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对高校财会制度中几个问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就高校财会制度在实施过程中存在的一些问题,诸如应收及暂存款的核算问题、职工福利基金的计提基数问题、固定资产的核算问题、修购基金的提取问题等进行了探讨,并结合实践提出了具体建议。  相似文献   
The difficult transition from high school to university means that many students need to repeat (retake) 1 or more of their university courses. The authors examine the performance of students repeating first-year core courses in an undergraduate business program. They used data from university records for 116 students who took a total of 232 repeated courses across 6 subjects. The results show that the students' original course grades and cumulative grade point averages were positively associated with the new grades obtained in the repeated courses. Conversely, the original course grades were negatively associated with the extent of improvement obtained by repeating.  相似文献   
Bloomberg Businessweek ranks U.S. undergraduate business programs annually. These rankings provide a convenient overall measure of quality, which is important in today's environment of concern about higher education costs and employment after graduation. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has advantages over previous regression approaches in characterizing value added. The authors use a DEA approach to estimate relative efficiencies based on starting salaries and recruiter surveys, identifying some schools as overachievers relative to their Bloomberg Businessweek rankings. In particular, DEA-based reranking highlights the ability of some public institutions facing high student–faculty ratios to turn out well-regarded graduates with high starting salaries.  相似文献   

The author uses data from two Principles of Microeconomics courses to examine differences in characteristics and performance of online versus face-to-face students. The analysis indicates that even in a traditional institution, the two delivery modes may be serving students with distinctly different backgrounds and characteristics. In terms of performance, students in the online section on average scored higher on assessments given at different points in the semester. The differential remains when accounting for potential selection bias arising from course choice and when using alternate models and measures of performance.  相似文献   

The need for companies to compete globally for the available talent results in the individuals’ need to develop and compete themselves in the global job market. Thus, an individual’s potential represents the degree to which characteristics of employees may result in enhanced future development of a professional. By means of a longitudinal research, the authors study the effect of previous individual performance on potential and the impact of potential on future performance. A short theoretical-based measure of potential has been developed resulting in four different subdimensions of individual potential.  相似文献   
黄欣 《科技和产业》2024,24(17):55-62
民营经济高质量发展扎实推进共同富裕既是社会主义本质属性的体现,也是社会主义生产目的的内在要求。以民营经济高质量发展扎实推进共同富裕,应当坚持社会主义生产目的锚定方向,在发展中做大做优做强民营经济,同时还要为民营经济高质量发展营造良好的营商环境,扎实推进共同富裕。  相似文献   
现代企业制度是民营企业可持续发展的基础,本文通过对北京市426家民营企业调研样本的定量化研究表明,现代企业制度建设中,存在治理管理均衡型、治理突出型、管理突出型和治理管理滞后型四种类型;有治理带动管理、管理推动治理和治理与管理相互作用均衡发展三条路径,发展的不同阶段各自呈现不同特点;有些企业存在形式化、表面化的问题;治理与管理不是相互替代关系,两者要协调发展;企业综合竞争力与现代企业制度建设之间存在正相关性,推动现代企业制度建设的关键是寻求和选择一条企业长期发展与短期经营绩效均衡、企业治理与企业管理协调的现代企业制度建设的路径。  相似文献   
王昕  柯燎亮 《科技和产业》2021,21(1):143-146
在国家创新驱动战略及全面推进\"双一流\"建设的大背景下,高校青年科技人才培养工作的重要性得到进一步凸显.针对青年科技工作者创造力峰值与成长瓶颈期之间的矛盾,天津大学机械工程学院创新性地提出了\"树型\"培养模式,对于青年人才的成长进程进行有组织的引导与推进,工作成效显著,为高校青年科技人才培养工作提供了良好范本.  相似文献   
曹祎楠 《科技和产业》2023,23(22):239-245
随着智慧城市基础设施与智能网联汽车协同发展的加速推进,智慧交通、城市治理、5G通讯、无人驾驶等领域的迅猛发展,使交通路口处出现杆体林立错综复杂、箱体分散杂乱无章的现象。通过创新首个多杆合一、多感合一、多箱合一的“双智标准路口”设计方法,实现智慧城市基础设施和智能网联设备的系统化布局。该设计理念已在北京市高级别无人驾驶示范区落地实施完成,于60 km2内城市道路实现车路云一体化功能覆盖。  相似文献   
黄曼  池洁 《物流科技》2008,31(5):114-116
基于供应链管理的理论和虚拟专用网(VPN)技术,分析了当前物流信息管理及其技术平台中存在的安全问题,并结合供应链信息安全需求以及VPN在供应链管理中可实现的功能和作用.提出了构建供应链管理信息安全的VPN解决方案。  相似文献   
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