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共用技术研发产业是进行传统产业集群升级改造的重要基础,共用技术研发产业也需要传统产业的支持。通过对共用技术研发产业特点及其演进过程的分析,论述了共用技术研发产业和传统产业集群互动发展的必要性与可行性,设计了二者互动发展的风险投资机制。  相似文献   
The thesis of this article is that new product manufacturability (NPM) is influenced by certain challenges inherent in new product development (NPD), and by efforts to integrate manufacturing and other functional concerns into the product design process. This research tests the direct and interacting effects of these influences via a survey of 91 completed NPD projects representing a variety of manufacturing industries. While most hypotheses were supported, the analysis also provides some surprising findings. Project complexity and increased levels of design outsourcing are associated with poorer NPM. Product newness and project acceleration are associated with better NPM. All the measured aspects of development team integration are associated with better NPM, including intense manufacturing involvement, a collaborative work environment, supplier influence on the product design, and strong management support in the project. Furthermore, certain integration variables exert moderating effects on relationships between technological uncertainty, product newness, design outsourcing, project acceleration and NPM. By exposing these relationships this research extends the theory of product development influences on manufacturability beyond a focus on engineering-oriented approaches (e.g., design-for-manufacture). The results suggest that larger managerial issues must be addressed and that more contingency-oriented research is needed to explore the benefits and limitations of development team integration processes.  相似文献   
论林业企业可持续发展与人力资源管理的辩证关系及矛盾   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
论述人力资源是林业企业可持续发展的保障和支撑体系及林业企业可持续发展的核心与实质就是人力资源的可持续这样一种辩证关系,指出目前林业企业人事管理现状制约着其自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   
本文阐述了新疆渔业发展的潜力、现状及存在的问题,并提出了加快新疆渔业发展的措施及建议。  相似文献   
日本和韩国十分重视国土规划工作 ,并建立了完善国土规划和管理体系。文章介绍了日本和韩国的国土规划机构设置、日本的五次全国综合开发规划同日本北海道开发经验 ,以及日韩两国国土规划在经济建设和灾害防治中的作用等。  相似文献   
We develop a model explaining the consolidation patterns in the agricultural biotechnology industry. Among different consolidation and cooperation mechanisms, we consider collaborative and licensing agreements, joint ventures, acquisitions, and exchanges of ownership and spin-offs. The key results derive from the benefits of coordinated actions, distinction between transferable and nontransferable payoffs, the substitutability, complementarity, and the importance of the managers' noncontractible investments, and access and expansion of markets. Results from the model are used to examine the cooperation and consolidation activities for four major players in the agricultural biotechnology industry, DuPont , Dow Chemical , Monsanto , and Novartis .  相似文献   
从生态功能、产业治沙、综合效益、保障体系、国际影响五个方面介绍了我国防沙治沙事业凸现出的五大变化,根据加快构建北方生态屏障、应对气候变化与加快经济发展方式转变的新形势,针对目前防沙治沙面临的困难和挑战,从宏观管理层面提出了防沙治沙的五个坚持和重点工作。  相似文献   
近年来四川提出建设西部综合交通枢纽,建设西部物流中心、商贸中心和金融中心,以及建设重要战略资源开发基地、现代加工制造业基地、科技创新产业化基地、农产品深加工基地的发展思路,为整合林业大省资源,发展林业碳汇贸易带来良好机遇。文章考查了四川林业碳汇贸易发展的内外因素,重点分析了林业碳汇贸易的发展潜力,提出了立足四川省情,结合国际国内市场的顺势发展路径。  相似文献   
五色草是指大叶红(Alternanthera dentate'Rubiginosa')、小叶红(Alternanthera amoena.Voss)、绿草(Alternanthera bettzickiana.Nichols)、小叶黑(Alternanthera bettzickiana.Nichols)、白草(Sedum lineare.Thunb)等5种草的总称;五色草在哈尔滨市的栽培和应用已有近百年的历史,是哈尔滨市的园林品牌植物,是栽植花坛的特色花卉,近年来,五色草用于造型、拼字、标志、广告宣传等,更加时尚化地与现代雕塑、人文休闲空间相结合的大体量的景观建造,随着栽培技术和工程技术的不断进步,造型精美、制作工艺先进、主题丰富的五色草花坛应用会更加广泛,在城市绿化、美化中有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
地球资源破坏日益严重,环境问题日益突出,今天的人类面临生存与发展的重大难题,必须创新制度,转变资源开发利用的方式和资源经济发展模式,通过资源的绿色开发和绿色利用,协调资源开发与环境保护的关系,推进绿色发展和科学发展。  相似文献   
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