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黄帆 《大陆桥视野》2016,(6):263-265
It is proved that teachers' politeness behavior can highly motivate students' learning impulse and improve teaching process. Politeness phenomenon in classroom has been broadly discussed and studied; however, there are still no systematic politeness principles that can be reasonably applied into the teaching process. On the basis of the politeness theories and a case study, this paper tries to seek a more reasonable and more efficient politeness principle in EFL classroom.  相似文献   
视唱教材是教学活动的中介,它为教学提供了具体的信息和内容。为了顺应现代音乐教育的发展,高校视唱教材在编写中,应该遵从与学科相关的科学理论基础的指导。本文认为,与音乐教育学科最相关的学科是哲学、心理学、社会学和审美学。只有了解这些基础学科与视唱练耳课程之间的交叉渗透,才能更有效的对教材编写起到指导作用。  相似文献   
中学历史课所传授的是综合性很强的知识,对于引导中学生健康成长具有非常重要的作用。中学历史课教师要适应新形势的需要,在观念、内容、方法和机制上不断创新。本文从中学历史课教学改革中教师的角色定位和策略上提出了几点有益的探讨。  相似文献   
高校教师职业倦怠对高校教师自身的职业发展和身心健康,以及学生的健康成长有消极影响。本研究表明,当前大学英语教师的职业倦怠程度并不很严重,职业倦怠程度高于工科教师而低于医科教师,成就感低是影响职业倦怠的主要因素;男性大学英语教师职业倦怠感高于女性;A型性格教师职业倦怠严重;职业倦怠与一般自我效能感、积极应对方式呈现负相关关系。  相似文献   
高等师范院校钢琴课要合理制定教学目标,合理确定教学内容,合理进行教学安排,切实培养学生具有扎实的钢琴基础理论知识和一定的实际演奏技能。  相似文献   
"教育回归生活世界"理念的出现给教育理论和实践带来了新的视角与活力.依据"教育应把生活作为一切教育认识及其活动的根源和终极意义"的理论,拟对大学外语教师角色定位为知识和文化的客观传授者;学生学习能力的不懈培养者;学生价值观的崇高引领者和个性绽放的人文实践者.在具体教学实践中,外语教师应充满人文关怀地实施"激发学生学习的动机和兴趣""对学习方法有所引导和铺垫"和"让学生有胜任感"等关照学生内心和生活的教学策略.  相似文献   
知识经济时代对教师的激励作用十分重要。对教师的激励因素,大致分为六个方面:满足尊重的需要,发挥其价值;建立科学的绩效考评体系;重视保健因素;工资报酬物质激励和精神激励相结合;实行弹性工作制,加大环境支撑力度;加强人文关怀,实施有效沟通。  相似文献   
城乡教师资源配置不均衡是中国义务教育阶段中的突出难题。农村中小学教师资源配置与城区相比存在巨大差异,严重影响到教育均衡发展。以广西M县为例,通过对影响教师资源配置问题进行实证分析,采取有针对性措施促进教师资源在城乡间的均衡配置。  相似文献   
高职院校应以培养高级技术应用型专门人才为目标,建立具有自身特色的教学体系。首先要通过广泛的社会调研,了解相应的人才需求,在此基础上制定适宜的教学计划;同时要着力构建与高职教育相适应的教学体系,教学模式与方法尽量适应高职学生的特点和培养目标,加大实践教学的比重,建立设备较先进、具备实训教学功能的综合训练教学基地,加强"双师型"教师队伍建设,以培养出真正符合社会需求的、高质量的技术应用型人才。  相似文献   
This paper reports on a series of interventions in New Zealand schools in order to enhance the teaching of, and learning in, technology as a new learning area. It details the way in which researchers worked with teachers to introduce technological activities into the classroom, the teachers' reflections on this process and the subsequent development of activities. These activities were undertaken in 14 classrooms (8 primary and 6 secondary).The research took into account past experiences of school-based teacher development and recommendations related to teacher change. Extensive use was made of case-studies from earlier phases of the research, and of the draft technology curriculum, in order to develop teachers' concepts of technology and technology education. Teachers then worked from these concepts to develop technological activities and classroom strategies. The paper also introduces a model that outlines factors contributing to school technological literacy, and suggests that teacher development models will need to allow teachers to develop technological knowledge and an understanding of technological practice, as well as concepts of technology and technology education, if they are to become effective in the teaching of technology.  相似文献   
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