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当代中国的发展观是一个与时俱进的理论体系,它是对马克思主义发展观的传承。这个理论体系具体体现为:由“两手抓”到“三个明”的全面发展;从“发展是硬道理”到“发展是党执政兴国的第一要务”;从“以经济建设为中心”到“以人为本”的全面发展,从“鼓励一部分地区先富起来”到“统筹和协调发展”;从加快“现代化”进程到“可持续发展”等。随着社会和时代的发展,这个理论体系将不断地丰富和发展。  相似文献   
大庆市资源型产业结构转型对策研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
刘云刚 《经济地理》2000,20(5):26-29
资源型城市的产业结构转型问题是困扰东北区城市经济经济持续发展的重要障碍。本文以我国最大的石油城市-大庆市为例,探讨了东北区资源型城市产业结构的特征、转型面临的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
基于资本必须覆盖风险命题的要求,银行的风险管理能力决定了银行的资本规模和资本的配置,银行资本管理实质上等价于风险管理,资本约束实质上就是风险约束。资本软约束是制约中国商业银行成长的主要障碍之一,但仅仅致力于资本充足率问题的解决并不能保证我国商业银行的可持续成长,风险约束是制约我国商业银行成长的瓶颈。只有从制度、技术和经营战略等方面入手,不断提高风险管理能力,建立以资本约束为核心的业务增长模式和资源配置方式,尽快实现成长模式由资金约束到资本约束的转变,中国商业银行才能在效益、质量和规模协调发展的基础上实现持续成长。  相似文献   
《Research in Economics》2017,71(1):102-117
I study a version of the Stackelberg game with many identical firms in which leaders and followers use a continuous cost function with no fixed cost. Using lattice theoretical methods I provide a set of conditions that guarantee that the game has an equilibrium in pure strategies. With convex costs the model shows the same properties as a quasi-competitive Cournot model. The same happens with concave costs, but only when the number of followers is small. When this number is large the leaders preempt entry. I study the comparative statics and the limit behavior of the equilibrium and I show how the main determinants of market structure interact. More competition between the leaders always displaces the followers. Instead, how a stronger threat of entry affects the equilibrium depends on the technology. With strictly convex costs it is the followers that eventually displace the leaders.  相似文献   
以往关于收入差距与房价之间关系的研究,较少兼顾房地产的消费与投资双重属性。文章基于双重属性的角度,首先从理论上阐述了收入差距与房价之间的动态关系。在经济发展水平较低的情况下,房地产的消费属性凸显,收入差距扩大会抑制房价上涨;随着经济的进一步发展,房地产单一属性不明显,收入差距变化对房价不存在显著影响;当经济发展水平较高时,房地产投资属性占优,收入差距扩大会促进房价上涨。进一步对理论结果进行实证研究发现,整体上我国收入差距与房价之间无显著相关关系,单一属性不明显;但就省际差异而言,在经济发展水平较高的省份,收入差距促进了房价上涨,而在经济发展水平较低的省份,收入差距则抑制了房价上涨。随着时间的变化,收入差距由抑制房价上涨转变为促进房价上涨。  相似文献   
关于电子产业技术创新影响因素的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高敏 《经济经纬》2004,31(1):75-78
对中国产业技术创新诱导因素的分析必须在具体的经济、制度环境下进行。以市场集中度、产业内企业规模、产权制度基础、产业开放程度为影响因子,对电子产业的实证分析显示,市场集中度、产权制度变化与产业创新能力的相关性不强,出口与创新负相关,增加产业内大企业的比重、适度增加进口对创新有促进作用。  相似文献   
In this paper we study an industry in which there is an ongoing sequence of R&D races between two firms. Firms are engaged in product innovation. Products are horizontally and vertically differentiated. There are two key characteristics/dimensions to products, and the level at which these are embodied in products can be increased by R&D. At each time firms can spend R&D on improving their product in one or both dimensions. We allow the possibility of economies scope — so R&D undertaken in one dimension can spillover to the other. The question we are interested in is whether a firm that is ahead in a single dimension but behind in another will focus all its R&D effort in the area in which it is ahead (product specialisation), or whether it will try to do R&D in both dimensions in the hope that it might get ahead in both and end up with a superproduct that dominates in both characteristics. The outcome of this R&D competition determines a Markov transition probability matrix determining the evolution of the industry. We show that when the R&D technology is characterized by constant returns then the only steady-state outcome is one in which the economy stays forever in a position in which one firm produces a super-product and the other gives up doing R&D altogether. This outcome is unaffected by the degree of economies of scope. When the R&D technology is characterised by decreasing returns, then the industry will visit all states and so will exhibit both product specialisation and superproduct dominance at various times. Now the extent of economies of scope matters and we show that the greater the extent of economies of scope, the less likely is the industry to exhibit product dominance, and the more likely it is to exhibit product specialisation.  相似文献   
首先测算了1979-2012年中国的全要素生产率,然后运用改进后的Lichtenberg和Pottelsberghe方法核算出通过服务进口渠道获得的国际R&D资本存量,接着运用基于时间序列数据的GMM、协整模型及VEC模型进行实证研究。得出结论:来自服务进口渠道的国际R&D溢出对中国全要素生产率的提高具有积极的促进作用,但国内重要经济条件是影响该溢出效应发挥的重要门限因素;国际R&D溢出与TFP的短期偏离被系统以较快速度调整至长期均衡状态。  相似文献   
The paper analyses the optimal pricing of the product quality scheme when concerns for relative standing exist among consumers. We demonstrate that if the proportion of high‐value consumers is over (respectively, under) 1/2 of the total consumers, a firm has an incentive to select a large (respectively, small) quality gap among products. Therefore, there exists a cut‐off level for status concerns, which eliminates quality differences, and the firm assigns the same quality to all the consumers. These results indicate that consumers’ qualities will reflect distortions at the top and bottom. Accordingly, the firm's profit depends on which consumer category is larger.  相似文献   
农业劳动力外流会改变农业结构和影响土地利用率,对粮食生产的效率和产量带来一定的影响.通过结合非完全信息静态博弈的基本经济思想,并运用调查数据来验证农业劳动力流出是否对粮食生产有影响.研究结果表明:在二元经济结构下,城乡收入差距拉大,大量有效农业劳动力外流,会影响农业技术进步与推广,降低粮食生产效率,也容易出现农业耕地抛荒,在一定程度上影响粮食安全.  相似文献   
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