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阐述我国高校科研的现状及黑龙江省高校科研优势,分析高校科研对社会经济发展的作用,并结合黑龙江省"八大经济区"和"十大工程"战略目标,提出了以立足区域经济发展完善高校科研转化机制、打造创新平台、推进产学研合作、加快成果转化等对策,以服务于地方经济,推动区域经济发展。  相似文献   
林业院校基础化学实验教学质量保障体系的探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在诠释林业院校基础化学实验教学质量保障体系内涵和当前基础化学实验教学现状基础上,提出通过构建结构合理的基础化学实验教学队伍、完善落实基础化学实验室教学管理制度、根据人才培养目标需要调整基础化学实验课程教学内容、实施开放式实验教学、构建实验教学质量监控体系等,是构建林业院校基础化学实验教学质量保障体系有效途径。  相似文献   
笔者基于博弈论的分析发现目前中国的劳动力供给仍然过剩,劳动密集型产业还处于过度竞争的状态,所以劳工标准全球化对中国私营企业劳动者权益保护难以起到实质性的作用。在中国劳动密集型产业中培养名牌企业和形成垄断竞争的市场结构,有利于劳工标准全球化发挥保护中国私营企业劳动者权益的作用。  相似文献   
发达国家在经济危机中受到重创,原有的世界格局即将被重新洗牌。为使我国经济在全球经济调整期间迅速脱胎换骨,一场大规模的产业结构调整势在必行。产业结构调整需要巨大的资金支持,如何组建本土私募股权投资基金,合理利用好巨额储蓄与外汇储备,让其为产业结构调整服务成为当前人们研究的热点。从本土私募股权基金参与产业结构调整的必要性、优势以及如何深度结合等方面进行了相关研究。  相似文献   
The paper explores the relationship between customer loyalty to the retail brand and the purchase of non-traditional products and services (NTPS) offered by grocery retailers with their private label (i.e. over-the-counter products, photo printing, mobile communication services and travel booking). Customer loyalty to the retail brand is measured through its behavioral and attitudinal components. A survey was conducted administering a questionnaire to 480 retail customers in two stores belonging to different retail grocers. A binary logistic regression was then applied using the buying of at least one NTPS as the dependent variable (1 = buy; 0 = no buy) and behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty as independent variables. Results show that attitudinal loyalty plays a significant role as buying predictor, but this depends on the NTPS offered. Theoretical and managerial implications are derived.  相似文献   
谢宜学  徐新清 《价值工程》2011,30(7):100-102
人才问题是民营医院发展的瓶颈,随着虚拟团队理论的成熟,借鉴已有的远程诊疗技术的发展,民营医院可以考虑构建自己的虚拟团队,实现人才资源的共享。本文就民营医院构建虚拟团队的可行性进行了实证研究,通过对四个不同区域的民营医院的实际调查,分析不同类型的医疗成员对于民营医院构建虚拟团队的认识,得出民营医院构建虚拟团队是可行的,为民营医院管理者提供决策依据。  相似文献   
This article investigates the impact of political risk on the performance of private participation infrastructure projects in emerging markets. Previous studies have shown that firms in regulated sectors are prone to employ political capabilities in their investments overseas. Our analysis of 32,257 projects in 114 emerging countries from 1997 to 2013 shows that higher political discretionality in the host country is negatively associated with project completion. In contrast, a higher level of corruption in the host country is positively associated with project completion. The study makes a contribution to the literature on political risk in foreign direct investments.  相似文献   
目前,吉林省民营小企业已进入高速发展期,但吉林省民营小企业融资渠道窄、融资成本高,在不同程度上束缚了民营小企业的发展。政府应鼓励并正确规范和引导非正规金融产业的发展,积极发展民营中小金融机构及各种性质的担保机构,建立民营企业信用评估体系,加强对非正规金融活动的监测。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to examine the various guidelines presented in the literature for instituting an ethics curriculum and to empirically study their effectiveness. Three questions are addressed concerning the trainability of ethics material and the proper integration and implementation of an ethics curriculum. An empirical study then tested the effect of ethics training on moral awareness and reasoning. The sample consisted of two business classes, one exposed to additional ethics curriculum (experimental), and one not exposed (control). For the experimental group, ethics exercises and discussion relevant to each topic were completed. Findings suggested gender differences such that, relative to other groups, women in the experimental group showed significantly improved moral awareness and decision-making processes. An explanation of the underlying cognitive processes is presented to explain the gender effect.  相似文献   
国有银行有力地支持了国家经济的增长,但是国家垄断性的金融制度也为此付出了巨大控制成本,导致银行信贷资金配置效率低下。民间金融可以作为金融市场化以后农村地区和中小企业融资的主要渠道。要正确引导、规范和利用民间金融,为民间借贷构筑一个合法的流动平台,规范、约束和保证民间借贷行为,解决国有银行垄断及金融结构的畸形问题,以降低我国金融体系的整体风险。  相似文献   
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