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在高度不确定的外部环境下,提高创新能力成为高技术企业增强竞争力的重要战略方向。既有关于不同认知层面与行为或绩效关系的研究,忽视了对动态环境下团队认知交互作用机制的思考。从认知视角出发,探讨了动态能力在高管团队认知交互与创新绩效间的中介作用、动态环境对动态能力与创新绩效关系的调节作用,以及动态环境对上述中介作用的调节效应。以长三角地区335家IT企业为研究样本,研究发现:①高管团队认知交互与创新绩效有正相关关系;②动态能力在高管团队认知交互与创新绩效之间具有中介作用;③环境动态性对动态能力与创新绩效的关系有正向调节作用;④环境动态性强化了上述中介作用。  相似文献   
企业需要培育动态能力以应对动态的经营环境,实现持续竞争优势。部分学者以知识为切入点来解释动态能力,形成了动态能力"知识观"。首先对动态能力"知识观"进行述评;然后,系统阐述了动态能力与知识管理理论在理论来源、研究边界方面的不同及两者之间的关系;最后,论文引入了组织学习的概念,构建了知识管理、组织学习与动态能力的相互作用机理模型,剖析三者之间的作用机理及其对持续组织绩效的影响关系。  相似文献   
在开放式创新情境下,企业对模糊前端众包任务、创意和流程的有效管理是推动产品创意进入新产品开发后端,提升模糊前端绩效的关键,但众包能力影响模糊前端绩效的过程机理仍不明确。基于信息处理理论,构建众包能力、市场不确定性、技术不确定性与模糊前端绩效作用关系的理论模型,利用287份企业问卷调研数据对研究假设及影响路径进行实证检验。研究结果表明:众包能力对降低市场不确定性、技术不确定性和提高模糊前端绩效均有显著正向影响;降低市场不确定性及技术不确定性在众包能力与模糊前端绩效间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   
Innovation in complex engineering projects is hampered by information asymmetries which attend joint problem solving by owners and external organizations. This uncertainty creates additional informational asymmetries between owners and firms engaged in designing, building, and supplying projects. Industrial marketing suggests that overcoming these asymmetries is easier when owners are knowledgeable and part of the design process. We examine whether the same proposition holds for innovation in complex engineering projects. We focus on the relationship between innovativeness of complex engineering projects and internal owner capabilities. We test hypotheses derived from agency and organization theories of innovation. Our results indicate that projects where owners have internal capabilities are generally less innovative than projects where owners lack internal capabilities.  相似文献   
This article examines the implications that the moment of market entry has for the effect of capabilities and competitive tactics on firm performance, using a sample of 253 companies from the information and communications technology industry. The results show that technical capabilities and low cost orientation are learning factors in the firms' performance, regardless of the moment of entry into the market. The study shows how the two perspectives of competitive strategy and resource-based view complement each other to incorporate different competitive factors in a coherent model for the study of entry timing. The study takes the sustainability model of competitive advantage further, by demonstrating that certain capabilities and competitive tactics can allow pioneers and early followers to achieve and maintain superior performance in a dynamic, hostile and with high level of imitation industry. This study also shows that the availability of a combination of marketing capabilities and low cost orientation will allow late followers' firms to take advantage of early entrants' mistakes.  相似文献   
整合供应商以获取外部资源、技术与能力是制造企业实现创新的重要途径。研究供应商整合能力对创新类型的影响及环境动态性的调节作用,通过对以往相关研究进行简要梳理和评述,建立结构方程模型并运用多元回归方法进行假设检验。结果表明,供应商整合能力对渐进式创新、突破式创新有正向影响,且更利于促进突破式创新;技术动态性负向调节供应商整合能力与渐进式创新间的关系,正向调节供应商整合能力与突破式创新间的关系;市场动态性的调节作用与技术动态性正好相反;供应基复杂性对供应商整合能力与渐进式创新间关系的调节作用不显著,但其正向调节供应商整合能力与突破式创新间的关系。  相似文献   
A typical approach to studying capabilities in the operations management literature is to assess the intended or realized competitive operational performance and their contribution to business and organizational objectives. While it is crucial to identify the operational performance that helps create competitive advantage, it is equally important to understand the means for delivering the needed performance at the operational level. Drawing on the resource-based view (RBV), we argue that routines are a critical source of operations capabilities and subsequently investigate operations capabilities by means of their underlying routines. Because a common problem to studying capabilities is the ambiguous and confusing definitions, we conduct an extensive literature review to address the semantic confusion among various definitions of capabilities and delineate it from other related terms. We identify improvement and innovation as two critical plant level capabilities, each consisting of a bundle of interrelated yet distinct routines. We then empirically measure the two capabilities as second-order latent variables and estimate their effects on a set of operational performance measures. The results suggest that routines form internally consistent bundles which are significantly related to operational performance. This supports our notion of “capabilities as routine bundles” that are difficult to imitate and thus a source of competitive advantage.  相似文献   
Lieberman and Montgomery note that “…we see benefits from linking empirical findings on first-mover advantages with the complementary stream of research on the resource-based view of the firm” (1998, p. 1111); they suggest that such a link will help explain differences in firm performance. Therefore, this study develops a conceptual framework linking FMAs with the resource-based view of the firm (RBV); in doing so, this framework explains the links between entry timing, resource management, and firm performance. Specifically, this study examines FMAs in light of a four-step resource management process [Morgan RM. Relationship marketing and marketing strategy: the evolution of relationship strategy within the organization. In: Sheth JN, Parvatiyar A, editors. Handbook of Relationship Marketing. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, 2000. p. 481–504.; Morgan RM, Hunt S. Relationship-based competitive advantage: the role of relationship marketing in marketing strategy. J Bus Res 1999; 46 (November): 281–90.] consisting of: 1) efficient acquisition (EA), 2) bundling/combining (BC), 3) positioning (POS), and 4) maintenance/protection (MP). The link between FMAs and the resource management process helps explain why so few first movers retain their advantages.  相似文献   
In this Executive Digest, we make the case that aggregate individual expertise as a resource and intrinsic capability of the firm are hidden in plain sight, or worse, are assumed to exist where they do not. With high levels of complexity, business diversity, and number of geographical locations, the issue becomes even more acute. We propose strategic resource mapping (SRM) as a methodology designed to provide top managers with a rapid, comprehensive, and penetrating assessment of a firm's ‘meta-capability’: an actionable overview of the capabilities that exist within the firm. Based on multiple successful implementations, we describe the key features of SRM and provide several illustrations.  相似文献   
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