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本文通过分析新时期青年学生思想道德状况的新特点,转变观念,创新方法,采取多种措施切实提高德育工作的实效性。  相似文献   
利用调查数据重点考察了社会养老保险新政的实际运行效果,指出了目前存在职工参保意愿不强烈、政策有效性尚不明显、对制度长期建设缺乏信心等现实问题,以期对养老保险制度的改革完善提供理论和政策依据。  相似文献   
涡北煤矿南翼一采区轨道上山原支护采用传统的锚网喷支护,支护效果不理想,造成围岩大面积破坏,巷修工作量大,直接影响矿井的正常生产和经济效益,结合现场实际,在原支护基础上采用锚网带喷支护,以满足巷道变形的要求,取得了较好的支护效果。  相似文献   
本文通过对山东省首家市级民间融资登记服务中心的分析后认为,由政府主导的俱乐部性质的组织化管理安排,能够制定有效的外部规则,实现政府与市场的合理互动。其成功的运作,能够提高自发、无序发展的小额民间资本融资对接效率,促进民间融资市场规范化、阳光化发展。在当前民间融资风险频发背景下,具有较强的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
This paper estimates the magnitude of the Balassa-Samuelson effect for Greece. We calculate the effect directly, using sectoral national accounts data, which permits estimation of total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the tradeables and nontradeables sectors. Our results suggest that it is difficult to produce one estimate of the BS effect. Any particular estimate is contingent on the definition of the tradeables sector and the assumptions made about labour shares. Moreover, there is also evidence that the effect has been declining through time as Greek standards of living have caught up on those in the rest of the world and as the non-tradeables sector within Greece catches up with the tradeables.
Jim MalleyEmail:
国有森工企业进入市场的特点和规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
我国社会主义市场经济的发展要求企业全面走向市场,但是森工企业生产经营活动的特殊性,决定了森工企业进入市场的不同特点。研究森工企业进入市场的特点和规律,以便使森工企业遵循特定规律、采取合理措施有效进入市场。  相似文献   
我国城市土地宏观级差效益浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市土地宏观级差效益是指因城市在一国地域分布中的差异而在经济运行中产生的收益。一般分为城市区位级差效益、城市功能级差效益和城市规模级差效益等三部分。本文对我国城市土地宏观级差效益做出了定量分析。并根据分析结果,对我国目前阶段的一些城市经济发展问题,如土地的集约利用、产业结构调整、城市发展战略等做了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
本文基于2010年至2013年山东省的短期贷款、中长期贷款和居民消费物价总指数的月度数据,采用协整检验、误差修正模型、脉冲响应分析和方差分解法对山东省信贷期限结构的通货膨胀效应进行实证分析。结果发现:短期贷款对物价水平产生负效应,具有抑制通货膨胀的作用,而中长期贷款会导致物价上涨,形成通货膨胀压力。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the connectedness network for commercial traders’ sentiment across agriculture, energy, metals and livestock futures markets. The findings find that: (a) producer/merchant/processor/user (PMPU) in agricultural and energy markets are mainly engaged in cross-hedging in the futures market, and most of them would avoid risks in these markets by operating in the metal markets, which can be considered safe for PMPU traders, and that the cross-hedging strategies may play the role of PMPU sentiment spillover across futures markets; (b) as index traders, the swap dealers operate more in two markets, namely between the agricultural and metal markets, or between the agricultural and energy markets; (c) the influence of geopolitical risks in some countries can affect the stability of energy markets, which in turn can cause PMPU system-wide connectedness.  相似文献   
Prior studies show that the beta coefficient of a security changes systematically as the length of measurement interval is varied. This phenomenon, which is called the intervalling effect bias in beta, has been attributed to the friction in the trading system that causes the delays in the price-adjustment process. This study shows that option listing is associated with a decline in the beta intervalling effect bias. The decline is most pronounced for small firms. We also find that our sample firms grow significantly after option listing. Since prior research indicates that market value is a major determinant of the magnitude of the intervalling effect, we re-examine our results using a subsample that controls for market value. The results indicate that the decline in the beta bias from the pre-listing to post-listing period is still prevalent after we control for the change in firm size. Overall, the evidence is consistent with the notion that option trading reduces the delays in the price-adjustment process, which in turn reduces the intervalling effect bias in beta.  相似文献   
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