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考察由制造商和零售商构成的二级供应链上,按库存生产(Make-to-stock,MTS)和按订单生产(Make-to-order,MTO)两种模式的供应链系统性能。通过系统动力学建立MTS和MTO供应链的系统仿真模型,从仿真结果中发现,虽然采用MTS供应链模式的零售商相对MTO供应链模式零售商保持较低的成品库存,但整个供应链系统上,MTO供应链库存要低于MTS的供应链库存。MTO供应链对客户需求变动的响应性更强,但设备利用率要低于MTS的设备利用率。  相似文献   
Roadmapping serves both short and long term (strategic) alignment in science and technology (S&T). Forecasts of the likely future development of S&T are generated; then research and development (R&D) efforts necessary to realize various goals are backcast. But for new and emerging S&T this trusted principle does not work: the likely products are not articulated yet. A promising approach however is building mapping tools based on underlying patterns and indicators of the dynamics of emergence. This paper discusses, based on a first round application in the field of micro and nanotechnologies for single cell analysis, the methodology of such a new approach. The work is linked to a programme of Future oriented Technology Assessment (FTA) activities coordinated within a European nanotechnology research network.

Our paper addresses well-known lacunae of alignment tools from the viewpoints of the path creation/dependency literatures. We then apply these insights to lab-on-a-chip devices for cell analysis. Dynamics of emerging paths can be used to articulate a future structured in terms of prospective innovation chains and potential paradigms. We demonstrate a plausible variety of paths, which provides a broader set of strategic choices. This enables management of expectations and hype by which emerging S&T are characterised, and leads to alignment of actors. Our tool can be applied in strategic management of research and R&D at the level of science-to-industry networks. These are becoming an important element in European S&T policy but will only be successful if ways are found for closing gaps in the innovation chain.  相似文献   

概括地说,军队社会化保障就是向社会采购货物(工程、服务)。这就意味着军队和地方要发生经济和利益往来,经济合同作为调节和规范双方当事人权利和义务的合法载体,对其管理的力度和水平会直接影响到社会化保障的质量和效果。因而,规范合同管理就显得尤为重要。就目前情况来看,在军队社会化保障改革过程中,合同管理还未成体系,各领域之间、同一领域内部“各自为政”现象突出,亟待规范。  相似文献   
通过对国际贸易与质押监管业务的研究,探讨了两种业务结合的可行性,并结合实际案例加以分析,阐述了现阶段我国在这方面存在的优势与不足。从两种业务结合对各方面的好处,结合的资金来源、利润来源、遇到的瓶颈几方面进行阐述,提供了有效的可实施方案。  相似文献   
对流动性供给机制的研究成为了金融经济学中研究的一个重要课题。流动性的供给是金融体系的基本功能,本文主要针对金融资产的流动性供给模式及其有效性等问题,集中归类地介绍了国内外的主要研究成果。  相似文献   
谢旭光 《中国市场》2008,(32):38-39
本文通过对国外学者的关于风险的定义的分析,提出了对他们的风险分类的质疑。从而提出了一个全新的风险分类方法,并在此基础上提出二阶段风险发展模式,提出了风险管理的阶段论。通过对新的风险分类的研究,又提出一个全新的四维物流风险传导模型和物流风险相互激发原理,为物流风险管理提供了更加广阔的思维空间和操作平台。  相似文献   
第三方物流企业的发展具有一定规律,最初只是普通的储运企业,提供以运输和仓储为主的传统物流服务,与客户一般是短期的交易关系;后来逐渐发展成为第三方物流企业,提供综合物流服务,与客户一般是中短期的合约关系;之后又发展成为领先物流企业,不仅提供物流服务,而且为客户管理所有的物流服务、物流服务商和物流流程,与客户一般是中长期的合约关系,双方共担风险;最后,发展成为第四方物流企业,成为客户的供应链管理者,与客户之间是长期的合作伙伴关系。文章提出,企业从自营物流业务、物流业务分散外包到物流业务内部整合再到整合物流业务整体外包的过程是分工演进的结果,在规模经济和学习曲线的共同作用下,第三方物流企业不断演进,从传统储运企业发展到第四方物流企业。  相似文献   
Understanding the nature of structural change and the sources of economic growth of an economy, especially the relative importance of different industries, is essential for policy‐making. This paper estimates industry contribution to economic growth in both Canada and the United States. It argues that industry contribution should be evaluated on the basis of the performance of an industry in terms of creating economic value relative to other industries. In particular, it calls for the quantity and the price effects, which is consistent with real GDP in the chained‐Fisher index that values the industry more when its price rises and less when its price declines. This is an important departure from the traditional methodologies that consider only quantity effect. This paper shows that the contribution from demand‐driven industries is significantly more than the finding based on traditional thinking.  相似文献   
推进城市转型、改变"矿竭城衰"发展轨迹是目前我国资源型城市可持续发展的首要任务。考虑到接续替代产业发展在转型战略中的普遍性和重要性,尝试从资源开发、空间结构演化、生态环境变化三个视角探究产业链延伸与资源型城市演化间的内在关系,并对安徽省铜陵市进行实证,以期为国内资源型城市转型实践提供一些思路和启示。  相似文献   
钢铁企业采购供应管理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了钢铁行业供应链的构成,钢铁企业采购管理的特点,钢铁企业采购管理中存在的问题以及未来发展的趋势,其研究成果对于改进钢铁企业采购管理实践有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
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