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This study investigates the effect of income per capita, air pollution and healthcare services on health expenditure in Asian economies using annual data from 1995 to 2018. The determinants of total health expenditure and public and private sector health expenditures are estimated separately. The Generalised Methods of Moment (GMM) and Instrument Variable Quantile Panel Regression (IVQPR) techniques are employed in this study. The results explain that environmental pollution, the price of health care, urbanisation and the number of hospital beds have positive effects on total health expenditures as well as on public and private health expenditures. Interestingly, income per capita has a negative effect on health expenditure at lower quantiles and a positive at higher quantiles. The proportion of the elderly population has an adverse effect on total health expenditure, while life expectancy shows a positive effect at lower quantiles and a negative effect at higher quantiles on health expenditure. The impact of the number of physicians per capita is found to be negative and significant, while the availability of safe drinking water and education demonstrates a positive effect on health expenditure. Out-of-pocket expenditure and technological progress are positively associated with health expenditure. Smoking is a significant determinant of government health expenditure, but it is difficult to determine the trend of smoking prevalence in Asian economies. The outcomes of this study provide some important insights to policymakers, which can be used to design a more efficient healthcare sector in Asian countries.  相似文献   
This study explores the drivers and consequences of consumers' voluntary information disclosure in the context of online consumer financing. Using unique secondary data from a Chinese online consumer financing company, we uncover a non-linear relationship between borrowers' credit ratings and the quantity of voluntary information disclosure, and an inverted U-shaped relationship between the amount of information disclosure and loan default. Specifically, low-credit borrowers who opt for more voluntary information disclosure manifest a higher likelihood of default than those who disclose less, suggesting a strategic inclination toward information disclosure. Finally, we identify that disclosing high-cost information reduces loan default, whereas disclosing low-cost information increases default. Our findings enrich the existing literature on consumer information disclosure by providing insights into the underlying motivation and highlighting the applicability of signaling theory and privacy calculus theory. This has practical implications for lenders, borrowers, and regulators in overcoming barriers in online lending.  相似文献   
由于公域流量获客成本剧增,越来越多的商家加入私域流量赛道,以期实现业绩突破,但最终却收效甚微。当关系营销进入私域时代,品牌与顾客的良好关系如何实现,对应的营销策略应如何转变,现有研究还没有明确的结论。因此,文章基于基于B2C关系营销相关理论,通过访谈和问卷收集数据,探究了私域运营模式下品牌员工自我披露行为、关系质量与顾客忠诚之间的关系。结果发现,私域运营模式下品牌员工自我披露正向影响关系质量;关系质量正向影响顾客员工忠诚,继而正向影响顾客品牌忠诚;品牌员工自我披露对关系质量的影响过程中存在关系强度和性别的调节作用。研究结论有助于品牌通过私域平台充分利用员工自我披露行为发挥私域运营模式的优势,提升关系营销效果。  相似文献   
Malaysia's higher education sector has a substantial number and diverse types of public and private providers, which have contributed toward improving access. Over time, with improved access, there are increasing policy efforts directed toward improving the quality of higher education to meet the desired human capital needed for advancing economic development. This paper assesses three key areas that have been undertaken to improve the quality of higher education, their measurements, achievements, outstanding challenges, and ensuing implications on future policy directions. The key performance indicators used for monitoring quality improvements show that some targets have been achieved. A review of the approach used to measure performance and a consolidation of the sector are needed for further quality improvement.  相似文献   
采用沪深A股非金融类民营上市公司2009—2022年数据的分析发现,国有资本参股对民营企业绿色创新的促进作用具有明显的偏向性,即显著促进了实质性绿色创新,而对策略性绿色创新的影响不显著。机制分析表明:国有资本参股程度提高有助于民营企业获得更多的环保补助和政府补贴;环保补助(政府补贴)增加可以显著促进民营企业实质性和策略性绿色创新,且对策略性绿色创新的促进作用更大;国有资本参股对环保补助(政府补贴)促进民营企业实质性和策略性绿色创新分别具有显著的正向和负向调节作用。因此,国有资本参股具有资源获取效应和治理改善效应,可以帮助民营企业获得更多的创新资源,也能够缓解委托代理问题,进而在促进民营企业绿色创新的同时形成实质性创新偏向。进一步的异质性分析表明,国有资本参股促进民营企业绿色创新的偏向性在绿色发展意愿较弱、非重污染行业、环境规制强度较小地区的民营企业中更为明显。应在持续推进企业混合所有制改革的同时,重视并解决好企业的委托代理问题,提高民营企业的绿色发展意愿,促进民营企业绿色创新的质量提升。  相似文献   
Intermediaries play a crucial role in the functioning of agricultural and food markets in developing countries through linking production, imports and storage with consumption. We analyse how competition in the intermediary sector and alternative forms of intermediaries determine the incentives for storage and market outcomes more generally. We apply this framework to the Egyptian wheat sector as an illustrative case study, a country where food security is a priority, where both forms of intermediaries co-exist and undertake storage but where issues of reforms to the role of intermediaries have been raised. Through stochastic simulation, we analyse two changes in government policy: first, the effects of changing the policy instruments with both types of intermediaries undertaking storage; second, relating to market reforms where the private sector replaces the storage function of the parastatal. These issues have wider significance for addressing the interaction between food security and a wide range of policy reforms including de-regulation of parastatals in developing countries.  相似文献   
我国旅游管理专业开设的30年取得了突破性的发展。在全球化、大旅游的新时代背景下,旅游专业本科生培养面临着新的挑战。以浙江工商大学和法国昂热大学旅游管理专业为案例,通过对中法两国学生在专业选择、能力需求、教学评价、实践认知和就业意向等五方面的实证调查,比较分析中法两国在旅游专业教育上的差异,并据此提出对我国旅游本科教育发展的建议,以期起到"他山之石,可以攻玉"之效。  相似文献   
Prompted by a period of five years as a non-executive director of a British regional tourist board, this paper examines the constraints faced by academics seeking to engage in critical policy research. It identifies three overlapping influences that serve to circumscribe critical comment. The first is that as universities become increasingly commercial in their orientation, often competing with consultants, a culture of collaboration can develop which encourages shared practices and perspectives. The need for teamwork, shared vision and ‘not letting the side down’ serves to limit or suppress some observations. The second is that universities often have a perceived common interest with city or regional policy-makers in promoting positive images of their locale. As a consequence, senior university managers can become part of informal coalitions of interest who may not welcome narratives that undermine prevailing official discourses. Academics, as workers, may feel inhibited from offering alternative perspectives. Finally, funded research requires the acceptance of certain frames of reference which are set, or accepted, by those commissioning the work. This inevitably limits the conceptual and methodological choices open to academics. The paper concludes by calling for a wider debate about the role of academics and their articulation with the policy-making community.  相似文献   
高铁路  高崎  方东兴 《物流科技》2010,33(2):115-117
提出装备供应商的概念.探索面向市场经济条件下民营性质的装备供应商关系管理问题。借鉴传统地方企业供应商关系管理的方法。结合民营企业特点和装备特点,在对装备供应商分类的基础上.讨论军方与民营性质的装备供应商之间如何建立、维持伙伴关系的对策。目的是有效发挥军方主导地位.降低装备采购风险,提高装备采购效益。  相似文献   
黄思瑜 《价值工程》2015,(19):182-184
对于高校而言,其思想宣传工作是党委工作的重要部分,直接影响着高等教育事业任务是否可以顺利实现,也会影响其他的社会群体,为此,必须要抓好高校新闻宣传工作。在开展高校新闻宣传工作时,必须要围绕学校中心工作进行开展,找准新闻宣传工作的内涵,本文主要分析新时期高校宣传思想工作的定位与功能。  相似文献   
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