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Imitation goods are widely spread throughout the global business world. Shanzhai imitation (
) represents a type of imitation that mimics the original brand through surface or functional similarities but often provides enhanced or innovative features adapted to local market needs. Although both practitioners and academics have studied and provided solutions to combat counterfeits, solutions for original brand manufacturers to address threats from Shanzhai products are lacking. In this article, we first differentiate Shanzhai products from counterfeits. Using a mixed-method approach that combines interviews and laboratory experiment results, we then identify social, individual, functional, and financial (SIFF) factors as driving forces behind consumers’ purchasing of Shanzhai products. Shanzhai buyers place more weight on functional value and price/quality ratio than do counterfeit buyers, who in turn favor social value and materialism more than Shanzhai buyers. Finally, we provide several recommendations to original manufacturers from both the demand and supply sides.  相似文献   
推进生态文明建设,是人类社会发展进步的必然趋势,是我国经济社会健康发展的现实选择。加强油气资源战略研究,谋求油气资源勘探开发可持续发展,应以党的十八大精神为指导,站在生态文明建设的高度,积极推进思维方式转变,积极推进科技创新能力提高,积极推进开发利用方式转变、消费方式转变。  相似文献   
绿色农产品消费行为影响因素分析及行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色农产品供给是适应消费升级的一个重要路径,是农产品高质量提升的一个重要形态.中国农业资源产出有限且各类消费品都面临消费升级压力,探讨绿色农产品的消费行为影响因素对优化绿色农产品供给、提升农产品供给质量、增加消费有积极意义.通过影响区域绿色农产品消费的因素识别,以消费者购买决策的过程关键变量调查研究对象,通过经济欠发达...  相似文献   
论农村信用社可持续发展的战略导向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村信用社长期以来是在一种不稳定状态下运行和发展的,面对经济社会环境的复杂多变,农村信用社必须具有发展战略观念,探索和预见未来发展可能出现的影响和挑战,并做出正确的战略决策,才能求得持续的生存和发展。论述农村信用社可持续发展根本的出路在于不断改革挖掘内部的增长潜力,必须以农村金融资源的适度开发为途径,重视资源环境建设,注重科技、制度、人力资源的能力建设,注重社会效益的提升,并提出农村信用社可持续发展的战略取向。  相似文献   
企业风险管理探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业风险管理是一个涉及到企业内外各个方面的人的利益的问题。我国企业亟需加强风险管理,防止因人的因素导致的企业风险管理的失灵。实现最佳企业风险管理的效果,应结合企业战略的制定、企业内部控制和平衡计分卡的运用。  相似文献   

Retailers wish to expand their standard private label (PL) adopting a multi-tiered portfolio. We study the effects produced by the introduction of two new PLs quality-tiers (economy and premium) on the market share of various national brands (NB; premium-quality and second-tier) and the standard PL. This study proposes a model that accommodates three effects (similarity, attraction, and compromise) for understanding how the introduction of economy and premium PL may affect market incumbents. This study also analyzes the effects of introducing new PL quality-tiers for customer segments. Our results indicate that when economy and premium PL are introduced in the market, the choice probability of standard PL decreases, especially for high purchase quantity customers and PL loyal customers. In addition, introduction of a premium PL decreases the choice probability of second-tier NB and premium-quality NB, especially for PL loyal customers and high purchase quantity customers.  相似文献   
This article emphasizes the importance of behavioral considerations at individual, organizational, and environmental levels of analysis when researching and evaluating the design, implementation, and use of group decision support systems (GDSS) within complex organizations. Discussion is based on interview and archival data collected on an executive level GDSS used within a corporate setting. Issues that are considered generalizable to organizational computing, coordination, and collaboration technologies concern (a) viewing organization participants as strategic, intuitive information processors, (b) understanding the importance of organizational power, politics, and situational constraints on decision making, and (c) appreciating the symbolic value of advanced information technologies to an organization's external environment.  相似文献   
当前,中国大型商业银行既具有自身具有营业网络、客户资源、资金等优势,也存在着资产质量不高、金融创新和风险管理不足、收费标准不规范、专业人才匮乏等劣势;既面临着经济环境、金融混业经营的趋势、相关法律法规的逐步完善以及科学技术进步带来的发展机遇,也面临着人才和客户流失以及外资银行的威胁。中国大型商业银行应该抓住外资银行尚未形成绝对优势地位的有利时机,采用SO战略和WO战略,即扭转型战略和差异化战略,充分利用自身特有的优势,改善经营环境,加快推进金融创新步伐,拓展业务空间,努力提升市场竞争力。  相似文献   
Competition between food retailers is often assumed to be asymmetrical, whereby one retailer may compete with another retailer but not vice versa. Little is known about how (a)symmetric competition among retailers currently is. One way to investigate this is to use word of mouth data. A mixed methods analysis of customer comments on social media confirms the existence of asymmetric competition among German food retailers, mainly between supermarkets and discounters. Overall, consumers compare competitors frequently on the basis of their assortments, the price-performance ratio as well as quality and freshness. The results have implications for competition policy and strategic management.  相似文献   
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