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随着市场经济条件的变化,高校财务管理变得越来越重要,其专业性也愈来愈强。在高校设立总会计师岗位的前提下,正确对高校总会计师进行职责定位,更好地行使总会计师各项职责,发挥总会计师在高校财务管理中的作用,正成为提升高校财务管理水平的迫切需要。  相似文献   
Often, there is a huge gap between the requirements of the Supplier Codes of Conduct (SCC) imposed by buyers from advanced economies and actual compliance with SCC in developing countries. It is difficult for reseachers to reach suppliers who have violated SCC, especially within a large sample, because few disclose SCC violations to the public. In this paper, however, we identified 108 non-compliant Chinese apparel and textile suppliers. Through the investigation of these non-compliant suppliers and their compliant peers, this paper tests the impacts of antecedent factors (price pressure, production complexity, and contract duration) and buyer's governance mechanisms (peer-to-peer and buyer-to-supplier) on the likelihood of a supplier's compliance with SCC. While the buyer-to-supplier governance does not show significant effects, the peer-to-peer governance demonstrates the likelihood of supplier's commitment to SCC. This research reveals that if buyer's governance efforts move away from threat and toward cooperation, supplier's compliance with SCC could be more sustainable.  相似文献   
Abstract.  New trends in studies on the governance of natural assets include substantial consideration of the role of voluntary initiatives. A traditional economic view states that there is a trade-off between being green and being competitive. According to that view, no voluntary environmental action is expected to occur. To undertake an in-depth analysis of the scope for voluntary action, this paper reviews empirical literature that analyzes the relationship between manufacturing firms' environmental initiatives or performance and economic results. This review moves beyond the general test of the 'pay to be green' hypothesis, preferring instead to systematize empirical results in more specific research questions. Empirical findings of the reviewed literature generally support that there is no penalty for being green. In addition, the typology of firms, the methods utilized for implementing environmental initiatives, the intensity of abatement efforts and stockholders' valuation of green firms have all been shown to have a sizeable influence on the actual economic results of environmental action or management. Consequently, the findings of this paper challenge the traditional strategic theory that predicts widespread free-riding; it holds major implications for environmental policy-making and environmental business decisions.  相似文献   
在全球大力提倡经济可持续发展的今天,现代化物流的发展必然能够为企业提供更长久的发展动力。我国的企业想要在世界经济大发展的趋势下获得更多的公众信任和资本青睐,必然要走企业绿色物流的发展道路。文中在比较欧美日与国内企业绿色物流发展现状的基础上进行了分析并提出了我国发展企业绿色物流的三种战略选择,希望能够通过绿色物流的发展压缩国内企业贸易成本,化解绿色壁垒带来的经营风险,增强物流国内企业应对市场挑战的能力并抢得市场先机。  相似文献   
We construct a incomplete information equilibrium model with heterogeneous beliefs and herding behaviors to identify their joint effects on the dynamics of asset prices. Herding behaviors make investors revise some of their estimations about expected growth rates of goods streams toward to the other one’s by a manner of weighted average of their own forecast and the other’s. As we expected, herding behaviors generate influences on the Radon Nikodym derivative, that is so-called “sentiment” as in Dumas et al. (2009), and in turn not only impact the dynamics of asset prices but also generate influences on investors’ survivals. We also show that introducing heterogeneous beliefs with herding behaviors permits to explain both the Backus–Smith puzzle and the mixed results about the influences of herding behaviors on asset prices. Moreover, we uncover that herding behaviors have positive influences on stocks’ risk premiums.  相似文献   
When individuals can influence their life-expectancies and save in annuities, suboptimal savings result from the lack of incentives to choose the optimal longevity, even when annuity returns can be made contingent to longevity-related choices. Specifically, the golden rule steady state maximizing the representative agent utility cannot be attained as a competitive equilibrium under laissez-faire, even with actuarially fair annuities contingent to longevity-enhancing choices. In order to decentralize through markets the golden rule, longevity-enhancing expenditures need to be taxed if the steady state old-age consumption exceeds the annuitized capital return, and subsidized otherwise—the government budget being balanced through lump-sum transfers or taxes. Interestingly, with positive population growth the expected net contribution is negative when longevity-enhancing expenditures are taxed, and positive when subsidized.  相似文献   
在不确定和竞争的环境下,企业战略投资价值实现方式的选择或治理模式的选择成为关系战略投资战略价值实现的根本问题。若基于交易成本理论来选择战略投资的治理模式,势必影响企业的重大战略时机和战略价值的实现;而基于期权观的治理理论来选择战略投资的治理模式,不但可以确保战略投资灵活性期权价值的实现,而且能最大化实现企业的战略价值。本文对企业的4类战略投资(技术研发投资、战略原料投资、战略市场投资、战略人力资本投资)的治理问题的具体分析证明了期权治理观的观点。  相似文献   
This study empirically examines the determinants of heterogeneous firm‐level cooperative R&D commercialization strategies. While the volume of interfirm collaboration has increased dramatically in recent decades, the determinants of firm‐level choices among alternate modes of such cooperative activity remain relatively understudied. We develop a conceptual model of factors determining collaborative mode choice at the organizational portfolio level. These factors include the firm‐level appropriation environment, in which deal‐level choices have portfolio‐level spillover implications, as well as governance capabilities developed by the firm over time. Using a random sample of innovating biotechnology start‐ups, we assemble a firm‐year panel dataset that aggregates transaction‐level collaboration data to the firm‐year level, allowing us to characterize firms' portfolios of collaborative deals. We find broad empirical support for our model, suggesting that a firm's appropriation environment and governance capabilities strongly influence portfolio‐level collaboration mode choices. In addition, we explore the implications of governance capability development, finding that experience with particular modes, as well as deviations from existing capabilities, impact firm valuation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
企业战略预算管理问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业战略预算管理是以企业战略目标为导向的一种预算管理机制。有效的企业战略应以战略目标为导向,采用滚动预测法,合理配置预算管理资源,并佐以完善的法人治理结构和内部审计制度为实施保障。  相似文献   
现在的企业处在一个持续变化的竞争环境中,管理者面临着严峻的挑战。众多管理人员为如何提高企业的效率和业绩而绞尽脑汁,他们并不是没有发现问题的存在,而是没能很好地考虑到这些问题对效率的损害以及如何引导员工提高效率。本文对这管理中问题之一的空白地带问题进行探讨,分析其诱因及影响,并提出了一套绩效指标体系。  相似文献   
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