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许娟 《基建优化》2007,28(3):15-17
建筑市场业主行为的不规范,不仅直接损害了承包商的合法权益,而且影响到工程质量和投资效益.特别是在目前建筑市场还存在着一些体制和机制问题的情况下,很有必要对建筑市场业主行为进行规范和管理,并结合实际情况采取对策和措施,建立长效管理机制,以促进建筑市场的健康发展.  相似文献   
本文运用1996--2009年的面板数据,以外资银行在华营业性机构数量为因变量,从外资银行母吲的宏观因素、东道国的制度因素和母国与东道同的联系三个方面检验外资银行进入中国市场的影响因素?结果显示,外资银行进入程度与母国的经济发展水平、母同对中国的FDI、母国与中国的双边贸易量呈正相关父系,与两国的地理距离呈负相关关系,而与母同银行业的存贷利差没有显著关系,并且,2006年底我国对银行业的开放政策显著地促进了外资银行的进入。  相似文献   

Consumerism and choice have become prominent ideas in the design and delivery of public services. Often perceived as a way to improve the quality and value of public services, potential downsides and areas of concern that relate to a consumerist approach are frequently ignored. This review essay takes a critical stance on the application of a consumerist discourse to public service provision and management by exploring four key areas of concern: definitional problems, questions about the concept's transferability from a private to a public sector setting, the problematic nature of ‘choice’, and difficulties associated with implementing consumerist ideas within public service contexts..  相似文献   
审计师轮换是构建注册会计师审计秩序化格局以防范会计欺诈的重要监管手段。我国资本市场以行政权力和关系网络为主导的治理模式影响了会计师事务所的产权结构安排和资源配置模式,出现了客户资源控制权个人化的现象,致使我国监管政策的微观运行基础与欧美国家存在重大差异,同时也阻碍了会计师事务所的内部治理,从而说明我国审计市场存在审计师轮换的客观需求基础。为此,将审计师的私人人力资本转化为会计师事务所的组织资本是提高审计师轮换质量效应的重要路径。  相似文献   
由于本土银行在内陆省份更有网点优势、品牌优势和情感优势,加之河南富豪参与金融理财的需求增加,当前发展河南私人银行业务十分必要。在发展过程中,应在细分需求的基础上,着力培养高素质的私人银行家团队、加强金融机构间的合作、建立高效的信息技术平台、积极发展客户。  相似文献   
中小企业融资难的一大原因是商业银行在选择授信对象时具有“授信给中小规模企业风险大”的贷款偏好.从而在信贷业务操作中表现出对中小企业的歧视。那么实际中小企业还贷履约行为如何?以商业银行和融资企业为对象,本文建立信贷交易博弈模型并实证检验融资企业的规模大小与其还贷履约行为的关系。结果表明:考虑到违约成本,相比较大规模企业的还贷履约情况,中小企业选择按时还贷履约的概率更大,还贷履约情况更好。  相似文献   
面对国内外银行理财业务的冲击,中国城市商业银行必须做出自己的理财抉择。根据目前我国城市商业银行的现状,中国城市商业银行的金融理财业务的市场定位应为中小企业客户作理财服务;发展初期的理财产品以代理他人产品或与人联合开发为主,实行发散式营销;目的以强化客户关系为主,坚持保本微利的原则,客户群稳定和壮大后才能以理财为盈利手段;目前的关键是金融理财人才的培养。  相似文献   
分析了广告代理制这一国际通行的广告行业运作机制对发展我国广告业所具有的积极意义,指出推行广告代理制是理顺我国广告业内的各种关系、规范我国的广告市场、增强我国广告业国际竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   
This paper examines the dynamics of the short-term and longer term relationship between prostitutes and tourists in Bangkok, Thailand. Based on fieldwork in one small area of Bangkok, it examines the expectations of the women and the foreign men who patronize their services. It concludes that for most of the women, prostitution offers a career marked by a pattern of upward and downward mobility, economic insecurity, often emotional instability, and no long-term solution to the economic conditions which made them join the profession in the first place.  相似文献   
Consumer capital is a very important asset for an organisation as it is the result of an organisation's relationship with its customers. This paper sets out to confirm that organisations need to create customer capital in SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises). As part of this study, four types of knowledge have been identified (i.e. customer knowledge, individual knowledge, collective knowledge, and machine-readable forms) and this paper investigates the relationships between the different components of knowledge and the process to obtain customer capital from the external perspective of the company. This involved an empirical study of 365 customers. Two structural equation models have been used, resulting in the conclusion that before obtaining customer capital it is necessary to convert individual knowledge, collective knowledge (CLK), and machine-readable forms into customer knowledge.  相似文献   
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