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The aim of the paper is to examine the relative impact of tangible and intangible factors on the success of music festivals. The paper draws on literature relating to hedonic consumption, customer equity, loyalty, and the success of music festivals. Data are collected among music festival goers by means of structured interviews in the Netherlands, one of the leading music festival markets in the world. The results show that brand equity aspects such as image, festival atmosphere associations, and (anticipated) emotions are most important for loyalty. Value equity (i.e. ticket price) plays some role but is less important than brand equity components. Interestingly, the program of the festival does not seem to affect loyalty in the current environment. Relationship equity components seem to play a marginal role at best. Implications for strategic marketing decisions in cultural industries are discussed.  相似文献   
著作权的实质在于法律赋予著作权人对其作品的合法垄断。建立合理使用制度其理论依据在于利益平衡考量,即创作者、传播者、使用者的个人利益与社会公众利益的基本平衡。而对于网络音乐下载是否收费的问题,归根到底是市场行为,受市场规律的影响,应由网络服务提供商和音乐作品著作权利人来共同决定。我国知识产权法学界应当深入研究国外相关理论和判例,细化我国《著作权法》的"合理使用"规则,让其真正成为一柄利器,为我国文化界形成百花齐放、百家争鸣的氛围做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence creative teaching and to find out what effective strategies are used by three award‐winning teachers in the learning area of Integrated Activities. As creative thinking is crucial for the knowledge economy, it is essential that education serves its purpose in improving this important aspect. The methods used for data collection include in‐depth interview, focus group interview, classroom observation and content analysis. Three teachers with a GreaTeach Creative Instruction Award for creative teaching in the Integrated Activities field were selected as subjects. Results were acquired by analysing the interview content, the teaching plans, teachers’ reflection and the classroom observation videotapes. The study found that: the factors influencing creative teaching in Integrative Activities are (a) personality traits: persistence, willingness to develop, acceptance of new experiences, self‐confidence, sense of humour, curiosity, depth of ideas, imagination, etc.; (b) family factors: open and tolerant ways of teaching children, creative performance of parents, etc.; (c) experiences of growth and education: self‐created games and stories, brainstorming between classmates, etc.; (d) beliefs in teaching, hard work, motivation and (e) the administrative side of school organization. Among these factors, beliefs in teaching, hard work and motivation are the main aspects. The effective teaching strategies used by the awarded teachers are: student‐centred activities, a connection between teaching contents and real life, management of skills in class, open‐ended questions, an encouragement of creative thinking and use of technology and multimedia. Integrated Activities are closely connected to life experience and a basis for the development of creative thinking within education.  相似文献   
随着高等教育的普及化,高校提高教学水平和教学质量的要求更加迫切。但是,目前高校开展教研活动的积极性不高,教研活动流于形式,不利于高校整体教学质量的提高。开展丰富有效的教研活动是提高教师教学能力、促进青年教师培养、提升高校整体办学质量、实现人才培养目标的重要手段。  相似文献   
技能大赛是个"检阅场"。技能大赛指引实践教学改革,推动校内实训基地建设,促进教师"双师素质"的提高,增强了校企合作。  相似文献   
我国现行教育政策的改革,使得职业技术学院近几年获得了迅猛发展。然而能否培养出高质量人才的关键是高职院校是否具有一支高素质的师资队伍。从当前高职院校师资队伍数量和质量上看,由于高校的扩招,使本来就不充裕的高校教师资源显得尤为紧缺,尤其是高学历、高职称、高素质的教师更是缺乏。为此,加强高职院校师资队伍建设已经成为一种必然。  相似文献   

Rock festivals occupy an important place in contemporary consumer culture. This Marketplace Icons contribution elaborates on 50 years of rock festivals’ history to trace how festivals have moved from a status of a simple musical event to that of myth. I argue that the iconicity of rock festivals is based on two fundamental ideas: they reside in popular culture as theatrical mythical performances that push artistic and scenic limits, and they are a unique liminal field of expression and liberation for many people.  相似文献   

Teams of teachers are increasingly held accountable for the quality of education and educational reforms in vocational education and training institutions. However, historically teachers have not been required to engage in deep-level collaboration, thus team-oriented HR practices are being used to promote teamworking in the sector. This paper examines the relationship between team-oriented HR practices and team performance in terms of innovation and efficiency via teachers’ affective team commitment and engagement in information processing. To examine these associations, a team-oriented HRM research instrument was developed and validated based on the ability-motivation-opportunity model (N = 970, 130 teams) and hypothesised associations were examined using multilevel structural equation modelling (N = 704, 70 teams). The results show positive relationships between the team-oriented HR practices of recruitment, team development, team evaluation and teamwork facilitation, and team innovation. Additionally, all practices except team development were positively related to team efficiency. The relationships between team-oriented HR practices and these team performance indicators were often partially or fully mediated by affective team commitment and information processing. Because affective team commitment and information processing sometimes only partially mediated the links between team-oriented HR practices and team performance, other underlying mechanisms await identification.  相似文献   
This paper examines abjection in the context of the extreme (black) metal scene. Moving beyond the ritual-heavy, community work that dominates much of the death-related consumption literature, our study pieces together death, violence, misanthropy, blood and social tensions to create novel insights into the consumption of disgust. Based on our interview and participant observation methodologies, we present work that explains how death-oriented consumption and abjection is manifested for some consumers and actually plays a role as an affront to mainstream orientations and the greater social order. Additionally, our work indicates that the use of abjection can be seen as a boundary and source of delineation between the “acceptable” and the “unacceptable” in society.  相似文献   

One of the driving forces for consumer-musicians in the market of rock ‘n’ roll musical creation is the quest for “epic tone” (i.e. production of a distinct and unique sound). Such tone is not the result of a single product or practice, but of a complex consumption constellation composed of a multitude of cultural processes and material factors in which the sum is often greater than the parts. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the market forces that directly impact these musical consumption constellations have exposed (and exacerbate) the inherent paradox in the quest. To help consumers create virtually any possible tone, the marketplace has increased the focus on the structural and functional components that compose these constellations, while subsequently decreasing the focus on the anti-structural and anti-functional aspects that underlie actual sound production. Consequently, the marketplace both stimulates and inhibits the (im)possible quest for epic tone.  相似文献   
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