洞见力和远见卓识的学者,站在公正的立场上所发表的具有良知和良识的声音。京都大学名誉教授、庆应义塾大学教授,日本著名经济外交研究专家大西广就是其中的代表人物。今年8月27日,他在由京都大学经济学研究科东亚经济研究中心主办的东亚经济研究通讯《京大东亚中心新闻简报(第432号)》上发表了署名文章《关于钓鱼岛主权之争的思考》。在该文中,作者客观公允地表达了自己的主张。以下,笔者就其主要观点略作评述,以飨读者。  相似文献   
GATT第20条(b)款和(g)款常为成员方在环境贸易争端中援引,但往往因无法满足第20条引言对环保例外条款的限制而在争端中失利。引言作为对例外条款的限制,防止成员方滥用贸易限制措施,其司法含义自海虾—海龟案的诠释后,在巴西翻新轮胎案中又得到进一步丰富,中国政府应关注引言的司法含义,以防在实施第20条环保例外条款下的进出口限制措施时违反引言的限制。  相似文献   
医疗纠纷损害赔偿作为一种民事损害赔偿,应引入惩罚性赔偿。但应仅限于故意或恶意的行为、严重不负责的行为和重大过失行为,以更好地保障公民的生命健康权。  相似文献   
This paper analyses relevant determinants for the probability to initiate a dispute on policy measures under the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement system. The empirical analysis differs from existing assessments by focusing on agro-food-related disputes and provides a more in-depth analysis of specific country and sectoral characteristics not considered in previous studies. Contrary to recent analyses of overall trade disputes, the results show that some determinants such as legal capacity and monetary means are not statistically significant. Own protectionist behaviour, endured protectionism, and the duration of WTO membership, however, could be identified as relevant determinants with the expected direction of impact.  相似文献   
王淑媛 《价值工程》2010,29(17):232-233
占据着我国人口一半以上的广大农民的民事纠纷的解决问题,一直是我国法治建设和社会主义新农村建设的重要课题之一。虽然我国的法治建设已经取得了长足进步,但是面对农村这个典型的乡土社会,法律却一再碰壁。解决激增的农村民事纠纷的需求与在农村的捉襟见肘的法律之间的矛盾日渐加剧。在这种情况下,九十年代中期被逐渐遗忘的司法所制度或许会是一条很好的出路。  相似文献   
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