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目前我国还没有形成一个顺应经济社会发展需要的、全面的、系统的、科学的中小企业知识产权公共政策体系。本文基于对“我国中小企业知识产权建设相关政策的沿革概况”和“我国知识产权政策存在的主要问题”的分析,梳理了美国、日本、韩国、印度四国中小企业知识产权政策经验,并最终提出借鉴四国经验,完善我国中小企业知识产权政策体系的对策建议。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,中国经济持续快速增长,2010年跃升为全球第二大经济体,与此同时,日益扩大的收入分配差距已经成为影响我国国民经济持续健康发展的重要问题,其中城乡居民收入差距的问题尤为突出。城乡居民收入差距不断扩大是我国二元经济发展过程中必须面对的一个问题。文章基于我国1978—2011年的省际面板数据,运用计量经济方法,对我国城乡居民收入差距与经济增长的关系进行实证研究,同时分别对东、中、西部地区进行建模和差别化分析。结果表明,我国城纭居民收入差距与经济增长之间表现出一种长期稳定的均衡关系,并存在一定的内部联系。  相似文献   
国务院及有关部门曾三令五申严禁各单位私设“小金库”,但从审计实践看,由于利益驱动等原因,“小金库”屡禁不止,笔者根据以往的审计经验,总结了“小金库”的几种来源渠道,提出了相应的审计技巧。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to investigate the underlying components of market orientation practices and their effect on the Small and Medium Hotels (SMHs) performances on tourist destination island of Langkawi. Fifty SMHs were randomly selected from a sampling frame of a list of SMHs registered with Malaysian Tourism Board. For data collection purposes, structured questionnaires were personally delivered and collected. Rotated component matrix factor analysis of the data extracted four underlying factors that explain seventy nine point four six percent of the total variances and alpha reliability coefficient of ninety eight percent. Those components were named as customer orientation, interfunctional orientation, service orientation, and competitor orientation. One sample Kolmogorov‐Smirnov Test indicates that SMHs in Langkawi practices market orientation in their operations and businesses. However, the finding of the study showed that their performances in 1998 was lower than 1997. We believe that this outcome is due to the effect of national and regional economic downturn in 1998.  相似文献   
本文将外商直接投资和政府支出结合起来,主要通过建立时变参数模型,利用我国2000~2014 年的数据,对比分析外商直接投资、政府支出对我国技术进步的影响。根据分析结果提出对 策建议,加快我国技术进步的速度必须依靠政府的力量,增加教育投入,调整政府科技投入 结构和加强对科技资金的管理以及提高利用外商直接投资的质量。  相似文献   
A central focus of empirical research in strategic management has been to understand the relationships associated with the structure–strategy–performance paradigm. To examine these relationships, investigators have relied extensively on cross‐sectional methods that embody the implicit assumption that model parameters are stable across firms and over time. Yet, many of the theoretical constructs used in strategic management have clear firm‐ and time‐specific components. Hence, it might be expected that the parameters of the relationships investigated empirically will vary across firms and over time. Whereas recent research has raised concerns about the use of cross‐sectional analysis when parameters vary over time, little attention has been given to the issue of parameter variability across firms. Given the focus of strategy researchers on firm‐level effects and the predominant reliance on cross‐sectional analysis, accounting for across‐firm variability is a significant methodological issue. Failure to account for such variability can lead to biased parameter estimates and incorrect inferences. This paper argues for the adoption of alternative methods that can overcome the limitations of a cross‐sectional analysis and it offers guidance on how researchers can proceed to use these alternative methods to explicitly incorporate or test for variation in model parameters across firms or over time. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
伴随着我国市场经济的不断发展,中小企业在中国经济社会发展的地位和作用越来越重要。这也和世界各国中小企业的发展是一致的。在当今世界上,不管是发达国家、新兴工业化国家、还是发展中国家,都把发展中小企业作为振兴经济的战略措施,已形成了中小企业发展的世界性大潮。本文首先阐述中小企业技术创新的意义,然后分析中小企业技术创新的研究现状,在此基础上着重剖析技术创新的影响因素,最后提出提升技术创新的途径。  相似文献   
乡镇企业发展是小城镇建设的主要推动力量,小城镇是乡镇企业生存和发展的空间载体,两者间存在着较强的互动关系,这种互动关系是以产业集群为媒介的。通过集聚效应、扩散效应、示范效应和规模效应的功能发挥,可以有力地促使乡镇企业发展和小城镇建设都朝着产业集群这个方向前进,进而推动社会主义新农村的建设。  相似文献   
将履行社会责任作为构建和谐社会的一种基本思想,用科学发展观指导自身的经营行为,维护社会整体利益,已成为现代企业义不容辞的责任。然而当前我国中小企业社会责任的缺失不仅无益于和谐社会的建设,也阻碍企业的进一步发展壮大。强化企业的社会责任,是事关我国中小企业持续发展的关键所在,也是促进社会发展和构建和谐社会的动力。  相似文献   
In exploring the downsides of partnering with large firms, extant literature has typically focused on the external perspective and the alliance characteristics of small firms. We argue that jointly considering the internal dimension of firm capability together with the external perspective promises to yield a fuller understanding of the nature and consequences of a small firm's relationships with large partners. We analyze a longitudinal dataset on the alliance activities and growth of small, independent studios in the U.S. motion picture industry during 1990–2010. Our findings indicate that small firms that engage in higher levels of alliance activity with large partners, i.e., the major studios, realize lower growth benefits from their internal capability. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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