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This paper shows how intra-stock relations such as cannibalism and growth enhancement, determine the economically optimal
sharing of a fish resource between heterogeneous harvesting agents. The sharing of resources between different vessel groups
is often left for political decision making. Nonetheless, such decisions may have both biological and economic consequences.
This becomes quite clear when different harvesting groups exploit different sections (age groups) of a stock that has intra-stock
interactions in the form of cannibalism. A two-agent bioeconomic model with cannibalism is developed and used to determine
(i) optimal annual harvest sizes (TACs) for cod, and (ii) the optimal proportion of the TAC that should be harvested by the
different vessel groups in the fishery. Applying biological and economic data in a numerical procedure, and comparing the
results obtained to previous studies, it is shown that intra-stock interactions such as the presence of cannibalism has a
significant impact on who should take what proportion of the TAC, and hence, the standing stock size and discounted economic
rent achievable. In contrast to other studies, we find that the optimal harvest requires that both trawlers and coastal vessels
should harvest the fish resource. In addition, the results indicate that, from a bioeconomic perspective, the existing trawler
fleet’s harvest share in the cod fishery is too high.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Walter Trockel 《Review of Economic Design》2002,7(1):27-43
Abstract. The present paper provides a method by which the Nash Program may be embedded into mechanism theory. It is shown that any
result stating the support of any solution of a cooperative game in coalitional form by a Nash equilibrium of some suitable
game in strategic form can be used to derive the mechanism theoretic Nash-implementation of that solution.
Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 3 April 2002 相似文献
Alistair Ulph 《Journal of economic surveys》1987,1(1-2):149-172
Abstract. This paper surveys the contribution that recent developments in game theory have made to the understanding of oligopoly theory. It is argued that conventional models suffer from the problem that there are a number of solution concepts offered with little guidance as to which should be selected, and this is related to the static nature of the models employed. One important development in game theory has been the analysis of repeated games, and when applied to oligopoly theory this suggests that outcomes may be more cooperative than conventional theory suggests. Related to this is the requirement that firms employ credible threats to punish cheating from cooperative outcomes, and the paper examines the extent to which imperfect information may restrict the scope of firms to employ such punishments. One way in which firms may seek to make threats credible is through strategic investments, for example in production capacity, and the paper explores how competition over price or output is integrated with competition over instruments for strategic investment. 相似文献
Paul Levine Joseph Pearlman Richard Pierse 《Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control》2008,32(10):3315-3349
We examine the linear-quadratic approximation of nonlinear dynamic stochastic optimization problems. A discrete-time version of Magill [1977a. A local analysis of N-sector capital accumulation under uncertainty. Journal of Economic Theory 15(2), 211–219] is generalized to models with forward-looking variables paying special attention to second-order conditions. This is the ‘large distortions’ case in the literature. We apply the approach to monetary policy in a DSGE model with external habit in consumption. We then develop a condition for ‘target-implementability’, a concept related to ‘targeting rules’. Finally, we extend the approach to a comparison between cooperative and non-cooperative equilibria in a two-country model and show that the ‘small distortions’ approximation is inappropriate for this exercise. 相似文献
运用重复博弈的方法建立了一个企业间长期价格竞争模型,用于论证这样一个机制:随着市场需求的波动,企业为实现自身利益最大化所采取的非合作定价行为会与市场需求状况呈相反方向,从而对宏观价格总水平起到一种稳定器的作用。同时对该模型在我国的应用及模型本身可能存在的问题进行了探讨。 相似文献
John M. Crespi Jennifer S. James 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2007,51(4):445-457
The beggar-thy-neighbour aspect of commodity advertising means that benefits to one commodity from advertising come at the expense of other commodities. The effect can be mitigated by cooperation among groups as shown by Alston, Freebairn and James (AFJ). A drawback to AFJ's analysis is that some cooperative outcomes require side payments from one producer group to another. This paper offers a bargaining solution as an alternative to cooperation in the case where cooperative side payments would be needed. We show that while bargaining without side payments is not as effective as cooperation at reducing beggar-thy-neighbour effects, it is a welfare improving alternative to non-cooperation and is likely more practical in many situations. 相似文献
的方法来获得多个极大极小幅值的估计值。仿真结果表明:在信噪比大于10 dB条件下
需要。 相似文献
股权分置改革对价谈判博弈分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国证券市场股权分置改革是一个系统工程,对价谈判博弈不仅仅包含讨价还价博弈,还包括上市公司股价估值,上市公司的行业背景和成长性分析,上市公司的股权结构特点分析等,是一个非常复杂的博弈模型。本文通过分析股权分置改革对价谈判的博弈过程给出了一个在完全信息条件下对价谈判的非合作博弈模型及其纳什(Nash)均衡最优解的求解过程.并详细分析了影响对价最终结果的关键因素和得到纳什均衡最优解的泽森(Zeuthen)讨价还价过程,供股权分置改革方案的设计者和广大投资人参考。 相似文献
Optimal monetary and fiscal policies within the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) are determined by simulating a global model under alternative assumptions about the objective function of the European Central Bank (ECB) and about cooperation vs. non-cooperation between monetary and fiscal policy-makers and among the latter. The results show the high effectiveness of fixed rules in the presence of supply-side shocks and the usefulness of cooperative discretionary measures against demand-side shocks. More generally, cooperation among fiscal policy-makers in the EMU is nearly always superior to non-cooperative equilibrium solutions, yielding a strong case for the coordination of fiscal policies. 相似文献