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The development of the Yangtze River container port system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper sheds an empirical light on port development patterns by discussing the structure and the development of the Yangtze River ports system. We argue that the Yangtze River system is going through a regionalization phase, mainly in relation to the port of Shanghai. This process started on the lower Yangtze but is now also moving upstream. The transition towards the port regionalization phase is typically a gradual and market-driven process that mirrors the increased focus of market players on logistics integration. This paper builds on the existing literature on port systems and adapts port development models to river ports. Furthermore, we employ some statistical techniques that are common to the analysis of port systems, and introduce some techniques that have not been used much by transport geographers in ports. This paper will address the dynamics in the Yangtze River ports system by analyzing the level of cargo concentration and the degree of inequality in operations of the container ports. The paper also assesses observed differences in development of ports in different areas along the river (upstream/downstream) and reflects on the role of ownership structures in shaping regional load centre networks.  相似文献   
研究目的:提出区域土地统筹利用分区的概念和划分方法,以江苏省为案例进行分析,为区域土地利用、城乡建设等相关规划的编制提供科学依据。研究方法:结合主成分分析法和空间聚类法进行综合分区;采用演绎法划分实施区域发展战略的土地利用保障区;以空间迭置法构建江苏省土地统筹利用分区。研究结果:将江苏省划分为4个土地统筹利用大区、7个亚区。研究结论:统筹区域土地利用应将土地利用的现实和未来相结合,以土地统筹利用分区作为研究的空间依据,该分区是土地利用区划和土地利用功能分类的结合,属于区划性质,兼有土地利用功能分类的特点。  相似文献   
主体功能区划,旨在通过资源环境承载能力、发展潜力、可开发程度的评价将国土空间进行战略性、基础性规划,以期能在全国范围内规范空间开发秩序,形成合理的开发结构,从而实现人口、资源、环境以及城乡、区域协调发展。文章分析阐述了主体功能区划规划蕴涵的"反规划"思想和内容。  相似文献   
中韩两国1992年建交后双边贸易高速发展,韩国对中国区域化程度不断加深且贸易依存度持续增加。但是,中韩物流发展程度滞后于中韩贸易的发展,已经成为制约中韩贸易快速发展的重要阻碍。在全球化和区域经济合作日益强化的背景下,为了进一步促进中韩贸易在质量和效率方面的提高,探讨加强中韩两国区域物流合作途径和策略越来越必要。  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the understanding of how spatial entities in general — and those spatial entities that are defined as ‘regions’ in particular — form, evolve and sometimes stabilize. Inspired by the scholarship of Noortje Marres, the article explores how regions‐in‐becoming may be gainfully conceptualized as publics‐in‐stabilization. In the article it is argued that some of the mechanisms involved in such processes pertain to how territorially framed issues sometimes become formulated as loosely articulated propositions for regionalization. These can, with time, generate emergent stakeholder communities, which in turn may become stabilized and delegated to more durable forms and materials which can eventually become naturalized as recognized regions. A suggested conceptual model is utilized to perform an analysis of empirical material from three contemporary processes of regionalization in Northern Europe with the purpose of examining and discussing some of the potential merits and shortcomings of the conceptual model. It is concluded that adopting the proposed perspective can enable scholars to highlight some of the mechanisms whereby vague and non‐coherent propositions for regionalization within time may be singularized and stabilized to such a degree that they become taken for granted as naturalized spatialities.  相似文献   
货币竞争、货币替代与人民币区域化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币竞争的基础是经济主体的理性选择,其结果就是货币替代.人民币区域化实质上是人民币积极参与区域货币竞争,并试图替代区域内其他货币的过程.尽管在货币竞争中胜出的收益大于成本,但享受利益与承担成本的主体不同,常常使一国政府在面临本币国际化时犹豫不决.鉴于目前人民币在区域货币竞争中的地位,为取得人民币区域货币竞争的最后胜利,应在维持人民币势力范围的同时积极寻求区域货币联盟,同时加快经济与金融体制改革.  相似文献   
日本的产业集群政策及其对我国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2001年日本中小企业政策、产业区位政策和区域产业政策演变与发展为新的产业集群政策。该政策主要体现为两个政府行动计划:经济产业省的“产业集群计划”;文部科学省的“知识集群计划”。“产业集群计划”启动了19项集群计划项目;“知识集群计划”启动了10个项目。为了推动这些项目的执行,日本经济产业省(METI)改变了内部组织结构和工作方式,并对集群形成活动给予了极大的财政资助。5年过去了,日本的产业集群政策取得了初步成效。该集群政策及其贯彻方式,给我们以若干启示。  相似文献   
浙江省农业功能分区与区域农业发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据浙江省农业发展实际和产业布局格局及发展趋势,根据分区依据和原则将全省农业发展划分5个功能区,提出了各区域农业发展总体定位、重点优势产业与主要发展模式。最后,有针对性地提出了加快浙江省区域农业发展的若干建议。  相似文献   
中国耕作制度发展及区划方案调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]我国农业全面进入转型发展阶段,适应气候变化和技术进步双重影响及资源环境保护要求,是新阶段耕作制度改革发展的迫切需求。[方法]文章基于1985—2015年以县域为单元的作物生产与资源要素空间数据库,分析资源与作物生产匹配特征及其变化动态,并运用遥感、GIS、模型模拟等方法,进行了耕作制度区划方案更新。[结果]受气候变化及品种更新、栽培耕作技术进步等影响,我国熟制界限指标、作物种植结构都发生了显著变化。新的耕作制度区划将全国分为3个熟制带、11个一级区和41个二级区。[结论]基于气候变化与技术进步双重影响构建的耕作制度区划指标与区划方案,能够更好地突出我国耕作制度区域特征和服务区域农业结构调整及布局优化。未来我国耕作制度发展将围绕资源节约、生态友好、集约高效、产业协调目标,适应机械化、规模化、精准化发展趋势,在保障国家粮食安全基础上积极开发多功能的新型耕作制度模式与技术。  相似文献   
农业区划,它为指导人们因地制宜的发展农业生产提供科学的依据。该文引入虚拟水概念,将虚拟水含量作为农业区划的重要指标之一,并以我国黄淮海地区为例,运用聚类分析对其进行农业分区,得到了最终的农业资源区划结果:划分为4个区域,分别是京、津山麓平原农牧区,河北平原农业区,鲁、豫平原丘陵农区,以及皖、苏平原农区。这种方法可以为其他地区开展区划工作提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
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