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人民币实际汇率波动对中欧进出口贸易影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过建立GARCH模型量度了人民币对欧元实际汇率的波动性,并运用协整检验模型、误差修正模型、脉冲响应函数和方差分解技术就人民币实际汇率变动对中国与欧元区之间进出口贸易的影响进行分析。分析结果表明,中国对欧元区出口在长期内随汇率波动而增加,而进口却随汇率波动而减少;在短期内汇率波动推动中国进口,抑制中国出口。人民币升值在长期内给双边出口均造成伤害,但对中国出口伤害更大;在短期内人民币贬值将对中国进出口均有推动作用。本文分析还表明,在长期内,中国对欧元区出口收入效应远远大于欧元区对华出口收入效应;在短期内,中国实际收入变动对欧元区出口表现负向冲击,而欧元区实际收入变动对中国出口表现为正向冲击。中国汇率制度改革对中国出口欧元区产生推动作用,对欧元区出口产生抑制作用,且前者大于后者。实际汇率水平及其波动性变化对欧元区对华出口变动的解释力高于中国实际收入水平变化的解释力,而对于中国对欧元区出口的变动,欧元区实际收入水平变动的解释力高于实际汇率水平及其波动性变化的解释力。  相似文献   
文章考察了证券分析师现金流预测行为对盈余预测质量的影响。研究发现,相对于没有现金流预测的公司,有预测的公司其盈余预测质量更高;现金流预测的次数越多,盈余预测质量越高;以上关系在盈余波动大、经营活动现金流波动大的公司更加明显。这说明我国分析师提供现金流预测信息的确有用,能够帮助分析师改善其盈余预测质量。文章的发现具有重要的实践价值,能够帮助投资者了解分析师现金流预测对盈余预测的影响,从而更有效地利用证券分析师报告进行决策。  相似文献   
This article introduces the winning method at the M5 Accuracy competition. The presented method takes a simple manner of averaging the results of multiple base forecasting models that have been constructed via partial pooling of multi-level data. All base forecasting models of adopting direct or recursive multi-step forecasting methods are trained by the machine learning technique, LightGBM, from three different levels of data pools. At the competition, the simple averaging of the multiple direct and recursive forecasting models, called DRFAM, obtained the complementary effects between direct and recursive multi-step forecasting of the multi-level product sales to improve the accuracy and the robustness.  相似文献   
本文探讨了共享型领导对员工建言行为的影响,以及员工权力感的中介效应和差错风险承担、角色自我效能感的调节作用,丰富了员工建言行为、共享型领导的相关理论并给出了相应的实践建议。以上海多家企业中的员工以及其直属上级领导作为研究对象,通过194对领导-下属有效调查问卷分析得出了以下结论:①共享型领导对员工的促进性建言与抑制性建言都有显著的正向预测作用;②员工权力感在共享型领导与员工建言行为之间存在中介作用;③差错风险承担在员工权力感与促进性建言之间存在调节作用,角色自我效能感在员工权力感与抑制性建言之间存在调节作用。本文在此研究结果的基础上进行讨论并给出相关管理建议。  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to study (understand and forecast) spot metal price levels and changes at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies. Data consists of metal-commodity prices at a monthly and quarterly frequencies from 1957 to 2012, extracted from the IFS, and annual data, provided from 1900 to 2010 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). We also employ the (relatively large) list of co-variates used in Welch and Goyal (2008) and in Hong and Yogo (2009).We investigate short- and long-run comovement by applying the techniques and the tests proposed in the common-feature literature. One of the main contributions of this paper is to understand the short-run dynamics of metal prices. We show theoretically that there must be a positive correlation between metal-price variation and industrial-production variation if metal supply is held fixed in the short run when demand is optimally chosen taking into account optimal production for the industrial sector. This is simply a consequence of the derived-demand model for cost-minimizing firms. Our empirical evidence fully supports this theoretical result, with overwhelming evidence that cycles in metal prices are synchronized with those in industrial production. This evidence is stronger regarding the global economy but holds as well for the U.S. economy to a lesser degree.Regarding out-of-sample forecasts, our main contribution is to show the benefits of forecast-combination techniques, which outperform individual-model forecasts – including the random-walk model. We use a variety of models (linear and non-linear, single equation and multivariate) and a variety of co-variates and functional forms to forecast the returns and prices of metal commodities. Using a large number of models (N large) and a large number of time periods (T large), we apply the techniques put forth by the common-feature literature on forecast combinations. Empirically, we show that models incorporating (short-run) common-cycle restrictions perform better than unrestricted models, with an important role for industrial production as a predictor for metal-price variation.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a network-based analytical framework that exploits cointegration and the error correction model to systematically investigate the directions and intensities in terms of the short-run disequilibrium adjustment towards long-run equilibrium affecting the international stock markets during the period of 5 January 2007 to 30 June 2017. Under this setting, we investigate whether and how the cross-border directional interconnectedness within the world’s 23 developed and 23 emerging stock markets altered during the entire period of 2007–2017, and two specific periods of 2007–2009 Global Financial Crisis and 2010–2012 European Sovereign Debt Crisis. The main results indicate that the magnitude of the short-run disequilibrium adjustment towards long-run equilibrium for individual stock markets is not homogeneous over different time scales. We report that the changes in directional interconnectedness within stock markets worldwide did occur under the impact of the recent financial crises. The derived networks of stock markets interconnectedness allow us to visually characterize how specific stock markets from different regions form interconnected groups when exhibiting similar behaviours, which none the less provides significant information for strategic portfolio and risk management.  相似文献   
把基础设施投资和教育支出放入到理论模型中进行分析,得出基础设施投资和教育支出影响经济增长的理论假定,来判断我国基础设施投资是否存在对人力资本积累的“挤出效应”,以及这个“挤出效应”是否阻碍经济持续有效增长;利用1980~2010年的数据通过误差修正模型进行验证,实证结果显示:基础设施投资已经对人力资本积累产生了“挤出效应”;人力资本投资显示出比基础设施投资更强的对经济增长的推动力;基础设施投资对经济的影响存在明显的地区差异性.  相似文献   
Progress ratios (PRs) derived from historical data in experience curves are used for forecasting development of many technologies as a means to model endogenous technical change in for instance climate–economy models. These forecasts are highly sensitive to uncertainties in the progress ratio. As a progress ratio is determined from fitting data, a coefficient of determination R2 is frequently used to show the quality of the fit and accuracy of PR. Although this is instructive, we recommend using the error σPR in PR, which can be directly determined from fitting the data. In this paper we illustrate this approach for three renewable energy technologies, i.e., wind energy, bio-ethanol, and photovoltaics.  相似文献   
农村社会保障支出对农村居民消费的影响的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从社会保障对居民消费影响机制的微观基础出发,运用协整分析并建立向量误差修正模型对我国农村社会保障支出的消费效应进行了实证研究.结果表明,我国农村社会保障支出没有对农村居民消费支出产生促进作用.因此,应加快农村社会保障制度的改革,促进农村居民消费,拉动内需.  相似文献   
河南作为农业大省大力发展农村物流对其率先实现中部崛起有着很重要的现实意义,预测河南农村物流需求对于制定发展战略显得尤为重要。文中以河南农村消费品零售总额为河南农村物流需求预测指标,综合一元线性回归、时间序列双指数平滑法、移动平均法,建立组合预测模型,追求预测误差平方和最小,预测出河南农村物流需求呈良性发展趋势,并就进一步发展河南农村物流提出建议。  相似文献   
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