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本文基于上海地区,利用与本土IT外包承接企业有业务往来的跨国公司(发包方)数据,对离岸IT服务外包发包方选择承接商的影响因素进行研究。实证分析结果显示,承接企业的项目运营交付能力、国际市场品牌竞争力、行业知识和领域经验、技术和创新能力、风险管控能力等对发包方选择服务外包承接商有显著影响,跨文化沟通和协调、成本竞争力的影响不显著。本土服务外包承接企业可以根据这些因素有针对性地提升其在国际接包市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   
杨登 《中国市场》2009,(10):37-38
物流配送决策是一个涉及多种因素、多个目标要求的问题,常见的决策模型有单配送中心多用户模型、多配送中心多用户模型及时间窗约束模型,本文对上述模型都进行了深入的研究和论述。  相似文献   
Supply chain management is a key element in companies' competitiveness. We surveyed 512 Canadian manufacturers, most of which were small or medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Our survey was structured around four dimensions of supply change integration, namely: nesting, collaboration, financial incorporation, and distancing. In this paper we describe the use of supply chain management practices and show that their use is dependent on the nature of the business partners (i.e., upstream or downstream positioning of partnership in chain logistics of businesses studied), business field (i.e., sector of activities in which the business operates), and organizational size. Our findings suggest that supply chain practices were used more intensively with clients than with suppliers. They also show that practitioners and scholars need to qualify the concept of integration which is often used in a one‐dimensional perspective. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Public clients’ decisions on the procurement and contracting of civil engineering projects have far-reaching effects on the development and implementation of innovations. Two decades ago, a trend towards the use of integrated contracts started to improve constructability and stimulate innovations. However, for radical innovations, the unilateral allocation of innovation risks to the main contractor is undesirable since most of the associated innovation risks are difficult to assess and manage due to the inherent uncertainties. An in-depth case study was used to investigate the development and application of an alternative public-client-led approach to realizing a radical innovation in a civil engineering project. This study shows that: (1) government championship, through a proactive participation of the public client in the initiation, development and implementation of the project and the willingness to bear innovation risks; (2) the application of innovation risk management strategies and the availability of a fall back option; (3) the establishing of favourable organizational and relational conditions, were determinative factors for the successful development and implementation of the intended radical innovation. Furthermore, seven propositions have been derived that together provide instruments through which public clients can actively promote the development and implementation of radical innovations in civil engineering projects.Subject classification codesManaging Project Risk; Managing Project Innovation; Contract Procurement and Tendering  相似文献   
顾客忠诚直接影响了企业获取利润的持久性和扩展能力.如何借助发达的网络和计算机技术及时获取顾客的忠诚度,并据此采取相应营销战略,已经成为企业十分关注的问题。本文构建的基于Internet的顾客忠诚度信息收集与测评系统模型很好地解决了这一问题;同时构建了移动行业的顾客忠诚度模型并设计了相应的指标体系借以说明该系统的应用。  相似文献   
In this article I analyze the participation of economic patrons or gamonales in processes of city building. Like clientelistic leaders, local ‘big men’ can partake in the transformation of the living conditions of the urban poor. These individuals show an extraordinary capacity for transforming cities, their built environments and social and political infrastructures, especially in small and rapidly growing cities located in the peripheries of nation-building projects. In my research I explore the case of one patron in Granada, a rapidly urbanizing city in Colombia that received many forced migrants between 1990 and 2010, to reveal a new way in which city building and patron–client relationships co-evolve and are constituted within a space of intimate interactions between landed property and urban real estate.  相似文献   
创新内涵下的知识密集型服务业盈利模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识密集型服务的本质是一种服务提供者与客户高度交互的知识创新过程,从服务创新的整合模型出发,提出知识密集型服务的创新要素,并从创新对价值创造环节的介入深度程度,将该行业的盈利模式分为直接提供知识服务的盈利模式、提供创新平台的盈利模式、整合创新要素的盈利模式三种类型,研究了每种模式的特征和盈利模式设计要点。  相似文献   
重点客户在渠道管理中的地位越来越重要,利用对客户的定性和定量评估提出一个客户选择区隔图来确定企业中重点客户的名单是本文提出的一个解决方案。  相似文献   
小额贷款公司中小企业法人客户信用风险评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文选取我国商业性小额贷款公司面临的信用风险作为研究对象,集中研究针对中小企业法人客户的小额贷款信用风险的评估。文章结合小额贷款公司经营模式和放贷对象的具体特点,基于软硬信息框架设计出一套适合我国小额贷款公司中小企业法人客户的信用风险评估体系,并通过层次分析法和模糊综合评价方法确定各个指标的权重配置。案例试算表明,该模型对于小额信贷公司的信用风险具有良好的评估效果,能为小贷公司的信用风险防范和信贷决策提供有效指导。  相似文献   
在我国审计市场竞争激烈的背景下,事务所容易形成对客户的经济依赖。实证研究发现,审计师对客户的依赖度越强,则事务所为上市公司提供的审计服务质量越低,这种关系在非"四大"事务所中表现得尤为明显;而在颇具规模与品牌声誉的"四大"中并未发现这种显著的关系。因此,应优化审计市场结构,鼓励会计师事务所做大做强,加强审计相关法律法规等制度建设,加大对会计师事务所违规的处罚力度。  相似文献   
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