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高中英语教师具备"科研型"、"融合型"、"爱心型"和"平淡型"四种素质类型,不同年龄、学历以及教学经验的高中英语教师素质的差异对英语教学有着不同的影响。  相似文献   
高师院校音乐教育是我国艺术教育的重要组成部分。当前推进高师院校音乐教育改革,要准确定位人才培养目标,加大课程设置改革与教学内容新体系的构建力度,注重师资队伍建设和音乐教学研究。  相似文献   
结合高等院校“保持共产党员先进性教育”活动,提出了建立高校先进性教育的长效机制的关键是提升师德水准。要从办学理念、服务育人理念及大学生德育工作入手,在先进性教育活动实践及制度建设中提高师德认识、培养师德素质、提高师德信念、保障师德建设。  相似文献   
根据体育教师专业发展过程中的“关注”阶段论,应用教师关注问卷和教学策略量表,对263名体育教师进行调查,说明不同专业发展阶段的体育教师的教学策略呈现不同特点。学生关注阶段的体育教师对课前、课中、课后教学策略均有显著的预测作用,自我关注阶段的体育教师对课中教学策略有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   
In this article, we study the impact of the development of e-commerce on the concentration of the recorded music industry in France, for the period 2003–2010. First, we find that over the whole period, CD sales, measured at the distributor level, are less concentrated online than offline. Second, we find that sales concentration online has increased between the early period of e-commerce (2003–2006) and the later period (2007–2010).  相似文献   
This paper describes the frameworks and cognitive tools that have been developed to enhance practising teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in primary school technology education. The frameworks evolved from our research that firstly examined existing teaching practices, secondly enhanced formative interactions and thirdly enhanced summative assessment strategies. The evidence gained over the three years demonstrated how the effective use of frameworks could be utilised to enhance teacher pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). How we see learning is of prime importance in examining the development of teacher pedagogical content knowledge. A sociocultural view of learning is taken where human mental processes are situated within their historical, cultural and institutional setting. In the research project we strongly emphasised the need for teachers to build a knowledge base for teaching technology. Critical aspects identified as enhancing PCK included: negotiated intervention, planning frameworks, reflection on case studies, workshops and support in classrooms, appropriate resources, teacher agreement meetings, portfolios of student work and summative profiles. The increased PCK resulted in: enhanced teacher knowledge about technology including the nature of technology, areas of technology and specific technological knowledge, changed pedagogical approaches, enhanced teacher student interaction, refinement of appropriate learning outcomes, critical decision making, improved teacher confidence, and enhanced student learning. Seven characteristics or features of pedagogical content knowledge that we believe are important for effective teaching and learning in technology are presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
我国ESP教师队伍的现状令人十分担忧。培养和造就一支高水平的ESP教师队伍是提高ESP教育教学质量的关键。ESP教师培养的途径主要有:加强对现有ESP教师的培训;ESP教师本身应注重自我发展;EGP教师与专业教师合作造就ESP教师;在大学生中注重早期培养与选拔ESP教师。  相似文献   
现在的教育方法,从幼儿教育到中学教育都以奖励学生为主。教育者为了保证教育的有效性和教育工作的有序展开,在必要的时候,也使用惩罚。只有明确适度惩罚的问题,调动各方面的力量,掌握惩罚的艺术,才能使教师的工作游刃有余。  相似文献   
教育主管部门一直倡导普通高校重视音乐教育,但是多年来,无论是受社会不良信息、不良人群、负面媒体的影响,还是受家庭的过分宠溺、缺少思想沟通、异常氛围的影响,或是学校的应试教育、忽视音乐教育德育作用、缺乏专业指导的影响,以及学生自身缺乏持之以恒的态度、身心发展不平衡、自我认知失调等因素的影响,普通高校对音乐教育的重视程度远远落后于社会发展的步伐。  相似文献   
高校教师绩效考核制度的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改变高校教师“干与不干、干多干少、干好干坏一个样”,这种人才利用处于死水一潭的局面,重庆医科大学经过10余年的探索与实践,绩效考核制度从无到有,从粗放到精细,从模块分割到转化互通,基本形成了充满活力的“以岗定薪、多劳多得、绩效优先、优劳优酬”的绩效评价机制,激发了教师队伍活力,推动了学校各项事业的健康发展.  相似文献   
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