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In order to understand the scale and nature of inequalities in intra-urban mobility we need reliable income data, but this is generally difficult to collect in household surveys. The methodological approaches that are employed to overcome difficulties in income data collection may affect the relative position of individuals and households within the income distribution and our estimates of mobility inequalities. In the context of a case study of Douala, this paper evaluates how the way income data is collected affects its accuracy and therefore the measurement of daily mobility inequalities. Simplified data collection tends to minimise the scale of inequalities as it misrepresents the income distribution. The error is greater in remote zones. Shortcomings in the statistical apparatus with regard to income data thus blur our perception of mobility inequalities and impede investigation of the links between daily travel, poverty and social exclusion.  相似文献   
Strategic flexibility is a vital capability for new ventures to update their strategies in a timely manner. However, the role of external knowledge sources in new ventures’ endeavours to develop strategic flexibility are unclear. Drawing on the knowledge‐based and relational views, we explore the effect of two sources of external knowledge: new product development (NPD) alliances, representing tightly coupled sources, and loosely coupled sources such as industry associations. Our field study of 148 high‐tech ventures found that the extent to which firms utilize knowledge from NPD alliances has a curvilinear relationship with strategic flexibility, whereas the extent to which firms utilize loosely coupled sources has a positive linear relationship with strategic flexibility. We also found that in new ventures, decentralization of decision‐making and institutional support enhance knowledge integration, positively moderating these relationships.  相似文献   
研究目的:基于全国典型村庄调研,分析不同地区农村宅基地闲置程度和成因,为农村宅基地集约利用和乡村振兴提供建议。研究方法:实地调研法、对比分析法。研究结果:(1)调研村庄宅基地闲置现象普遍,2018年闲置程度平均为10.7%。(2)各地村庄宅基地闲置程度差异明显。分区域看,东部村庄宅基地闲置程度最高,中部村庄最低;分城乡区位看,村庄离城市距离越远,宅基地闲置程度越高;分地形看,平原村庄宅基地闲置程度最高;分是否为贫困村庄看,村庄宅基地闲置程度随村庄贫困程度的加深而升高。(3)宅基地闲置是乡村人口结构变化与宅基地利用失衡的结果。长期外出务工、城镇有住房、“一户多宅”、宅基地损毁引起宅基地闲置的成因占比依次下降。(4)农村宅基地闲置受乡村地域内外宏微观因素综合影响,经济增长和城镇化引起的就业非农化、人口市民化是宅基地闲置的直接动因,现行城乡二元制度和宅基地管理制度是宅基地闲置的根本原因。研究结论:盘活利用农村闲置宅基地,需要因地制宜推动闲置宅基地整治利用、健全宅基地有偿使用和退出机制、创新城乡制度加快农业转移人口市民化。  相似文献   
职业院校教师到企业实践锻炼是适应高职教育发展的需要,是构建"双师型"教师队伍的重要途径。本文根据对山东省50余所高职院校教师和40余家企业的调查情况,从学校鼓励政策、教师企业锻炼管理情况和效果以及企业对教师实践的态度等方面进行了分析,较全面的反映了山东省高职院校教师企业实践锻炼的现状,指出了存在的问题。  相似文献   
采用2002年和2003年SPOT及ETM 数据,在专业遥感软件的辅助下,利用多源遥感数据融合技术进行土地利用变化信息提取,并对变化信息进行野外调查核实,节省了外业查找变化地块时间,提高工作效率,保证调查结果的可靠性,为今后开展土地变更调查提供了一种新的方法.  相似文献   
保留一支素质较高、精干的地质勘查队伍,满足国家及区域经济发展对地质勘查工作的需要,包括地质勘查的公益性事业和经营性活动,是贯彻落实国办发[1999]37号文件的一项重要改革内容.文章介绍了江苏省地调院深化改革、不断调整、创建高效精干地调院,实现公益性地质事业与经营性地勘活动统分结合,稳定、发展地质事业,形成高效精干地质队伍的经验和体会.  相似文献   
In recent years, numerous articles have addressed management strategies aimed at assisting forests to adapt to climate change. However, these seldom take into account the practical and economic implications of implementing these strategies, notably, supply of forest plants and seed. Using semi-structured interviews with practitioners involved in the plant and seed supply chain in Great Britain, we highlight a series of practical and economic bottlenecks commonly encountered in the supply of locally sourced seed and domestically produced planting stock for native woodland and hedging markets. We find that adoption of alternative seed sourcing strategies, designed specifically to account for directional climate warming, is likely to exacerbate existing problems by adding further complexity to decisions nurseries make about tree species and seed origins to produce. The lack of long-term market predictability brought about by the current configuration of forestry grants and regulations and, in particular, the administrative systems for processing grant applications is identified as a major impediment to having a sustainable and competitive supply of home-grown and currently adapted planting stock. Finally, the time and effort it takes to supply healthy plants for native woodland creation projects deserves much wider recognition throughout the industry and will be crucial if planting objectives are to be met sustainably.  相似文献   
“大数据时代”的时代背景下,统计学作为一门搜集和分析现象数量特征的方法论科学正面临着一轮新的机遇与挑战,因此培养高素质创造型统计学人才成为经济和社会发展的关键。基于此,以统计学专业为例,选取东、中、西部三所财经类高校统计学专业师生为调查样本,采用师生心理契约量表,分别从教师与学生视角评价学生各类学习行为履行情况,讨论统计学专业本科生学习行为中的优势与劣势,测度对综合学习素质影响大和与其相关性强的因素,探讨教师与学生评价的契合程度,并据此提出了具体的提高本科生学习素质的策略性意见,为各高校有针对地改进学生管理模式和提高学生培养质量提供参考建议。  相似文献   
We study the importance of individual characteristics and national factors influencing individual attitudes towards the impact of multinational corporations on local businesses. Our sample includes more than 40 000 respondents in 29 countries from the 2003 National Identity Survey conducted by the International Social Survey Programme. We find that individual demographic factors and socioeconomic status, such as gender, age, income and education, are strong predictors of their attitudes. For example, income and education are positively associated with favourable attitudes towards the impact of multinational corporations (MNCs) on local businesses while age is negatively associated with individual attitudes towards MNCs. In addition, hierarchical ordered logit model results show that approximately 8% of total variations in individual attitudes around our sample mean are not explained by differences in personal traits. Instead, they are due to country-level heterogeneity such as, but not limited to, different degrees of openness or different aggregate income.  相似文献   
相当一部分工科院校学生缺乏人际交往的锻炼机会,表现出各种各样的人际关系方面的问题。应加强人文素质教育和心理健康教育,加强人际交流方向的指导和训练。  相似文献   
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