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分析了广告代理制这一国际通行的广告行业运作机制对发展我国广告业所具有的积极意义,指出推行广告代理制是理顺我国广告业内的各种关系、规范我国的广告市场、增强我国广告业国际竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   
There is growing evidence from practitioners that the advertising industry is in a state of crisis. As campaigns become more integrated and multi-disciplinary, the relationship between advertising agencies and clients is being tested to its limits and is presently considered to be at an all-time low. Agencies feel less valued and are being excluded from C-suite discussion. Clients feel that agencies do not appreciate the changing landscape and how the customer experience is now key. Both sides recognise the need for more trust and collaboration. This study applies the agency theory and the social power theory to understand the pressures that the relationship is under. It looks for evidence that IMC is creating a movement away from a business alliance relationship by comparing qualitative data collected from both agencies and clients, using NVivo to identify themes. The findings identify four themes which illustrate this shift towards a supplier relationship: the client ownership of the customer journey, the lack of a strategic role of agencies, the challenges of agency collaboration and difficulties of agency specialisation.  相似文献   
Consumer capital is a very important asset for an organisation as it is the result of an organisation's relationship with its customers. This paper sets out to confirm that organisations need to create customer capital in SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises). As part of this study, four types of knowledge have been identified (i.e. customer knowledge, individual knowledge, collective knowledge, and machine-readable forms) and this paper investigates the relationships between the different components of knowledge and the process to obtain customer capital from the external perspective of the company. This involved an empirical study of 365 customers. Two structural equation models have been used, resulting in the conclusion that before obtaining customer capital it is necessary to convert individual knowledge, collective knowledge (CLK), and machine-readable forms into customer knowledge.  相似文献   
建立良好的客户关系是电子商务时代企业赢得重复业务和利润的基础,而重复业务和利润是电子商务企业成功之所在。良好的客户关系需要企业将“以客户为中心”的理念贯穿于全部经济运营活动中,并通过个性化的产品和服务以及优秀的品牌效应来赢得客户的信任和长久的合作关系,从而为企业更多的获取财富创造条件。  相似文献   
客户端访问服务器文件,并要求服务器分发有关文件到客户端是基于B/S结构软件的研究热点,分析当前文件分发的缺点,提出一种新的文件分发方法,并用实际例子证明该方法的高效率性和实用性,对开发基于WEB的软件有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
This article discusses three most potential operators in the electric vehicle (EV) market of China, including power companies, battery manufacturers and gasoline enterprises. We propose five commercial modes of battery swapping and leasing service (BSLS) and analyze their benefits. The simulation results indicate that oil companies are the least competitive operators, whereas battery manufacturers are the best. It is unadvisable for operators to acquire batteries via leasing. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the increase in vehicle weight, gasoline price, the quantity of EVs and V2G electricity price will expand operators’ profit respectively, while the increase in discount rate works inversely.  相似文献   
本文基于上海地区,利用与本土IT外包承接企业有业务往来的跨国公司(发包方)数据,对离岸IT服务外包发包方选择承接商的影响因素进行研究。实证分析结果显示,承接企业的项目运营交付能力、国际市场品牌竞争力、行业知识和领域经验、技术和创新能力、风险管控能力等对发包方选择服务外包承接商有显著影响,跨文化沟通和协调、成本竞争力的影响不显著。本土服务外包承接企业可以根据这些因素有针对性地提升其在国际接包市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   
杨登 《中国市场》2009,(10):37-38
物流配送决策是一个涉及多种因素、多个目标要求的问题,常见的决策模型有单配送中心多用户模型、多配送中心多用户模型及时间窗约束模型,本文对上述模型都进行了深入的研究和论述。  相似文献   
Supply chain management is a key element in companies' competitiveness. We surveyed 512 Canadian manufacturers, most of which were small or medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Our survey was structured around four dimensions of supply change integration, namely: nesting, collaboration, financial incorporation, and distancing. In this paper we describe the use of supply chain management practices and show that their use is dependent on the nature of the business partners (i.e., upstream or downstream positioning of partnership in chain logistics of businesses studied), business field (i.e., sector of activities in which the business operates), and organizational size. Our findings suggest that supply chain practices were used more intensively with clients than with suppliers. They also show that practitioners and scholars need to qualify the concept of integration which is often used in a one‐dimensional perspective. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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