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四川省休闲农业资源开发与规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休闲农业是农业与旅游业相融合的新型产业,对优化农业产业结构、促进农业战略转型、推进我国社会主义新农村建设意义重大。作为我国农业开发最早的地区之一,四川是我国粮食与经济作物的重要产地,有着丰厚的农业自然资源,发展休闲农业的市场空间巨大,当前休闲农业已经成为四川农民就业增收的一条重要渠道。对休闲农业资源的开发与规划进行研究,能够充分发挥四川省的农业资源优势,为休闲农业的良性发展提供有力的保障。文章首先介绍了休闲农业资源开发的意义与作用,如优化产业结构,加快农业产业化进程、拓宽就业渠道,转移剩余劳动、加快城镇化进程,推进新农村建设等;进而对四川省休闲农业资源开发现状与存在的问题进行了分析;并提出构建四川省休闲农业产业化经营模式与组织化经营模式,探讨了四川省休闲农业资源开发的规划原则。  相似文献   
Some small-holders are able to generate reliable and substantial income flows through small-scale dairy production for the local market; for others, a set of unique transaction costs hinders participation. Cooperative selling institutions are potential catalysts for mitigating these costs, stimulating entry into the market, and promoting growth in rural communities. Trends in cooperative organization in east-African dairy are evaluated. Empirical work focuses on alternative techniques for effecting participation among a representative sample of peri-urban milk producers in the Ethiopian highlands. The variables considered are a modern production practice (cross-bred cow use), a traditional production practice (indigenous-cow use), three intellectual-capital-forming variables (experience, education, and extension), and the provision of infrastructure (as measured by time to transport milk to market). A Tobit analysis of marketable surplus generates precise estimates of non-participants' 'distances' to market and their reservation levels of the covariates — measures of the inputs necessary to sustain and enhance the market. Policy implications focus on the availability of cross-bred stock and the level of market infrastructure, both of which have marked effects on participation, the velocity of transactions in the local community and, inevitably, the social returns to agroindustrialization.  相似文献   
中国资本市场在20年的时间内,走完了发达国家资本市场100多年走过的道路。在这20年中,我国资本市场经历了从无到有、从简单到丰富、从漏洞百出到基本完善的艰辛路程。文章梳理了我国资本市场自萌生以来的发展历程,着重介绍了其中五次事关重大的深层改革,并结合我国当前的经济发展情况,提出了支持实体经济发展的资本市场发展战略和支持自主创新企业发展的资本市场制度改革方向。  相似文献   
开发西部是党中央的一项重要决策,它关系到国民经济的进一步发展,要从战略的高度给予充分的重视。为此,必须在思想认识上走出六种开发西部经济的误区。从全局的观点寻求西部经济的长期发展,减少重复建设,盲目建设,走开发西部经济的新路子,重视无形资产的利用和社会指标的考核,使西部开发按既定的目标进行。  相似文献   
回顾了我国林业由传统林业逐步向现代林业转变的发展历程,总结出我国林业发展方式上的经验和教训,阐述了解决国家生态安全、木材安全和民生需要的根本出路在于转变林业发展方式。其中国有林场应率先实行。同时提出建立经济财政保障政策。  相似文献   
随着上海经济的快速发展,上海地区的水资源被大量开发利用,浪费和污染。使得该地区已成为全国水质型缺水城市之一。分析了上海地区水资源利用现状,并提出水资源在利用中存在的主要问题:水污染严重,水质日趋恶化,水资源供需矛盾日益突出,洪涝灾害时有发生,地下水超采,地面沉降较突出;长江口亟待综合治理,针对以上问题,从控污,节水,加强管理和宣传等方面提出了在今后的发展中可持续利用水资源的可行性对策。  相似文献   
首先述评了国内外一些学者对现代化发展阶段的划分;其次,论述了林业现代化发展阶段的划分依据,具体包括森林生态状况、林业产业状况、林业制度、林业科技、林业人才素质、林业市场完善程度和社会贡献,并且提出了一些指标作为划分的标准;最后,根据上述指标的综合评价值和划分依据,将林业现代化划分为5个发展阶段,具体包括萌芽阶段、开始阶段、发展阶段、基本实现阶段和成熟阶段。  相似文献   
土地开发整理项目实施管理是项目进入建设阶段后对建设过程中的各个环节所进行的控制,是保证项目计划、质量标准、进度安排、预算执行顺利实现的保证。文章按照国家投资要求的管理原则,就如何科学地对土地开发整理项目实施管理进行研究,并结合辽宁某县实际情况提出探索性的管理措施。  相似文献   
以可持续发展的理念,落实科学发展观为指导,分析地质公园功能分区的目的及原则,并以拟建八台山省级地质公园的功能分区为例,将其功能区划分为保护区、旅游观光区、服务区等共计24个功能区.该功能分区有利于八台山地质遗迹资源的保护与开发,为八台山省级地质公园合理规划打下坚实的基础,为当地的主管部门提供决策依据.  相似文献   
Land management is inevitably linked to the regulation of activities of its proprietor or operator stipulated by legislation and documents of territorial planning. In Lithuania, as in many European countries, territorial planning is a key measure for the formation of landscape and the alteration of its elements. With the help of territorial planning documents, governing authorities has the opportunity to orderly regulate the layout of long-term stable elements of landscape and the sustainable territorial development. However, in comparison with other European Union (hereinafter – EU) countries, territorial planning system valid in Lithuania until January 1, 2014 is still “young” and having specific features with former countries of the Soviet bloc legal regulation. The system did not provided a consistent and sustainable territorial development mechanism: there was the lack of measures allowing to manage the development processes of residential areas and implementation of territorial planning documents (especially the municipal master plans) solutions for the creation of a harmonious functional spatial system. The aim of the present paper is to assess the regulation of legal relations of territorial planning in Lithuania and the EU member states. The assessment summarizes processes of the formation of a landscape during the territorial planning, introduces new opportunities to more accurately predict the results of the current process of landscape planning, and highlights legal and sustainable elements of territorial planning system optimization. As can be seen from the assessment carried out, one of the most important territorial planning objectives was and still remains the balance of mutual relations (hierarchy of plans) of territorial planning documents in shaping the cultural landscape to ensure the rational distribution of the land fund, combining a variety of activities as well as often different land users’ and public interests. Therefore, the implementation of the territorial planning reform of Lithuania capacitates for the transition to an integrated territorial planning, ensuring sustainable development.  相似文献   
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