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长江三角洲城市关系新整合的趋向研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市关系始终处于动态的变化中.长三角区域由于今后一段时间内交通运输网络的重大变化和区域经济一体化进程的加快,城市功能、城市关系的表现形式都将发生重大的转变.对这种变化作了详尽的分析,并指出这种变化对同一区域中的某些城市来说是提高竞争力和区域经济地位的重大转机,对某些城市来说却是加大被边缘化的可能.  相似文献   
产业转移不仅是一种典型的经济行为,而且是一种社会行为。遵循经济学逻辑,当不同区域间的生产要素价格差距较大时,受市场信号指挥的企业就会自发采取适应性行为——向要素成本较低的区域进行梯度转移。现实中,尽管我国区域间的要素价格差距悬殊,但产业转移步伐远远落后于预期。从新经济社会学视角论证这种经济悖论,发现嵌入本地的生产性、服务性、制度性、社会性网络制约着企业的异地转移行为,进一步提出产业转移是企业社会关系网络和协力合作网络脱嵌-再嵌入的过程,并以江苏省南北挂钩共建产业园区为例,验证了两地政府通力合作有利于降低脱嵌对企业异地生产的冲击,并能够帮助企业再嵌入异地社会关系网络和协力合作网络,从而有力地解释了我国区域间产业转移需要政府介入的新经济社会学逻辑。  相似文献   
高技术产业是国家军民融合发展的核心领域,构建完善有效的军民生态系统是助力军民融合有序发展、激发军民互动活力的基础。基于共生理论与Logistic增长理论,设计高技术产业军民共生系统框架,构建高技术产业军民共生演化方程。选取雷达及其配套设备制造业等典型产业,对其发展趋势进行拟合,并模拟和分析高技术产业军民共生的各类模式及参数。结果表明,1995—2019年,高技术产业主营业务收入与我国经济发展趋势总体协调,推进高技术产业军民共生发展需要激发新的增长活力。在高技术产业发展中,互惠共生是高技术产业军民共生模式生成新能量的主要模式,提高军民共生系数、扩大产业规模容量是提升军民共生能量层级的重要路径。在此基础上,从建设互惠共生交流机制、建设双向能量流动机制、优化互惠共生界面、扩大高技术产业容量、推动产业链协同5个方面凝炼推动高技术产业军民共生发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
军民融合发展已上升为国家战略,在科技领域,军民融合技术成果转化是实现军民融合发展的重要途径。由于军民融合技术的特殊性,现有军民融合技术成果转化效率不高。在现有研究中,鲜有以理论模型为依据,系统解析军民融合技术成果转化全流程核心问题。知识网络模型是分析多要素参与复杂过程的有效方法,可用来分析多要素参与的军民融合技术成果转化过程。基于军民融合技术成果转化涉及的信息、技术、资本、人力、组织和社会环境6个要素,构建军民融合技术成果转化知识网络模型,采用该模型进行案例分析,指出现阶段军民融合技术成果转化存在的问题。研究结论对于推动我国军民融合创新技术成果转化、加快军民融合创新发展具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   
以军工企业和民用企业为研究对象,利用演化博弈模型研究军民融合协同行为的动态演化过程,分析双方在有限理性条件下的互动机理与策略选择,探寻支配双方协同创新的制约因素及影响机理。在此基础上,通过政府激励与契约惩处情景的设定,引入约束体系,构建奖惩机制下军民融合协同博弈理论模型,确定最优发展策略(协同创新,协同创新)状态稳定时奖励金与惩罚金的范围,对于构建军民融合协同创新体系具有一定参考价值和现实指导意义。  相似文献   
Going beyond cultural distance, the present study adopts a more contextualized view of cultural friction to account for the “actual cultural contacts” in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (CBMAs), and meanwhile builds a case-based measure of cultural friction to quantitatively capture the country- and deal-level cultural differences between the acquirer and the target in each CBMA. Differing from the existing research that takes the influence of cultural differences on CBMA performance for granted, we highlight the importance of managers from the acquiring firm by theorizing that cultural friction between the acquirer and the target can shape acquiring managers' choice of managerial practices to complete the managerial tasks during integration, leading to different performance. In particular, we postulate a curvilinear relationship between the cultural friction and CBMA performance. By incorporating regulatory focus theory into our analytical framework, we further hypothesize how this curve is shaped by managers’ regulatory focus, a key motivational trait at the firm management level. Using a sample of 304 completed CBMAs conducted by Chinese listed firms, our empirical results verify the U-shaped relationship between cultural friction and the CBMA integration performance, and suggest that this relationship is flattened by acquiring managers’ prevention focus.  相似文献   
Why did some empires endure for centuries whereas others quickly fade? To approach this question, I focus on geography, namely the extent to which an empire abutted a sea. Seas could have allowed for greater opportunities for integration as well as trade with external polities. I consider historical empires from antiquity until 1922 and examine whether those empires with larger coastlines relative to their areas endured longer. Using various estimation methodologies and instrumenting for the length of the coastline, I find support that empires that were more connected to seas lasted longer. Further analysis suggests that the potential for seaways to lead to greater integration provides a stronger explanation than the potential for seas to provide a defensive barrier.  相似文献   
This study performs an empirical assessment of the highly influential supply chain governance typology put forth in Gereffi et al. (2005). In spite of the influence this Global Value Chain (or GVC) Typology has had, there have been few (if any) attempts to empirically assess its alignment with real-world supply chain structures and to establish a baseline for its predictive utility. The GVC Typology is assessed for face and nomological validity through testing of its key dimensions in relation to purchasing-logistics integration and supplier performance measures, using an information-processing theory framework. The GVC Typology appears to have considerable face validity as actual supply chain governance structures aligned well with those it proposes. It also has reasonable predictive power with regards to governance dimensions and integration, and in some connections between governance types, integration, and supplier performance. This study provides researchers with the tools to move this typology beyond the “conceptual” stage in their work, allowing for holistic and higher-level assessments of supply chain governance structures and changes. It may also help researchers and managers to consider when and to what extent purchasing-logistics integration should be fostered.  相似文献   
运用空间数据分析方法,检验产军协同、政府科技支持与技术创新效率在我国省域间的分布格局。研究表明,三者均存在显著的正向空间相关性,即正向空间溢出效应,并且在不同地区形成局部空间集聚,存在高低非均衡的“俱乐部”现象。基于空间误差模型和空间滞后模型,实证检验产军协同、政府科技支持对技术创新效率的影响。结果发现,从全国和分地区看,产军协同、政府科技支持均能够显著促进技术创新效率提升,并且二者存在显著的交互作用,能够发挥彼此间的互补效应,进一步促进技术创新效率提升;不同地区产军协同、政府科技支持对技术创新效率的影响程度存在较大差异,西部地区产军协同、政府科技支持对技术创新效率的促进作用比东部和中部地区显著。  相似文献   
高速铁路建造技术国家工程实验室产学研一体化模式研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了我国高速铁路建设急需科技创新的时代背景,介绍了高速铁路建造技术国家工程实验室的产学研一体化运作模式以及取得的初步建设成效。  相似文献   
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