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Aims: The utilization of healthcare services and costs among patients with cancer is often estimated by the phase of care: initial, interim, or terminal. Although their durations are often set arbitrarily, we sought to establish data-driven phases of care using joinpoint regression in an advanced melanoma population as a case example.

Methods: A retrospective claims database study was conducted to assess the costs of advanced melanoma from distant metastasis diagnosis to death during January 2010–September 2014. Joinpoint regression analysis was applied to identify the best-fitting points, where statistically significant changes in the trend of average monthly costs occurred. To identify the initial phase, average monthly costs were modeled from metastasis diagnosis to death; and were modeled backward from death to metastasis diagnosis for the terminal phase. Points of monthly cost trend inflection denoted ending and starting points. The months between represented the interim phase.

Results: A total of 1,671 patients with advanced melanoma who died met the eligibility criteria. Initial phase was identified as the 5-month period starting with diagnosis of metastasis, after which there was a sharp, significant decline in monthly cost trend (monthly percent change [MPC]?=?–13.0%; 95% CI?=?–16.9% to –8.8%). Terminal phase was defined as the 5-month period before death (MPC?=?–14.0%; 95% CI?=?–17.6% to –10.2%).

Limitations: The claims-based algorithm may under-estimate patients due to misclassifications, and may over-estimate terminal phase costs because hospital and emergency visits were used as a death proxy. Also, recently approved therapies were not included, which may under-estimate advanced melanoma costs.

Conclusions: In this advanced melanoma population, optimal duration of the initial and terminal phases of care was 5 months immediately after diagnosis of metastasis and before death, respectively. Joinpoint regression can be used to provide data-supported phase of cancer care durations, but should be combined with clinical judgement.  相似文献   
目的探讨晚期乳腺癌患者的临床治疗及其护理效果。方法选取我院近年收治的晚期乳腺癌患者共52例,采用药物治疗、手术治疗、内分泌治疗,并采取针对性护理干预,比较患者的术后并发症情况。结果患者并发症发生率达到34.6%,其中以皮下积液为主,另存在术侧上肢水肿以及皮瓣坏死2类并发症。所有患者术后经过护理干预后均痊愈而顺利出院。结论对晚期乳腺癌患者的临床治疗可多元化,临床护理也应从多角度展开,注重并发症的预防及护理干预,提升治疗的有效性。  相似文献   
目的探究中医辨证配合化疗对晚期肺癌患者的临床治疗效果。方法将我院2011年1月~2012年1月接诊的53例晚期肺癌患者作为研究对象,随机分为研究组与对照组。对照组患者单纯采用化疗治疗,研究组则在对照组的基础上配合中医辨证治疗。对两组病患的治疗效果进行总结与对比。结果研究组治疗前平均分为58.45分,治疗后为71.35分,对照组治疗前平均分为58.13分,治疗后为49.63分;研究组27例患者半年的生存率为81.48%,一年的生存率为48.15%,对照组26例患者半年生存率为46.15%,一年生存率为15.38%;治疗效果上,研究组总有效率为40.74%,对照组总有效率为15.38%。结论对于晚期肺癌患者而言,采用中医辨证配合西医化疗治疗,除了可以提高患者对化疗的耐受性之外,还能明显提高患者的生存质量,当属一种值得临床推广及应用的治疗方法。  相似文献   
目的探讨宫颈癌术前应用新辅助化疗的临床疗效。方法 68例宫颈癌术前采用2个疗程的新辅助化疗后进行手术,观察近期疗效。结果 68例患者化疗2个疗程后的临床总有效率为70.1%。经过术前辅助化疗后,进行广泛性子宫切除加盆腔淋巴结清扫手术,全部患者均顺利切除病灶。结论术前新辅助化疗对宫颈癌Ⅰb1~Ⅱb期患者治疗安全有效,可缩小肿瘤体积,提高手术切除率及疗效,进一步改善患者的生活质量。  相似文献   
James Bailey 《Applied economics》2013,45(32):3931-3941
Between 1992 and 2009, 30 US states adopted laws mandating that health insurance plans cover screenings for prostate cancer. Because prostate cancer screenings are used almost exclusively by men over age 50, these mandates raise the cost of insuring older men relative to other groups. This article uses a triple-difference empirical strategy to take advantage of this quasi-random natural experiment in raising the cost of employing older workers. Using Integrated Public Use Microdata Series data from the March Supplement of the Current Population Survey, I find that the increased cost of insuring older workers results in their receiving 2.8% lower hourly wages, being 2% less likely to be employed and being 0.7% less likely to have employer-sponsored health insurance.  相似文献   


This study examines costs for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive (HR+) metastatic breast cancer (mBC).


Data were obtained from the IHCIS National Managed Care Benchmark Database from 1/1/2001 to 6/30/2006. Women aged 55–63 years were selected for the study if they met the inclusion criteria, including diagnoses for breast cancer and metastases, and at least two fills for a hormone medication. Patients were followed from the onset of metastases until the earliest date of disenrollment from the health plan or 6/30/2006. Patient characteristics were examined at time of initial diagnoses of metastases, while costs were examined post-diagnosis of metastases and prior to receipt of chemotherapy (pre-chemotherapy initiation period) and from the date of initial receipt of chemotherapy until end of data collection (post-chemotherapy initiation period). Costs were adjusted to account for censoring of the data.


The study population consisted of 1,266 women; mean (SD) age was 59.05 (2.57) years. Pre-chemotherapy initiation, unadjusted inpatient, outpatient, and drug costs were $4,392, $47,731, and $5,511, while these costs were $4,590, $57,820, and $38,936 per year, respectively, post-chemotherapy initiation. After adjusting for censoring of data, total medical costs were estimated to be $55,555 and $70,587 in the first 12 months and 18 months, respectively in the pre-chemotherapy initiation period. Post-chemotherapy initiation period, 12-month and 18-month adjusted total medical costs were estimated to be $87,638 and $130,738.


The use of an administrative claims database necessitates a reliance upon diagnostic codes, age restrictions, and medication use, rather than formal assessments to identify patients with post-hormonal women with breast cancer. Furthermore, such populations of insured patients may not be generalizable to the population as a whole.


These findings suggest that healthcare resource use and costs – especially in the outpatient setting – are high among women with HR+ metastatic breast cancer.  相似文献   

Anastrozole (Arimidex*) has a survival benefit compared with megestrol acetate in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer who have failed on tamoxifen. It was felt appropriate that such a clinical finding should be subjected to economic evaluation.

A cost-effectiveness analysis was undertaken from the viewpoint of a third-party payer, of the data from a combined analysis of two clinical studies. The outcome measures were duration of drug treatment and life years gained. The incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) of anastrozole was £1,608 per life year gained based on UK NHS drug prices in April 1998. Sensitivity analysis showed that the ICER could vary between £5 and £1,643, depending on relative drug costs in a number of countries, between £1,056 and £1,761, depending on the method used to calculate duration of treatment and survival, and could increase to £3,730, based on treatment provided during the extra period of survival.

Anastrozole is a highly cost-effective alternative to megestrol acetate for postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer.  相似文献   
Aims: To assess the frequency of biopsies and molecular diagnostic testing (human DNA/RNA analysis), anti-cancer drug use (genomically-matched targeted therapy [GMTT], unmatched targeted therapy [UTT], endocrine therapy [ET], and chemotherapy [CT]), and medical service costs among adults with metastatic cancer.

Methods: Adults diagnosed with metastatic breast, non-small cell lung (NSCLC), colorectal, head and neck, ovarian, and uterine cancer (2010Q1–2015Q1) were identified in the OptumHealth Care Solutions claims database and followed from first metastatic diagnosis for ≥1 month and until the end of data availability. Utilization was assessed for each cancer cohort (all and patients aged ≥65 years); per-patient-per-month (PPPM) medical service costs were assessed for all patients. Testing frequency estimates were applied to Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program data to estimate the number of untested patients (2010–2014).

Results: Patients with metastatic cancer (n?=?8,193; breast [n?=?3,414], NSCLC [n?=?2,231], colorectal [n?=?1,611], head and neck [n?=?511], ovarian [n?=?275], and uterine [n?=?151]) were 63 years old (mean), with 11.1–22.2 months of observation. Biopsy and molecular diagnostic testing frequencies ranged from 7% (uterine) to 73% (ovarian), and from 34% (head and neck) to 52% (breast), respectively. Few were treated with GMTT (breast, 11%; NSCLC, 9%; colorectal, 6%). Treatment with UTT ranged from 0.7% (uterine) to 21% (colorectal). Biopsy, diagnostic testing, and anti-cancer drug therapy were less frequent for those ≥65 years. Medical service costs (PPPM, mean) ranged from $6,618 (head and neck) to $9,940 (ovarian). The estimated number of untested new patients with metastatic cancer was 636,369 (all) and 341,397 (≥65).

Limitations: In addition to the limitations of claims analyses, diagnostic testing frequency may be under-estimated if patients underwent testing prior to study inclusion.

Conclusions: The low frequency of molecular diagnostic testing suggests there are opportunities to better inform management of patients with advanced cancer, particularly decisions to treat with GMTT.  相似文献   
王秋卓 《价值工程》2012,31(5):320-322
胶原蛋白在人体中含量很多,过去一直被人们视为非常普通的物质而未加留意和重视。二十世纪七十年代以来,国际上对于胶原蛋白的研究相当活跃,取得了惊人的进展。现已发现,胶原蛋白具有提高免疫力、预防癌症、防治慢性病、促进细胞新陈代谢、提高钙的吸收力、消除便秘等功能,与人类健康不但息息相关,且具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
目的:探讨单侧多中心性乳腺癌的特点及治疗方法。病灶多分布在同一象限或相邻象限,以浸润性导管癌为主,采用乳腺癌改良根治为主的综合治疗。  相似文献   
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